b'November 2023 from the Publisher5Ask the Vet: Equine Emergencies I DONT CARE9Lee Anderson: Did You Know, The words I dont care can denote two different meanings. Some people say I dont In the Old West. care just to end a conversation they are having that is unimportant to them or its a subject 11John Samsill: From the Back of the Box they have no interest in talking about. So when 18 12Cowboy Wisdom: The Tractor Withthey say I dont care, usually the conversation is over. Job accomplished! Then there is the visual action that No Lights someone does without even saying the words I dont care which enables you to see that they really just dont care. It is this second 14 Cowgirl With A Pen: 25 Years 9 I dont care that I think is producing the damaged world we 18Alan Rockman: Jews in the Old West, currently live in. Part 5 The other day one of my sons and I stopped in to a sandwich shop to get some food to go. 23Charity of the Month: Family Promise The cashier was very nice but you knew it was 24AZ Road Trip: Northern Holiday her first day. Thats easy for me to handle, we have all been there. Help her out and be as 24 Happenings friendly as possible so she doesnt get frazzled, and give her confidence. So we placed our order, paid for it, she asked for my 26Crossword / Sudoku / Cowboy Comic name to put on the order, and we moved to the end of the counter. As we are standing there waiting for our order, Im watching 28Arizona Real Country Equine Supply Source without really watching them start to make our sandwiches. Three people making two sandwiches and my son and I were the only 31 Running the Race: Bloom Where You Are Planted 36 customers in the store. The sandwich makers were having fun, 32Jim & Bobbi Jeen Olsons Collectors Corner: talking, joking, throwing the bread on the counter like it was their special talent, then talking some more, putting some meat on the Collectibles For Your Portfolio? sandwiches, stopping to joke around some more, putting some 34Bob Boze Bell: True West Moments lettuce on the sandwich, then taking some lettuce off, and all this time they were getting a laugh out of everything they did. Then 36 Frank & Dotties Real Country Recipes they stopped making the sandwich and one of them was telling the others about what they were going to do later that night. We were 38Bridgette Crosby: The November Garden still standing at the end of the counter trying not to get perturbed. 414-H: Enrollment Open for the 2023-24 4-H Year They finally finished the sandwiches, wrapped them, bagged them, and brought them down to the end of the counter. The guy stuck 42Rollie Stevens: Community Editorial them in the air for me to take as he was looking and talking to the 46Randy Miller: Your Constitutions 42 other sandwich makers laughing. Never once did he look at me or say anything to me.49A Cowboy Rests in Heaven: Conley Blaine Spencer I just gave you the long definition of52Bill Roberts: Jack Swillings Life & Tragic End in Arizona Territory, Part 2 I dont care without saying the words. If this was not happening every day we 5796.3 Real Country Upcoming Concerts would probably laugh it off, but how many stories like this can you relate to that happened just this 58Justin Legler: REACH OUT, Corn Fields at week? I wonder where the pride of accomplishment in doing a One Time, and Its Time to REPENT. job has gone. How many of us like to buy something that is well-made by a craftsman? Yes, even the craftsman of a well-built and 60 AHSRA Results: Holbrook delivered sandwich. This reminds me of a parable. It comes from Christopher Wren rebuilding St. Pauls Cathedral. He came to the 63 News from Copper State Peruvian site one day and saw three bricklayers. He asked them what they Horse Club were doing and all three gave very different responses. The first said, Im laying bricks. The second said, Im building a wall. The 67A View of the Zoo: Wildlife World Zoo third said, Im building a cathedral. All three were bricklayers.60 is Partnering With Mike Broomhead to All three had the same job. They all had different perspectives Thank First Responders 49 on the work they were doing. The point of the parable is to not lose sight of the larger project which includes also seeing what is right in front of us. Maybe ask yourself am I focused on just going 68DIY: New Thanksgiving Traditions through the motions without being present or am I making a difference 71Glendale Equestrian Ride Report to those around me? We are those 73Arena Directory bricklayers, what are you building?75Thanksgiving P.S. Last month I told the story of Chicken Little and how she thought the 76 Taking Care of Business: sky was falling. I went into breakfast Sunday and Renea had a book for me, Special Advertiser Section The Sky Is Not Falling. Good message 77Classified Ads in the book, I read it and am passing it along to my grandsons. Thank you!78 Advertiser Index81 80November 2023 Equine Event Calendar Mike Barna, Publisher 81 November Events Around the State 68 ArizonaRealCountryMagazine@gmail.com4 November 2023'