b'The Bottom LineBy Mark Melkowski602-793-6493 or mark@eagleadvisorygroup.comW hat a wild ride AmericaProtect Americas wealth or more importantly protect and the world have beenyourself, do not let yourself become so polarized on, when we changedthat you do nothing. Do not listen to the old saying the clocks in March, we didhold on it will come back. The average time, when not realize we would go fromthe market takes a hit like this, is between 3 to 7 standard time to our version of the twilight zone, butyears for it to come back. Also, I have spoken with that is what happened. We started the fear machine andclients that tell me their broker or whoever they it worked, from hoarding all we could, to shutting downare working with is telling them just do not look at schools, businesses, and everything we could think of.your statements during this time. Okay, that sounds very intelligent. Also, take time to evaluate where you are The market went crazy and that threw people andand if what you are doing will protect your wealth, your companies into a nerve-racking position. The governmentincome and what you will need in retirement. Then lookyour wealth. You will have it in a position that nostarted talking bailouts, free money and everything wasat ways to diversify. matter what goes on your principal and your wealthon the table at that moment. Fear took hold of the wholeare protected. situation. Fear not. This is America and we are Americans,The market will come back, but this should give you the most resilient, most giving, and most charitable peopleconcern because it shows us all what can and will affectThe good news is you are in control. The question is will in the world. The whole world looks to America becauseour retirement funds. Look at ways to ensure and protectyou take control of your funds, use some wisdom and no matter our differences we always come together. Fear isyour wealth, if you do not, then you will suffer thenot let fear dictate what you do? You can now and from then defeated.consequences when this happens again. Ask yourself inthis day forward protect your wealth and guarantee that what way you can make sure that your retirement fundsyou will have income in retirement and protect yourself So, what about your retirement and your savings? Whatdo not lose value when the market drops, ask yourselffrom these market corrections or market failures. Today do you do in a time like this and will this happen again?what is your risk level, and then question why whoeveris the day, not tomorrow. Open your mind and start Most importantly, how do you position yourself sois helping you in these times does not call and help youasking the question that most brokers will not ask or you will not lose what you have worked for your wholeprotect your wealthbecause they will not call. Protecthelp you with. How do I protect my wealth?career? This is the time to protect your wealth andyour wealth - this is the only concern you should have yourself from the idea of this happening again. Also, tomoving forward. This is not a time to be greedy and notPlease give me a call at 602-793-6493; I will gladly meet better position yourself so that when we do see anothera time to do nothing. The good news is you do not havewith you, either in person or through the internet. Start shakeup in our way of life, you can weather the storm.to hope the market comes back if you learn to protectnow to protect your wealth.12 May 2020'