b'Vet continued from page 5Hay pellets are made withday so for a horse weighing good-quality forage that is1,000 pounds, that would be easily digestible and wont causebetween 10-17.5 pounds of excessive gut fill.Fortunately,hay each day, ideally divided hay pellets have adequateinto 2 or even 3 feedings. protein from the alfalfa in theCheck to be sure youre not pellets. For these reasons, youinadvertently overfeeding, or may be better off feeding moreunderfeeding if your horse is of the hay pellet and less ofbigger than 1,000 lbs. the hay. If you feed more of the hay pellet you should stillThe last piece of the puzzleon yT Poffer free-choice hay, but youis feed. Make sure that the may find your horse eating aconcentrate you provide isehlot less. Having something thatoffering adequate quality takes longer to chew than aprotein. Total protein alone pellet is helpful for boredomcant support or develop ideal2nd Hand Storeand fulfilling the need to chew.muscles.The right balance of Horses often spend many hours grazing green grass,amino acids is needed to build and maintain muscleWe Collect & Deliver but the nutritional quality may change, and a rationquantity and quality.Look for feeds that guarantee balancer or other concentrate might be needed tolevels of Lysine, Methionine, and Threonine.TheseYour Merchandiseensure adequate intake of vitamins, minerals, andthree key amino acids are the most important forFREE LOCAL DELIVERY AVAILABLEproteins required by the body. your horse. Feeding a balanced diet and adding some exercise to help develop muscle mass and tighten662 W. Wickenburg Way Regular exercise can help prevent a sagging torso too.up that tummy is a great way to reclaim that belly.WickenburgOpen MondaySaturdayWhen physically fit, the muscles around the belly areAfter several weeks the abdomen size should beginthepony2ndhandstore.comstronger. This is especially important for broodmaresto decrease, and muscle mass will begin to develop.928-231-2730928-232-2019and older horses. Regular riding helps build backThe coat will become shinier. Maintaining a quality muscles that hold up the spine and abdomen anddiet based upon proper forage is key to keeping yourWe Carry Quality 2nd Hand contributes to proper digestion. horse in good condition. & New MerchandiseHow Do I Get Rid Of A Hay Belly If Also, remember that parasitized horses may exhibitYour Home Furniture Supplies StoreMy Horse Has One? the same outward appearance as a horse that you maySpecializing in AppliancesFirst, check the quality and quantity of hay your horsethink has a "hay belly." Make sure you consult with yourJane and Peter Kibbleis eating. If the quality is adequate, then its time toveterinarian about proper deworming protocols andpony2ndhandstore@outlook.com reevaluate the quantity fed.A horse should be fedthe possibility of their performing a fecal egg count to 1.0-1.75 pounds/100 pounds of body weight of hay perdetermine parasite load on your particular horse. DRIVE-THRU,CURBSIDE,PATIO, andRESTAURANT Seating AvailableFamily Style Dinner Specials Catering & PartiesAssortment of baked breads and sweet treats daily!Pies, cakes, and baked goods on order!472 E Wickenburg Way #201Wickenburg, AZ928-684-3252Open 8am8pm7 Days a Week!ArizonaRealCountry.com June 2021 7'