b'Your Constitutional RightsBy Randy MillerDirector of the Constitutional Sheriffsand Peace Officers Association for ArizonaT he mainstream media never disappoints with their demonstration of ignorance or disdain towards the Constitution. In a recent article, "Boosted by the pandemic, constitutional sheriffs are a political force," The Washington Post (URL below) works overtime to convince their readers that following the Constitution is an "ideology" and not a mandate. The author says the "constitutional sheriff" is a movement capitalizing on anger due to pandemic restrictions. They quote a candidate for Bucks County, Pennsylvania sheriff Mark Lomax, "You pretty much have no authority above you government-wise; you answer to the voters," and the author qualifies this as a "unique" power. First, the sheriff does answer to the people since this office is elected directly by the people. The sheriff does have authority above them, our Constitutions, and they are the law of the land. The position of chief of police in Arizona is an appointed/hired position by the city manager, who the mayor and city council directly hire. So, yes, this position is a political position. This position is usually shorter than a sheriff because they work at the pleasure of the city manager who answers to the mayor and council. Suppose the mayor is feeling the political pressure or has a particular political ideology as they did in Seattle and Portland; they exert their influence or direct control over the actions of the police chief that interferes with their oath of office and responsibility to the people. By the way, the mayor and city council also take the oath, and when they violate it as they did in these cities, in my opinion, it is malfeasance in office. The riots are an example of lawlessness because of malfeasance. Political machinations do not control the sheriff unless they have their own. In response, the people, directly responsible for this position can remove this person at the ballot or initiate a recall. As far as sheriff\'s believing they have more power than the president or Congress, well, if any actions fall outside the constitutional authority granted to Congress, yes, they do. And as far as the president goes, he has no executive authority over the states or the people.The president\'s position is clearly defined under Article 2, Section 2 of the Constitution.I suggest all candidates and the author of the article read and understand this.The president is to only enforce laws to the best of their ability. Those laws are only constitutional if they are under the authorities granted to Congress under Article 1, Section 8, as stated in Article 6, paragraph 2, the Supremacy Clause.As far as the sheriff interprets the Constitution independently, they do as do every other elected official. They must understand, uphold and defend the Constitution of the U.S. and the state in which they live. It is an individual oath, so naturally, they independently interpret the Constitutions. The individual is responsible for understanding it. We must all be aware of the constant attack by the Marxists left, pushing on anyone that stands up for the Constitution and the rights of the people. Anyone that stands for the founding principles and laws of our country and state is considered "extremists" and "domestic terrorists." Because labeling and name-calling is and has been the long-standing tactic of these ideologues, to do this, they build a team of social thugs to make opposition to their desires so miserable no one would dare stand against them. It\'s an inability to tolerate opposing views and not get what they want in everything they believe: enter ACLU, Southern Poverty Law Center, and Antidefamation League. This behavior is the opposite of "inclusion," and inclusion is the big lie they tell about themselves. Lenin would say, speak in a language that causes derision and hate among those you disagree with. This is a practice the left are pretty skilled at doing.It is long overdue that we Americans stand for the rule of law, liberty, and equal opportunity for everyone, not equal ending regardless of effort. America was founded on these principles and represented this until recently.Yes, we have committed gross injustices and grown from these, as history has proven. Our history is under attack by the left to erase their egregious instigation and support of these injustices. Germany, China, and Russia did this very thing before Communism took control and the mass murder of their citizenry by their hands.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/boosted-by-the-pandemic-constitutional-sheriffs-are-a-political-force/ar-AAQdK4f?li=BBnb7KzArizonaRealCountry.com December 2021 41'