September 2018 6 We are the Teen Outreach Program® (TOP®). We are a division of the 4-H Youth Development Program, funded by the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) and The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension in Maricopa County. All staff is trained and certified to deliver evidence- based curriculum and programming. Our TOP® program focuses on creating safe environments for teens, ages 12-19, to discuss issues they are experiencing while building valuable life skills. Wyman’s Teen Outreach Program® (TOP®) also promotes the positive development of adolescents through Community Service Learning (CSL). Youth in our TOP® programs have participated in many CSL activities. The youth have made homemade deodorant and soap to be put in care packages for the homeless. They have also made toys and crocheted hangers to be donated to infants with limited resources. Featured in this article are teens working on a Community Service Lesson serving the elderly. The youth in TOP® created motivational canvas art to donate to a local retirement center. The youth were able to deliver their art and visit with the residents to brighten up their day. Also pictured are youth in TOP® participating in a service project they planned centered around animals at the shelter. Dogs adopted at a shelter that leave with a toy are more likely to have a successful transition to their new owner. Having a toy at the shelter that is able to go home with them has been also been shown to help with anxiety and the transition to a new home. Knowing this, the youth decided they wanted to help make toys to donate to the shelter. They spent hours making toys out of fleece, as well as dog treats. The youth were able to see the impact they made while visiting the animal shelter to play with the animals with the toys they made. While leaving the facility the youth were already talking about wanting to return. Through CSL activities in TOP® club, youth are able to give back to their community but more importantly they are able to grow and develop into better citizens. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi. HAPPY LABOR DAY! (602) 237-3809 | 5555 W. Elliot Road, Laveen, AZ 85339 Visit our website for a few of the reasons why pellets are a nutritious feed alternative to baled hay! • We only use all natural ingredients. No artificial fillers or additives • We use only the best, locally-grown sun cured alfalfa hay and bermuda. • We lab test our pellets for protein content, vitamin and mineral percentages and to ensure they meet our strict specifications and guaranteed analyses. Producing Premium Horse & Cattle Feed Since 1985 Closed on Labor Day For more information on how to get involved with 4-H, please contact the Maricopa County Cooperative Extension Office at 602-827-8275, or visit the website at Teen Outreach Program