February 2019 50 Glendale Equestrian Club RIDE REPORT By Robert Piekow,… Publicist gecriders.com Well, here it is already February, four months since the club rides at Granite Mountain and Groom Creek. Those were both great rides in the high country around Prescott, AZ. The rides in September included a White Tanks ride and a Gates road ride. Officially the club generally rides about every other week but very often someone is riding every week at one place or another. Two official rides in November were at Wickenburg rodeo grounds to Sophie flats and also a ride at Jackass flats followed, by a brat feed. Also happening in November was “a giving assistance” in the form of saddling and leading horses for Bumblebee ranch as they hosted physically handicapped and visually impaired kids, just a little something that our club does to give back a little to the community. The real thanks goes to Kelly and the crew at Bumble Bee ranch for providing the venue for these events. In December we enjoyed our annual Christmas party, thanks to our host Bill C. and his wife Sharon. The day included an election of officers for the coming year and our ever-popular white elephant gift exchange. A lot of fun was had by all, and don't worry if you didn't get the gift you wanted because next year you can re-gift it to someone else. The Saturday following the Christmas party found the club enjoying a great ride at Estrella Mountain Park. Great weather and a great ride led by Lonnie who is recovering nicely from knee surgery.