b'By Bob Roloff,The Arizona DuuudeS pecially trained service dogs have helped manyhow we can train that dog to respond to their triggers. suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic StressAfter the dog learns it, they become so good at it that Disorder) regain their quality of life. Just how athey can pick up on it before the emotion sets full in dog can be trained for this and many other jobs is athe persons mind. So it wont even happen because the mystery to many. Have we been underestimating thedog will deter it and get them distracted so they wont capabilities of a dogs brain or nose? A dogs sense ofpay attention to it. We get to know a number of things, smell can detect a certain odor among many otherslike how the dog is going to respond. Is it going to and key on it. A trained dogs mind can sort all of itpaw at him, is it going to bark, or jump on him? Then out, memorize it and bring it back when asked to. Thiswe are going to advance the training of the dog when has always amazed me and I found just the man thatresponding to the veteran. We can repeat this over and could explain it to me. Monty Hutson, president at Forover again so the dog picks up better on that response. Veterans Sake Foundation in Williams, Arizona hasThe key is that our bodies release a chemical with our been a professional service dog trainer for years. every emotion. With every emotion, there is a chemical change. All these things work in unison together inside PTSD can be picked up from anywhere, not just in theour heads and bodies, they all work together to create military. Its any traumatic situation that your body andan outcome. This is what a dogs extraordinary sense ofWe cant train every your mind has to respond to. It does not know howsmell picks up on.veteran and their to deal with the adverse effect to the stimuli. Its likedogs, or all the first shooting a blank or looking at a sheet of paper, and halfI dont consider myself a counselor. Im aresponders but the of it is blacked out. Those blanks have to be filled.hypnotherapist and work more toward the lifeway we train them coaching method rather than a program. We justis to be trainers, so As I sat in Montys office, located in the Americanthrow options up in the air to find out what they canthey can go and help Legion Post 42 building, with a beautiful patrioticdo. Sometimes we have to push them. Sometimes wethe next veteran, mural on the front on the main street in Williams,have to kick them over that line to make it happen.or the next person. Monty related to me the process a man/woman and aIts more custom training, custom coaching for themThat way our fingers service dog would go through.individually. We can work as a team because theexpand through whole group is a team. We can also isolate them andthe community, When we bring one of our veterans in here, they aredo things one at a time. We get that personal touch tothrough growth not in a safe environment. They dont have to worry aboutthem, plus we get that group stimulus to respond to.just our program. anything. They have their dog with them. What we willWe follow a vein thats flowing good. If we can makeThis is where our do is put them under a light trance, and set off theira difference right now why wait until next week? Letstour bus comes triggers. As we set off their triggers in a controlledfind out something new, and keep moving forward.in. We can load environment, their dog will respond. It could be cryingTeach them how to work in society and be effective. Itsup the crew and or laughter, even anger. It could be any number ofjust a whole different method in the way that its done.go anywhere in things. What we are looking for are the responses, andEverybody puts their own personality into it, and thatsArizona or neighboring states, wherever we need to what makes it so great. These men and women get togo to work with veterans. We will call some VFWs For more informationthrive. Now theyre not seen as defective because theyand Legions and explain what we do. We ask if they have a service dog, but as a canine team. Thats wherecan get some veterans together for us so we can make about For Veterans Sakewe are going next. In our next phase, we are not justourselves available to them. We can show up and do a Foundation go to their websitegoing to train them in PTSD and how to survive andlong weekend.have coping skills. We want them to get together in at ForVeteransSake.org,their communities and offer their services. So theyMonty is a great guy and heads up an amazing veterans call 855-483-8725 or emailare going to continue. They will work in search andorganization. He is a veteran who served in the U.S. rescue with us and therapy dogs. That way they can goArmy for six years with the 101st Airborne Division and forveteranssake@gmail.com. see kids in hospitals, and folks in senior centers. This8th Infantry in Germany. For Veterans Sake is a 501(c)3 means so much to people that have had everythingnon-profit and they are grateful for donations from the pulled away.public to keep their mission moving forward. 10 September 2022'