b'S OIILLEEDDDDOOVVEESS&&HHOOGGTTOOWWNNHHUUSSSSIIEESSCurly Bill andSO Lessons Not Learnedseveral locals areHomicide by Misadventuredrinking it up atD January 9, 1881the Alhambra SaloonDEEAATTHHOONNTTHHEELLIINNEEOctober 28,1880: Fresh off the trail fromsays, I am an officer of the law, give me your (also known asWWyyatatt tE Earaprp a rarrirvievedd i nin T Toommbbstsotnone ew witihth h hisi ss esecocnondd w wifiefe, ,M Matattiteie, , SanSimon,wheresomebelieveheandhispistol.AsCurlyBillreachestopullouthis CURLY BILLS TABLE MANNERSCorrigans)wwhhoo h hee l altaetre ra babananddononeded f ofor rt hthe el ivlieve-i-nin g girilrflrfireienndd o fo fJ oJohhnnny yB Behehanan. . pards treed the town and attempted to hijack apistol, Wyatt gets behind Curly Bill and wraps in Tombstone. MMatattitei er erteuturnrneded t oto h heer rf ofromrmere rp prorfoefesssisoinon a sa saas osiolielded d dovoeve a nandd e ennddeedd The worst trick I ever knew him to do was locomotive, Curly Bill Brocius bringshis arms around him to see if he is uupp i nin P Pininala,l ,A Arirzioznona,a ,w whheerere s hshee t otokok a nan o voeverdrdosoes eo of fl aluauddananuumm o onnto go into a restaurant once, while the people his mayhem to Tombstone.carrying anymore weapons.JuJulyl y3 3, ,1 8188,8 ,p pere rh here rg rgarvaev em marakrkere.r .B Befeofroer es hshe ed dieided s hshee c ocnonfefsessesded, , were at dinner. He was drunk and pulled out After a tall bucking at BrownsGrabbing the barrel of Curly Bills W his two revolvers and laid them beside his plate, Wyaytatt tE Earaprp r uruinineded m myy l ilfiefe!!corral, the boisterous cow-boys retirepistol,MarshalWhitebarks,Now, After multipleand ordered everyone at the table to wait until ThThisi sp phhoototo w wasa st atkaeknen b byy t hthee le leggeennddarayry p phhoototoggrarpaphheer rC Camamilillulus sS S. .F lFyly d duurirningg t hthe et itmime eM Matattitei eE aEraprp l ilvievedd heto Allen Street and land in Corrigansandyou God damned son of a bitch, give drinks, the rowdywas through, as it was ungentlemanly inin T oTommbbstsotnone e( 1(8187979181882)2 )a nandd b beaerasr saas tsrtoronngg r erseesmembblalnancec et ot oh here,r ,a latlhthouogughh t hthereer ei si sn no oc ocnonfifirmrmataitoionnsaloon. The cow-boys are joined by a impolitetorisebeforeallhadfinishedtheirupthatpistol!Ashetriestojerk crew spills out ontoththata t hthisi si si sM Matattiteie. .meal. Of course, everybody in the restaurant satthe pistol out of the cow-boys hand, local,AndrewMcCauley,cow-boy Allen Street andand waited until Bill got done eating, but he was Dick Lloyd (the tall bucker), rancherit goes off. several pull theirso full he laid down his head upon his arms and Frank Patterson, Ed Collins, AndrewI am shot! says White, as he falls. pistols and shootfell asleep, and the folks were so afraid of him that they supposed he Ames and a Charleston miner namedThe muzzle blast sets his pants afire, at the moon. DDIIDDBBIIGGNNOOSSEEKKAATTEEHHAAVVEEAABBIIGGNNOOSSEE??was just shamming sleep as to get a chance to shoot the first one who James Johnson. After several drinks, the partyand someone snuffs the flames.rose from the table. They all waited until he awoke, when he paid the OOnne eo fo ft hthe ee nendduurirning gm mysytsetreireise so fo fO Oldld W Wesets th hisitsotroyr yi si sw whhereer ed didid D Dooc c spills out onto Allen Street, with one or moreWyattbrandishesaborrowedpistoland bill for the crowd and left.HHoollilldidayays sg igrilrflrfireinendd, ,K Kataet eE Eldldere r( r(eraela ln namame eM Marayr yK Katahthereirnine eH Haraoronneye)y ) of the men pulling their pistols and firing sev- clubs Curly Bill on the head, knocking him to Fresh out of jail in Tucson, Curly Bill Tom Thorton, hotel keeper in Galeyvillegegte th here rn nicikcknnamame?e ?S Somome es asya ys hshe eg ogto ti ti tb beceacuauses e Brocius leads a group of cow-boys backeral shots at the moon and stars. theground.WhathaveIdone?CurlyBill shshe ec ocouuldldnnt tk ekepep h here rn nooses eo uout to of fo oththere rp peoepopleles s Wyatt Earp andCurlyBilltriestostoptheshooting,say- demands.Ihavenotdoneanythingtobe to the San Pedro River, where they takebbuusisninesess s( s(hshe ew wasa sn nosoesye)y.) .T Thhe ee aeralrielisets tm menentitoinon his brother Morganingaccordingtoaneyewitnessthiswontarrested for.itupstreamandstopatachurchfourCurly Bill (far left ) was arrested the next day for his church ofo ft hthe en nicikcnknamame ei si sf ofuounndd i nin W Wyaytatt tE Earaprps sa ratritcilcel e miles from Charleston. shenanigans and charged $25 for disturbing the peace. Curly hear the illegaldo, boys, but the men continue their promis- Wyattgrabsthecow-boybythecollarand inin t hthe eS Sanan F Frarnancicsicsoc oE Exxamamininere,r ,A Auugugusts t2 2, ,1 819869,6 , Bill,WWyyaatttt E Eaarrpp paid, Deputy Sheriff William Breakenridge reported, but saidjail, shooting and runandgoinginside,Curlycuous fuselage. As locals gather on the streetmarcheshimovertothesmallwooden DismountingHHowow W Wyaytatt tE Earaprp R Rououtetded aaG Ganang go fo fA Arirzioznona a no more church for him, it was too expensive.to the scene. his gang, demands theto see what all the shooting is about, three inmere feet away from the fracas. Wyatt and his followed byOOuutltalwaws.s. I nIn t hthe ea ratritcilcel ei tits sp plalianin t hthata tW Wyaytatt th hadad R stophistalkorCurlyBillthecow-boycrowd,includingCurlyBill,runbrothers Virgil and Morgan round up the rest Ruuiinneedd M Myy L Liiffee MMarayry K K. .C Cuummmmininggs,s ,nnoo u uses ef ofro rK Kataet ea nandd t hthe ef efeleilning gw wasa sm muututuala. l.B Buut tAndrew parsonto will shoot an eye out. agagee 8 800, ,i nin 1 9193300behind a building on the south side of the road. ofthepartyandarrestEdCollins, hhereeres st hthe er urubb: :n no oc oconntetmempporoarrayr yd doocucummenent to or r Curly Bill proceeds to taunt and humiliate theCurly Bill and pards shoot up Fifth Town Marshal Fred White suddenly appearsAmes, Dick Lloyd, Frank Patterson and James nnewewspspapapere ri tietmem h hasa sb beenen f ofuounndd t hthata td desecsrcirbibeded h here ra sa sB Bigi gN Nooses eK Kataet.e . MMaatttiteie E Eaarprp and Allen in Tombstone more than once.pastor, making him dance like a fool in front offrom around the corner. Several men run up,Johnson.MManany yh hisitsotroirainans sh havaev em madade et hthe ec acsaes et hthata ti nin t hthe ep phhoototogrgarpaphhs so fo fh here r his horrified congregation. includingWyattEarp,justasthemarshal inin o lodld a gaeg,e ,s hshe ed dooesensnt ta pappeaera rt oto h havaev eaab bigi gp prorobbooscsicsi sB Buut ti fi fy oyouu l olookk Nine days later, the terror from San Simon In an arroyo (behindclcolosesleyl,y ,t hthata ti si sn noot taab buutttotonn n nosoes.e .A At tt hthisi sl altaet ed dataet,e ,t hthe ev evredrdicitc ti si ss tsitllil l and his pards invade Contention City, whereouthe current locationout,t ,b buut ti fi fp puushsh c ocommese st oto s hshovoev,e ,w we et hthininkk y oyouu c ocuouldld m makaek eaag ogodod c acsaes e the cow-boy devils begin to tree the south endKKAATTETEE E EDDLELELERR ththata ts hshe,e ,i ninddeeded, ,h hadad aab bigi gh hoonnkekre.r.of the Birdcage) of the town. Wyatt Earp (center, with pistol) Wyatt, Morganeveryonetheycanfind,the Afterabusingand his brother Virgil (at left, and Marshal White gang gravitates to the north end where they go attempt to disarmwith shotgun) establish a in a store, rob the till of $50 and commit other outrages like shooting at a peaceable citizen. TTHHEEWWIILLDDBBUUNNCCHHDDAARRLLIINNGG deadline around the jail and Curly Bill with Several brave citizens arm themselves andwarn everyone not to cross it. Etta Place, tragic results. EttaPlace, the the beautiful beautiful girlfriend girlfriend of of the the Sundance Sundance Kid, Kid, followed followed the the Kid Kid come out on the street to confront the out- TREEING A TOWN The Earps and others guard the andButch Cassidyand ButchCassidy to to South South America. America. She She appeared appeared in in the the famous famous Tea Tea Party Party laws, but Curly Bill and his men pay them noHunters consider it a victory when theirTo learn more about theExEcxecreprtpst sfr formom th teh efo frotrhtchocmominign gb obooko,k, photo jail all night against lynching. At photo taken taken at at Cholila, Cholila, Argentina, Argentina, but but she she disappeared disappeared sometime sometime before before HeHlelrllariasiesresr s&&T rTarialbillbalzaezresr:s T: hTeh eR eRaela Wl Womomene no fo Tf hTeh eW Wildil dW Wesets,t,attention. Eventually, gunfire erupts on bothdogs chase game and run it up a tree and23 gunfights behind the O.K. theboys met met their their doom doom in in Bolivia. Bolivia. Some Some accounts accounts state state that that she she was was aathe time of the White shooting, byb yJa Jnaan aB oBmommmeresrbsabcahc ha nadn dB oBbo bB oBzoez eB eBlelll the boyssides with neither side taking any casualties.surround it. Websters definition of treeingCorral pick up Bob Boze Bellsschoolteacher,schoolteacher, but but most most historians historians now now believe believe she she actually actually was was working working in inTombstone has a makeshift After a full day of bedevilment, the cow-boysis: To bring to bay. To putinto a position ThTeh eb obooko kw iwlli lpl rpermemieireer eo no nN oNvoevmembebre 4r t4ht ha ta th teh eP hPihpippepne nA rAtr t To learn more about the 23 Porters brothel brothel in in San San Antonio Antonio when when Harry Harry Longabaugh Longabaugh met met her her in inClassic Gunfights Vol. IIFannieFannie Porters wooden jail. Fred Dodge later MMusuesuemum in i nP rPersecsoctott. tY. oYuo uc acna np rperoerodredre ar tatTWTWMMaga.gc.ocmomfinally decide to decamp and head up into theofextremedisadvantage:corner.This aboutabout 1899. 1899. Even Even her her exotic exotic name, name, Etta, Etta, is is now now thought thought to to have have been been aatypo typodescribes it: This Lockup was gunfights behind the O.K. Corral hills toward Tombstone where they intend tobecomes a favorite pastime of the cow-boys onPinkerton rap rap sheet sheet and and perhaps perhaps aacorruption corruption of of Ethyl. Ethyl. Either Either way, way, she she pick up Bob Boze Bells on aaPinkerton about 10 by 12 and made of tree that worthy town as well. as they tree towns and settlements all over isis nowlegendary Old Old West West character. character. EETTATA P PLLALACCEEClassic Gunfights Vol. IInow aalegendary TrueWestMagazine.comTrTureuWeWesetsMtMagaagzaiznien.ec.ocmom the Tombstone Mining District. 2x4one on top of the other and Each one spiked down to the otherit was quite Strong and 38 October 2022 TrueWestMagazine.com Secure for the ordinary purpose.'