b'Bradshaw continued from page 43The Poland Mill Near PrescottNorth of MayerClifford CountryHenry B. Clifford left his stamp of fraud on Arizona City, Huron, McCabe, near Humboldt, Iron King, and Providence along the Poland spur. Clifford was a smooth talker and had a way with Chicago investors. He talked them into funding the building of worthless hoists, mills, and even smelters at claims, such as those listed, that lacked sufficient ore bodies to be profitable. Clifford had the listed scams and more at smaller digs going strong when the panic of 1907 burst his bubble and took away his source of investment funds. The con-man himself came out of the panic with considerable money, however. His investors were the only losers. Brazen about his frauds, Clifford decided to write a book on how to commit mine fraud. He called it Rocks on the Road to Fortune. Perhaps the best knownCONTACT US ANYTIME!of his fraudulent mines was near Providence. Called the Great Belcher Mine, it belched nothing of significance.ArizonaRealCountryMagazine@gmail.comThe End of an Era or by phone at 602-254-6644The Prescott & Eastern and Bradshaw Mountain Railroads went into decline in the 1930s and died. Rails were salvaged, yards dismantled, yard buildings and depots moved. One can still drive the rail bed at points north of Crown King (four-wheel drive) or south from Meyer, seeing the magnificent scenery that Prescott families once took in while riding in the comfort of a rail coach, a delightful outing to the mountains for many along with a fascinating tour of the mining camps and mills. Too bad Frank Murphy or the Santa Fe executives that backed him could not see another 40 years into the future where the real bonanza strike would have been millions of tourists riding the Bradshaw Mountain Railroad into the Bradshaws, taking the spurULDRIKSON to Poland, then doubling back and heading south to Crown King near the summit. Boarding at Humboldt, perhaps, the worldwide tourist appeal of this extremely scenicPERFORMANCE HORSESand historic stretch of the rail line would have brought millions of dollars into that area of Yavapai County. Buddyuldriksonhorsemanship.comUnfortunately, Murphys vision was limited to the mines of the day and the rails needed to928-231-3053serve them. His vision now has become invisible in the dust of history, the rails gone, few mining camps remaining, and those still there are but a shell of their former grandeur.Buddy & KimHighways, freeways, and cars just cant take travelers into the heart of Arizonas Territorys famous mining country like Frank Murphys rail lines did. And, ironically, in the event of a major ore discovery in the Bradshaws today, development of the ore body would not be any more feasible than it was before Frank Murphy and the Santa Fe ran the tracks of the P&E and Bradshaw lines to Crown King. Rancho Rio BonitaWickenburg, AZ Colt Starting Rope & Barrel Horses Consignments Lessons Ground Work Horsemanship30+ years of experience teaching and training all ages and levels Sharlot Hall MuseumLong list of personal and student accomplishments at all levelsThe Murphy Special at Poland JunctionArizonaRealCountry.com June 2021 45'