b'4-H: Odyssey 4H Members Wild Rose HorseCOMPETE IN VIRTUALOBSTACLE CONTESTSLIVESTOCK QUIZ BOWL Hosted by Gary and Carole WilderSUNSET RANCHSELIGMAN, AZBy Kris Johnson of Odyssey 4-H May 27-31, 2021extension.arizona.edu/4h and extension.arizona.edu/4h/maricopa 100% OF PROCEEDS BENEFIT BETHANYSGAIT, PRESCOTT, AZFriday, May 28th Self-guided Trail RidesSaturday, May 29th8:30 a.m.6-mile Trail Obstacle ContestLimited to 50 riders. Sunday, May 30th8:30 a.m.6-mile TrailObstacle ContestLimited to 50 riders. Monday, May 31st8:00 a.m.Monday Funday:Let the games begin!In the arena and onthe trail!Limited to 40 riders. PICK YOUR SKILL LEVEL EACH DAY: Novice = beginner doing simple obstacles; Intermediate = you are probably good on the trail; Advanced = you and your pony practice oftenFront row: Logan Stoltz, Shelby Prenovost, Josh Washom, Ribbons awarded for 1st through 6th PlaceDaily prize drawingsCost: $55.00 Lindsay Stoltz, and Emily Johnson. Back row: Kris Johnson (coach). until Tuesday, May 25th; Late Entry Accepted Day of Ride - $10.00 late fee addedM any in-person contests for Arizona youth have been canceled orSign Up: bethanysgait.org (Bethanys Gait Ranchpostponed. Utah State University Extension gave youth from acrossfor Heroes - Wild Rose Contests tab)the United States an opportunity to compete virtually in January 2021.These virtual contests focused on family and consumer resources,Bethanys Gait Ranch for Heroes, Wild Rose Contestslivestock, and horse knowledge. Five members from the Odyssey 4-HQuestions call Gary @ 928-595-0428 or Carole @602-686-2435.club in Maricopa County got the opportunity to compete in the virtualEmail: glwild@hotmail.comLivestock Quiz Bowl. WE RIDE TO GIVE BACKThe objective of this contest was to stimulate learning in a subject matter area, reward 4-H and FFA members for knowledge gained in a subject matter area, provide a competitive setting where attitudes of friendliness and fairness prevail, develop teamwork, self-confidence, develop decision-making skills, and promote computational and critical thinking skills.These five young adults met weekly for practices in December and studied several resources at their homes. The contest was set up utilizing computers and cell phones, which were used as buzzers. A new experience for all, but one well worth the memories. Congratulations to these kids for going out of their comfort zone and participating in a virtual contest. 14 May 2021'