b"azrusticweddings.com Your own personal WeddingCHARITY OF THE MONTHCoordinator handles EVERYTHING from start to finish, and will be thereTriple R Horse Rescuethe day of the wedding as well!Only with this coupon! T riple R Horse Rescue is a 501(C)3 organizationrehabilitation takes longer, and all horses are given the dedicated to rescue, rehabilitate and re-home horsestime needed to adjust, rehabilitate, and be nursed back $800 OFF!!! in need. Their goal is to create a better communityto health.through horses. Their horse rescue facility at Spur Cross Ranch in Cave Creek accommodates 15 rescued horsesThe average rescue horse is at their facility from six on any given day. Their volunteers provide essentialto eighteen months. Some are less than others. They medical care, nutritional support and basic attention thatshare and promote all adoptable horses on their Any wedding or party through 2021. Terms andthey may have otherwise been denied. As a 100% non- web-page, Facebook page and other equestrian pages. conditions apply, please call or email for details. profit institute they endeavorto make the most of whatAnyone interested in adopting a horse must submit anrelated to the outbreak. If they bring in new equine into their generous donors are able to provide by pouringapplication for a potential adoption. The target horsetheir facility that dollar amount increases because the dedication and determination into assisting Phoenix- property is assessed prior to adoption approvals tofeed bill is now higher, they also may incur additional valley equines in need. make sure all equine can be properly cared for, withvet bills and depending on the situation there may appropriate stalls, adequate food and water, and shadebe other unknown costs as well. They also have to Triple R strives to be a partner in the equineand turn out areas.Minimum 1-year horse ownercontinue to pay to maintain their facility in the Spur community by providing awareness and educationexperience is required. Appointments are required toCross Conservation area - this includes a monthly lease about options for helping horses in need. They offerview the adoptable horses. payment as well as necessary maintenance. All these opportunities for educational programs, schools,things are necessary in making sure they can provide groups and individuals to participate in spreadingTriple R Horse Rescue is in urgent need of fundsthe best facility, safety, and care for their equine this awareness, and by having groups and individualsto ensure their rescue stays open during the recentpopulation. Outside of any monetary donation - they become involved in Triple R's daily activities. TheirCOVID-19 pandemic. Typically, they would beare also accepting physical donations. goal is to be an educational resource for any groupparticipating in various public events around the state, that can benefit from a relationship with their horses.educating and spreading awareness about equine issues Where theVeterinarian-technician students from Anthembut also fundraising to support the herd. However,Please visit the website forCollege, Boy Scouts earning their Eagle badges, andbecause of the current situation with social distancing,additional information:Pavement Ends andmany other community/service-minded groups havequarantines, and lockdowns, all the public fundraising the West begins! benefited from their time spent at Triple R. events, for at least the next few months, have beenTripleRHorseRescue.comcancelled. This is a huge hit to the rescue as Triple R SHOPS OPEN They welcome volunteers of all ages and offer volunteerrelies on volunteers, supporters, and donations year- charity.gofundme.com/donate/DAILY! orientations one time a month. Visit their website,round. They are 100% volunteer run and all proceeds/ project/help-to-keep-horse-fill out the volunteering form and their coordinatordonations that come into the rescue go back, 100%, will be in touch with details and dates. Visitors are byinto taking care of the animals. On average, onerescue-open-during-covid-19/appointment only.horse costs around $200-$325 a month and that onlytriplerhorserescueincludes basic feed and supplements, hoof care, and Horses come in from surrenders, abandonment, thegeneral medical costs. This does not include additionalTax deductible donations can sheriffs office, divorce, loss of job and/or funds cases.costs when a horse is on high dollar medication, dental They also get horses surrendered to them due to theirwork is needed, etc. Additionally, they are getting analso be made online using PayPal old age and/or the inability of owners to continue toincreased amount of surrender inquiries from thoseor can be mailed to PO Box 4925, Derek James Photography care for their horses. Once a horse arrives at the rescue,who are experiencing difficultly caring/providing forCave Creek, AZ85327.they are on a minimum two week hold for evaluation,their animals due to recent job loss, reduction in pay, veterinary services and, farrier services. Somesickness, and other issues both COVID-19 and non-For more information: 480-488-9129frontiertownaz.com ArizonaRealCountry.com May 2020 31"