b'A COWBOY RESTS IN HEAVENGARY LYNN CLEMMONSG ary Lynn Clemmons, age 73 of Prescott Valley, AZthe book, War passed away on February 25, 2020, in Youngtown,and Memories, AZ. Gary was born in Sioux Falls, SD but moved toSurvival with Phoenix, Arizona when he was very young. He attendeda Measure of North High and Gateway Community College.Success. Gary spent a great He was a member of the band Stumpwater Jak that haddeal of his time the Arizona radio hit, "Too Many Outlaws", and was theafter his visit to bandleader for Johnny Western. Gary was a dynamicthe Wall doing personality. He was a positive and powerful force andhis best to give a champion of traditional country music. He was ahope to other member of the Advisory Board of the Arizona Music &veterans and Entertainment Hall of Fame based in Phoenix and fortheir families. many years worked with the Greater Arizona Country Music Association & Hall of Fame based in PrescottThe music community lost a great musician and friend! Valley. He served as its board president from 2016 to 2018.Gary was my friend and a very respected musician in He worked as an on-air personality at KHAT, KAFF,Arizona and beyond from the early 70s to the present. and KNOT. Since we were both bass players we seldom if ever had a chance to work together but we did work some of the Gary was a Vietnam veteran and a member of thesame shows and concerts where our friendship began. I United States Marine Corps. His exposure to Agentwill miss him very much and always think of him when Orange caused many health problems and like so manyI strap on my bass. Breathe easy my friend, you did who served in a combat zone, he battled PTSD. After ayour job for 73 years and will always be remembered.trip to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall, he wroteBuffalo Rick, Current GACMA President PRIME RIBFRIDAY & SATURDAY26 May 2020'