March 2019 50 Glendale Equestrian Club RIDE REPORT By Robert Piekow,… Publicist Agorgeous red sunrise brought promise of a great day for a trail ride at the expansive Estrella Mountain Park. A perfect weather day in February, Nine riders and their horses assembled at the trail head for a fine day of riding, even though we are not in law enforcement, we fueled up on donuts before the ride. Riders started out on the Rainbow Valley trail and wound around the mountain, enjoying the great views that are available to those that venture onto the mountain early in the morning. This particular Saturday it seemed that no one else was at the park. Riders only encountered two bicycle riders in the four-plus hours of riding. Riding some of the trails at the park send you back in time, and it’s easy to imagine what it was like a century ago, other than the fact that you are on a well-maintained trail. Much of the scenery is pristine and unchanged from the Wild West times. The saguaros are undoubtedly bigger though, hats off to Maricopa County Parks for the incredible maintenance. After returning to the staging area the riders enjoyed a nice array of goodies provided by the club members. always a treat. Thanks to all that rode and thanks to our ride leader Lonnie for such a great job.