June 2017 4 1 7 8 AROUND THE SADDLE 8 VerdeValley Equine Festival Recap 10 News from Copper State Peruvian Paso Club 11 Spring Happenings from the Glendale Equestrian Club 12 5th Annual Alpine Country Blues Festival 14 The Big Sting 2017 24 RANCH & RODEO ROUNDUP 17 WesternTrends: Punchy Colors and Charming Accessories A BITE OF COUNTRY 24 Farmers Markets & In Season 26 Mom’s Real Country Recipes 30 28 OLD WEST HEROES 28 Paul Carney: A Lot in a ShortTime ACE IN THE HOLE 30 Horses and the 5 C’s - Part 2: Cattle 31 Shooting Down O.K. Corral Myths 37 GALLIVANTIN’ 37 Upcoming Events 38 June 2017 Event Calendar 39 4H News & Events 34 TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS 34 Arena Directory 35 Classified Ads 36 Advertiser Index 22PASTIMES 22 96.3 Real Country Concert Page 23 Crossword / Sudoku / Jokes Wow, big news! As of this issue, Barna Broadcasting LLC, the family owned company that owns and manages KSWG 96.3 Real Country radio, is now the owner and operator of Arizona In The Saddle. As you can see from the cover page, we’re changing the name and plan to include more exciting articles and feature stories inside monthly. Pictures will also play a big part monthly... We want to see YOU in the Arizona Real Country magazine! We want to thank the Grantham family for getting such a fine monthly publication started. They’ve done a great job and we wish their family all the happiness in the future. First and most important is, we’ll keep the focus of Arizona Real Country about Rodeo, Roping and Equine. We also want to highlight the Arizona Western Lifestyle in every issue and we want to celebrate the awe inspiring places Arizona has to visit and experience. We’re so proud to be a family operated business and we believe as you do, the family core is our way of life, just like on the radio we believe in God, Family and Country. Arizona Real Country will strive to deliver something for every person in your family, in the months to come. We want to see pictures of how your family lives the Arizona Western Lifestyle. Send us action pictures and those winning moments of you and your family at the rodeo, roping, sorting, trail ride, team penning, branding, horse sale, cattle sale and 4H events. Also, we want to publish photos of you at the County and State Fair, traveling around Arizona and anything else you do that celebrates the Arizona Western Lifestyle. If you’re visiting Arizona, we want to hear about what made your visit memorable and please take a copy of Arizona Real Country home with you. You can always check us out online at ArizonaRealCountry.com for more information. If you have a story to tell, get it to us, and if you want to see us add something you’re passionate about, let us know. You can always email me at mbarna@arizonarealcountry.com for any reason. We love the Western way of life and we love Arizona. As we begin this Real Country adventure together let’s saddle up and ride our Arizona life together. Thank you, Mike Barna, Publisher 28 31 1 6 1 6 WANDERING ARIZONA 16 Grand Canyon Railway First Class DayTrip to the Grand Canyon 1 7