b'Spring NO MAS, The Devils Breath, and Conspiracy or Is ItBy Justin Legler , Justin@imperialaz.comI s it me Or, did AZ decide to jump from Winter straight into Summer??? Completely high hurdled Spring!! Im mean, COMMON MAN! COMMON MAN!! Wheres my thinking emoji lol Alright I wont pick on him yet. YET!!!!!!!!! Heck, I may not at all Hes doing a pretty darn good job ALL BY HIMSELF! I know, I know. Think positive Legler!!! Horse pucky The only thing Im positive about right now this year is. SATAN is back in town! Hes back early from his Winter vacation You agree? April was BS!! Where the heck was my 70 degree weather??? It went from the 60s to. BAM!!! 90 degrees Almost hit a 100 for the first time in April! Thats it Im writing Ducey! Whod you say?? DUCEY!! Our fearless Governor if you didnt know! Im going to write and tell him, you need to shut the Devil down, and tell him to MASK UP. LOL Sorry I couldnt help myself there either! Although he did open the State after he thought he was being showed up by Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, and West Virginia Just to step it up a notch, and make sure everyone know were still a hick state even though it flipped BLUE He yells at Phoenix Mayor Gallego! Them aint your Parks Women! Those are the peoples parks! We steal their money to pay for them I was actually kind of proud of him that he did that! But. You know the drill! I always have something to say, but ya got to stick with me. Welcome back to Hell everyone! I mean May lol Its gonna get hot, but we all know it! Lets just get it over with Justin here @ Imperial.I was gonna continue on with my Devil story, but I got sidetracked with picking on politicians lol You wanna hear it? OK Goes back to my letter to Ducey! Him telling Satin to shut down, mask up, and the reason why! Your breath Devil!!! Its adding to our greenhouse gases which in return means, MORE HEAT!!! And that smell!! DAMN SATAN Almost smells like butane Hey Devil Did you partake in a recent Holiday?? Or Did the man rise, and make you eat some EGG SALAD BABY??? Alright. End of Storytime! I thought it was funny lol On to Imperial! Hows everyone? Purdy darn good!! Thank god egg salad season is over with right You wont have to listen to any more of my stories! Were all back to our burrito lady lol! Weve been busy here! Built our first aerodynamic hayrack that was 136 long, 12 clear on top, and 8 wide We named it the #Biggen It was awesome HUGE lol! Built a few ramps Fixed another broken neck and got another one waiting on the insurance company to pay! Mayberry and field crew finish a 14 stall back to back laminate shedrow barn They also did a one stall add on to a Mare Motel Shedrow W/ a porch, that we manufactured originally back in 06! One of our trailer customers bought the property and needed another stall!! Fun project Fun to see Just goes to show you we build them big or small! You bet Timeframe is still out there a bit! Material is getting harder to find! Just keep that in mind if youre thinking of building and be patient! Were all trying! FYI Heat is here, so you better get on it! As for trailers, April was probably the biggest month weve had in years! One week we sold 10 trailers, and 4 being used / consigned LQs Crazy! Well take whatever we can get, and we THANK YOU for that! Follow us on Social Media! Imperial Trailer Sales and Livestock Supply Inc for our Trailer side, and Imperial Enterprise Inc for out barn side! Always got something going on, and we try to keep it entertaining! Come along for the rideAlright. You still with me?? On to the good stuff! How about ole Charles Barkley recently?? Ive always liked the guy, and not just cause he was a Suns player Cause he was Charles! What you seen, is who he was! Now I like him even more! New hero status in my eyes! Going against the grain, and speakin his mind!! Even in this new stupid cancel culture His words. Most people are good people! I believe that in my heart! Its the politicians creating hate trying to conquer, and divide The Politicians dont live amongst the people, and they have their money! Lets scramble the middle class and make them hate each other If you didnt hear it or see it Google and find it! Itll make you realize youre not alone! Humanity still exist, and most of us still believe people are good! Im with ya Chuck! Keep speaking the truth, and dont get bought man. Speaking of being bought or, maybe Im just becoming more of a conspiracy theorist everyday Have you heard about the blood clots cause by Johnson & Johnson single dose? No?? Why not?? How about the people who are having Tremors from the other one? No?? Again I ask why not??? Possible cause theyre playing it down saying Its only 1%! Its only been a few months!! If its not that big of a deal, why is It being hushed? Department of Justice has a 2.3 Billion dollar fraud settlement against Pfizer! Bet you didnt hear about that did you?? You have a 7 page docket, and they give you 2 mins to read! NO WAY you comprehend what you just signed! Now Im going to throw you a little curveball while youre thinking Look at the money being made right now People havent had a job in 9 months, but they have more disposable income now than theyve ever had! Yeah, theyve been home, but Government is handing out free money called stimulus Why? I may be just a dumb cowboy, but Im gonna point a few things out Big Pharm, Tech Companies, Corporate America RECORD BREAKING PROFITS!! We have a manmade Virus with 99% survival rate! Stay home, shelter in place, Zoom, Microsoft profits, Bill Gates foundation is doing what?? We elected an incompetent, delusional man over Mr. America whos a business icon Now stick this free shot in your arm someone had to pay for. MANIFEST FEAR, TAKE FREEDOMS, CENSORSHIP! ARIZONAREALCOUNTRY.COM MERICA, youve been bought, and we let them do it!!! Be safe! Love your neighbor, and as always Thanks for reading! 52 May 2021'