b"Check Out Our Latest ClothingFROM THE BACK OF THE BOXand Footwear!By John SamsillFor all your team roping questions, you can emailme directly at johnsamsillteamroping@gmail.comL earn to embrace yourI always asked mistakes. No one likessomeone I knew to make a mistake; theyand trusted. cost us money and keep usSecondly, I from winning. So, you may bestarted keeping wondering why Im telling youa book on to embrace them. Its simple, to eliminate a mistake,every steer we must first make the mistake. Im not talkingthat the stock about fixing a swing or working on your delivery orcontractors anything like that. Im talking about something youvewould bring done during a run such as, not getting the properto the rodeos. position because you were not thinking during a runDuring slack, and you were only reacting. If you are a header andI would watch you called for your steer when his head was turned,them run and make notes on them. After that, I rarely that would be a mistake. If youre a heeler and yourhad to ask anyone what a steer did or how he ran. My horse isnt set correctly or is moving, and you do notlittle book turned out to be invaluable to me and paid169 E Wickenburg Waylet your header know, that would be a mistake. off big lots of times. So, one negative turned into a positive many times over. Wickenburg, AZ 85390We all make mistakes, but hopefully, we can learn928-684-6123from them. If we embrace our mistakes and learnIf youll look at the mistakes you make as an how not to make the same ones again, then they willopportunity instead of a failure, I think youll seeOpens at 11:00am DAILYpay dividends in the long run. So, what may haveyour roping start to improve and your winning cost us money today makes us money later. Ill sharepercentages go up. You may be thinking, this will be a mistake I made while I was rodeoing for my living.easy, it's not. First, you must identify the mistakes I made the mistake and didnt even know it until mycorrectly. Dig deep enough so you know what you did peers made me aware of it. My partner and I ropedor didnt do inside out. What caused the mistake? Is it our first two steers at Tucson and then immediatelypreventable? How can you recognize if you are about flew out to some rodeos in Florida. We didnt haveto do it again? Was this mistake caused by something the best of luck out there, but we found out that wephysical or was it truly a mental mistake? If it was had made the short round in Tucson. We got back tomental, how do you strengthen your mental game? Tucson on the morning of the short round. I lookedAre you beginning to see why this may not be as easy up who had roped our steer during the two longas you first thought? rounds. One of the guys was still there so I went and found him. I didnt know him that well, but he wasLets take an easy one, for example, you forgot to cinch very nice and told me what he knew about the steer.up your horse. So easy, check your cinch before you He said that the steer ran nice and straight but thatrope. That wouldnt be how I would solve it. My first he ran hard. After not doing well on our excursionthought would be that I didnt go over my pre-run to Florida, I wanted to place high or win Tucson,routine adequately. I didnt give myself enough time so I told myself not to get out late, so I could giveto be prepared. I cinch up my horse a certain number us a chance to do just that. I let the steer out, what Iof times before I rope so if I forgot to cinch up, then In ythought would be a good start on a runner. The steerwasnt doing my normal routine. I bet you can guessoT Pdidnt run very hard at all and I broke out. I had takenwhy I cinch up a certain number of times before Iehus out of contention for the average check. Some ofrope. Yes, at a very young age, I forgot to cinch up the other headersand thats why HOURS asked me why IIve made sure it2nd Hand StoreMonFri: 8am6pm took that startnever happens on that steer. Iagain. Of course, Sat: 8am4pmSun: Closed told them that sothis is what I do,We Collect & Deliver and so had toldand you may doYour MerchandiseLOW PRICES &me that he ranthings a littleFREE LOCAL DELIVERY AVAILABLEhard, so I didntdifferently, but I 662 W. Wickenburg Way FRIENDLY STAFF! want to be late.think you can seeWickenburgOpen MondaySaturdayA couple of thewhere Im going guys had a littlewith this.thepony2ndhandstore.com@Stockmanlaugh and then told me thatSo, learn to928-231-2730928-232-2019Feeds AZ 7315 W. Buckeye Rd. that guys horseembrace thoseWe Carry Quality 2nd Hand couldnt run, somistakes and see& New Merchandisehe always thought his steers ran hard. It took me awhere it takes you. Looking at them in a positive light @stockmanfeeds_az Phoenix, AZ 85043 while to figure out what my real mistake was that day.instead of negatively couldnt hurt, right? Until nextYour Home Furniture Supplies StoreThe guy who Id asked wasnt lying to me or givingtime, Ill see you at the back of the box.Specializing in Appliancesme bad advice. From his perspective, the steer reallyJane and Peter KibbleSe Habla Espaol (623) 936-5549 did run. My mistake was that I did not know enoughThank you to my sponsors, Usher Brand Silver andpony2ndhandstore@outlook.com about the guy that I was asking. I did two things toSaddlery, SaddleRight Saddle Pads and Omegamake sure that that would never happen again. First,Fields Feeds.stockmanfeedswesternwear.com ArizonaRealCountry.com February 2020 55"