b"OCTOBER 2022 EventS13 THANNUALKINGMAN FLAGSTAFFROUTE 66 FESTOKTOBERFEST October 14 th 15 thOctober 1 st Friday:11:00 am8:00 pm 3:00 pm8:00 pmKick off the autumn season withSaturday: bratwurst, pretzels, live music, and10:00 am8:00 pmplenty of beer! Guests will enjoyThe festival celebrates all things many crowd favorites includingRoute 66. The event will feature polka music, a brat-eating contest, stein holding competition, and the frozenlive bands, a beer garden serving T-shirt contest. Lace up your dirndl, throw on your lederhosen and grab a steinregional craft beers, food and craft because Flagstaff is celebrating. Wheeler Park. FlagstaffOktoberfest.com vendors, a motorcycle show, a classic car show, vintage camper show, FALLFESTRoute 66 displays, fun activity zones, IN THEcompetitions, and children's activities. The 66 Fest is free for spectators and PARK ARTSfree public parking is in the adjacent & CRAFTlot at the corner of Andy Devine Ave (aka Route 66) and Fairgrounds Ave. FESTIVAL ExploreKingman.com/event-66-festOctober 1 st 2 nd9:00 am5:00 pm WILLCOXEnjoy fall with over 100 arts andWINE COUNTRY craft vendors under the cool American Elm trees at Prescott's Historic Yavapai County Courthouse Plaza. Prescott.org FALL FESTIVAL 202231ANNUALOctober 14 th 16 thSTSEDONA ARTSSaturday & Sunday:11:00 am5:00 pmFESTIVAL Featuring 16 of Arizonas best wineries along with over 30 non-winery vendors including fine arts, artisan foods, vintage vendors, non-stop entertainment, and October 8 th 9 th food trucks. Free to attend with wine tastings from $20. WillcoxWineCountry.orgSaturday: 9:00 am5:00 pm THE 7 THANNUAL Sunday:INTL WILD BUNCH 10:00 am4:00 pm FILM FESTIVALThe festival will showcase a diverse lineup of 100 juried artists from across the country, live music, and a variety of food truck choices along with beer and wineOctober 20 th 23 rdselections. Admission is $15 at the gate, and $12 online when purchased in10:00 am10:00 pmadvance. Admission covers both days of the event; children 12 and under are freeA family fun four-day weekend at the Galaxy when accompanied by a paying adult. Sedona Red Rock High School, 995 UpperTheaters in east Tucson. Experience a film Red Rock Loop Road in West Sedona. SedonaArtsFestival.org festival competition solely for Western genres and subgenres! It'll be filled with great indie 11TH ANNUALfilms and fun that will be legendary! They hope to attract high-profile and novice filmmakers so attendees of the festival will enjoy an array of artistic experiences COPPER TOWNof Western films and individuals driven by the true and raw spirit of independent DAYSCAR &movie-making. TheWildBunchFilmFestival.comMOTORCYCLEHALLOWEEN SHOW th IN THE WILDOctober 8 October 22 nd10:00 am3:00 pmThe show includes a festival of7:00 pm9:30 pmfood, craft vendors, music and aCreepy crafts, ghoulish games and tricky treats at 50/50 raffle. New this year is one motorcycle category. Awards are presented the International Wildlife Museum. There will also at 2 pm. There are 12 entry classes with 11 classes of cars & trucks having awardsbe a haunted house for those who dare! Wear your going to the top two in each class. Event details, car show entry form, and costumes for extra fun and dont forget to bring vendor info are available on the website. 711 McNab Pkwy. San Manuel.a trick-or-treat bag to collect your goodies! This SanManuelAZ.org/ctd not-too-scary Halloween event is great for all ages. Tickets may be purchased online or at the door. 4800 West Gates Pass Boulevard, Tucson. TheWildlifeMuseum.orgArizonaRealCountry.com October 2022 63"