b'By Bob Roloff,The Arizona DuuudeL ast year, right around this time, I had the extremelike a real Rootn Tootn Buckaroo sure as shootn. pleasure of watching the most unique ChristmasNow, regarding the horses, Im not sure if having show I have ever seen, and trust me I have seenthem constantly licking and biting me was a sign of hundreds! So I was excited to find out that the showaffection or if they just thought I was a big chunk The Grinch Way Out West Christmas Adventure,of alfalfa. But, I can tell you that I am looking forward was heading back to the 96.3 Real Country Corralto bringing this years Way Out West Christmas at Wickenburgs Flying E Ranch on December 18th,Adventure show back to the Flying E Ranch and 2021. I remembered trading cell phone numbersthe 96.3 Real Country Corral Stage!And, you have with the Big Green Guy last year, so I thought,the Grinchs promise that the show will be full ofDuuude, you should call him and see if hell do anshenanigans!!!Oh, FYI, I did have everyone tell me interview. Well, low and behold, it was my lucky day.that I was in Wickenburg, not Hootville but I will have I called and he picked up on the second ring, agreedyou know that according to my extensive research on to the interview, and said he could do it right thenthe web, I discovered that Hootville was the first name because his fur trimming appointment had beenof the town but was changed 31 seconds later to rescheduledso, here is that interview! Wickenburg now you know my confusion.Mr. Grinch, I see that you are heading backI know all our readers will want to see yourgreen guy! If I remember right, you and I had a Kodak out west I take it you must have had a goodshow.Can you give them a little teaser of whatmoment together last year!experience last year? might be in store for them?Well, Duuude, I must say that the folks out westDuuude, it would be my pleasure to give your readers aSo, Grinch, this sounds likein Arizona are some of the friendliest people alil behind the scenes nickel tour of our family-friendly,a pretty spectacular show is it expensive?greenhorn cowpoke (pun intended) like myself hasfun for all ages, and I might add, one-of-a-kindWell, the show is indeed chock full of comedy, zany ever encountered. Although, I will admit that moreChristmas show! Now, Im sure that everyone knowscharacters, music, dancing (in case you didnt know, than a few folks mistook me for a cactus.Everyone atabout my past, and that whole stealing ChristmasI can get jiggy with it), and even some exciting Wild the Flying E Ranch made this wanna-be Cowboy feelthing.Thats all behind me now, and I always thoughtWest antics but the folks at The Flying E Ranch are all Id like to experience a lifelongabout offering up affordable family fun entertainment. dream Ive had since I was justThat being said, believe it or not, tickets are only $10, a little clump of green fur theand FREE for 4 and under! Thats a real steal if I ever dream of being a Wild Westheard of oneand trust me, I know all about that Cowboy!The show, of course,stealing thing. Take it from me your pal the Grinch includes some of your favoritesdont delay, call for tickets today!. 928-684-2690 and from Whoville, but also sometell them the Grinch sent ya!new characters that I encounter when I travel west to the townBefore I let you go I need to ask one more of Hootville!Trust me, if youquestion thats a little off the subject. What, with thought us Whovillions wereChristmas coming up, and folks worried about peculiar, weird, strange, bizarre,getting the presents they need can you shed odd, and outlandish (you get myany light, or inside info, about this whole supply point, right?) then wait until youchain thing?meet these Hootvillions! Oh,(At this point in the interview there was a long silence and I just found out that a newon the phonethen he finally answered). Sorry visitor is joining me in my WayDuuude, I wasnt ready for that rather odd, but also if I Out West Adventure Sadiemight say, slightly implicating question. I would like to Mae Hoots hillbilly cousin fromset the record straight so let me be perfectly clear. The Hooch Holler!Your guess is asthing is that I, the Grinch, have turned over a new leaf good as mine, as to what sort ofand left that whole stolen Christmas thing way behind fella he is, and why hes visitingme. So Duuude, you are definitely talking to the wrong Hootville. So, all you 96.3 Realparty about this. (Now, regarding the whole greenhouse Country Magazine readers, asgas thingmaybe).well as all the loyal 96.3 Real Country radio listeners, its timeSo, there you have it! Thanks to the Grinch for taking to gather up your posse of friendsthe time out of his busy schedule to talk with me. & family and head to the Flying E Ranch in Wickenburg (or as I like to call itHootville)Join him on Saturday, December 18, on December 18th.The show2021, at The Flying E Ranch. For tickets starts at 4:30 p.m. Oh, and yoursand more details call928-684-2690 or truly will be available for the rare opportunity to get yourvisit FlyingERanch.com.picture snapped with the original 16 December 2021'