b"From the Back OF THE BOXBy John SamsillYou can contact me directly at johnsamsillteamroping@gmail.com if you have any questionsor would like to schedule a clinic or a lesson.I ts September andThere is no doubt that Arizona, andthe ropings around Wickenburg will be startingespecially Wickenburg, is the place to be if youup in a month and going full swing in November. There is no doubt that Arizona,want to jackpot team rope. and especially Wickenburg, is the place to be if you want to jackpot team rope. There are so many places to rope every day of the week that it can be hard toIf I am riding a young horse I probably will choose choose which ones to go to. I think that the producerswhich roping to go to for low entry fees as it's a in the Wickenburg and surrounding areas produceseasoning trip for my horse and not necessarily a some great ropings and have good cattle. So how domoney-making endeavor. Of course, a big part of that you choose which ones to go to? I can tell you thatdecision, if I am riding a young horse, is the speed of this is a problem that is pretty unique to Wickenburgthe cattle and the score. I still have to keep my young in the winter. No matter your handicap number therehorses confident and not ask for too much from is a place for you to rope every day of the week. them in a pressure situation. If I know that a certain producer has a longer box than some others I may not For me, the first factor I use to determine wheretake a young horse, but if I am going to be riding a to rope is how the ropings are run. Are they fair toseasoned horse then the box length isnt going to play everyone? Will they give a rerun if one is warranted?much of a role. If the cattle are especially fast again I Do they have the score set according to the cattle?probably will not be going there with a young horse Do they have the score set properly for the numberedbut the seasoned horse can take it, so its not nearly as ropings youll be entering? Do they run the ropingsbig of a factor. do not like to sit around though, so this plays a big in an efficient manner or does it take too long? Ispart in how I choose a roping. I know I am not alone the arena in good shape and watered to keep theSome producers put on ropings that are a little morewith this point as it is the number two complaint I dust down? How do they pay out the ropings? Whatrelaxed than others. There is nothing wrong with thatusually hear about a roping. The first is the cattle.percentage does the producer take out for stockand I do like a relaxed atmosphere. What I do not charge? How many places do they usually pay? Theseenjoy is a roping that is not run efficiently and takesOne of the factors I use to determine which roping are some of the things I look for when decidingtoo long to run. I have gone generally to rodeos mostto go to is the payout and the stock charge. If it is on where to go rope. You probably have your ownof my life and except for a time in my early twenties,a high dollar entry fee roping I believe the stock criteria that you use to determine where to go andwould travel to a rodeo instead of a jackpot closer tocharge should be a lower percentage. If there are a it may be totally different from mine. Every personshome. I like the fact that I could rope my steer and getlot of prizes then it could be a little higher than if situation is different. Ill go over my reasoning andout of there and not have to wait around all day. Now,just a few prizes were given to help the producer train of thought. I hardly go to a rodeo and its jackpots for me. I stillpay for the prizes. As far as the payout of a roping, I think that winning last place in the average should pay enough to cover my entry fees. I know of some producers who, I feel, pay too many places and the ropings do not pay as well as they should. If I do not win anything then it doesnt matter because I just didnt rope well enough. If you are just barely winning anything at a roping, even when you do win, and you only won enough to pay for that roping, that doesnt help you get to the next one. I do know people that just like to win a little and are happy with the smaller payouts and more places being paid. As I stated at the beginning of this article it is all personal preference. The main thing is to get out there and rope! Until next time Ill see you at the back of the box. I would like to thank my sponsors: Usher Brand Silver and Saddlery, Omega Fields Supplements, SaddleRight Saddle Pads, Hassayampa Veterinary Services andFast Back Ropes.ArizonaRealCountry.com September 2022 13"