b'NOW AVAILABLE!EASTER, LOOK OUT FOR FOGAZ 4-H Quarantine HORSEBACK RIDING YEARLY PASS and Have FAITHRide and roam 365 days a year on theirBy Justin Legler , Justin@imperialaz.com Activities 20,000 acres of beauty for one special price!PLUS your Season Pass getsH ow was your Easter?? Good?? Considering DidBy Hannah Hansonyou Social Distance??? Yeah. Was it cause of theIf you have further questions on how to get involved in Maricopa County, please contact Corona Virus, or somebody have to many hardboiled you 10% OFF ALL functions ateggs lol. Mine was awesome of course Kids and IHannah Hanson @ hannahghanson@arizona.edustocked up my stash of hardboiled eggs like we do every theFlying E Ranch, includingyear You bet! If you dont know me, or havent followed my articles over the years I look forward to hardboiled eggs every year during Easter! Yeah BABY!! the 96.3 Real Country CattleThose are mine ALL MINE!!! I mean, I would share if my kids shared the same taste buds I got, but they dont. Yet. Although.!!! They do have to share / eat the first one that comes out every year!! Thats a Legler Family Tradition!! OK, I lied Drive, barn dances and lodging! there I do it because Im a butt I love their facial expressions, and the gag reflex that takes place right after sampling it bahahaha. Love my kids LOL! But They do have to try one!!! Told them this year when they said, OOOHHH common Dad!!! Do you want the Corona Virus???? Eat!!! LOL. Speaking of all them hard boiled eggs and the Corona Virus Let me make this public announcement now!!! You know them mask yall made Hang on to them!! Before going into public, or entering the office here at Imperial If you smell butane, put the mask back on!! 2nd, look to see if anybody is trying NOT to make eye contact, but has a smirk on their face If they do, and they keep looking to see if youre coming in or not. Drop everything, and freakin RUN!!!!! Your about to walk into and be consumed by the invisible, low hanging cloud of EGG SALAD One of the most lethal, combustible weapons known to mankind. Id say humankind, but I normally I dont see women pulling these kinds of pranks lol. Just immature grown men. Youve been warned with this public announcement lol. Justin here @ Imperial! Welcome to May everyone!! Few of you were just laughing werent ya lol. Believe it or not, we hired a few guys in April here @ Imperial! Still looking to hire a few more Imperial was deemed essential due to construction, Ag, animal housing,A lthough 4-H in Arizona is looking a little different these days, it has not and keeping trailers on the road ect, We followed CDC regulations / guidelines torestricted the creative movement of our youth. Our state is a pioneer in a T, and social distanced just like the rest Egg salad was a HUGE contributor toproviding innovative engaging activities for our youth and volunteers. County that lol We all got thru April without any of us contracting it Thank God!!! Notand state staffs have prepared activities that can be shared via Zoom, Facetime, sure if that didnt increase some of our business since everyone was home It didand other social media modes to connect and help youth continue to grow and impact the big buys though! As I figured it would We just kept on keeping onlearn. There are many opportunities to join live meetings as well as contribute to a Just 6 away lol! Make sure you follow us on social media Trailer shop swappedgrowing number of video/audio tutorials. We encourage you if you have the time out extrusions on the belly break trailer Completely different looking trailer now!to send us ideas and/or videos demonstrating a skill or project during this time or Thats Imperial Trailer Sales and Livestock Supply or Imperialaz.com Finish asubmit requests of what you would like to see. If you would like to get connected few buildings that we wrestled municipalities over, but we got them finaled Hadto this growing online movement, please visit our state webpage by entering: 5 barns ship as well That side is Imperial Enterprise Inc. or Imperialbarns.com Always got something going on there, and always humorist Follow us! extension.arizona.edu/ Alright. How about this Corona Virus epidemic thing? You believing inaz-4-h-covid-19-responseconspiracy theory yet??? I said last month I normally dont, but man. Im startingWe are excited to see the too!! You? Now Let me say this up front!! This is not going to be political rant!creativity and innovation of our Not going to do it!! I just want to talk about it mainly cause, what else is therecommunity! Together we can to talk about??? Possibly make us think a little bit Pretty sure what we all justspread growth! experienced, most of us have never been thru before Doesnt matter what side of the isle youre on at this point Does it?! Its just crazy hands down to say the least We have an airborne virus that came from a bat China It basically shut the entire world down. Shut it down! We go from record job growth to,THIS JUST-IN Scoop Emilio Reportingunemployment that IS or was as bad as the Great Depression from back in the 30s & 40s OVERNIGHT Still scratching my head on this toilet paper, andDiscovery 4-H cannot be stopped! Even with the paper towel shortage I mean, whats that?? You ever think youd have to scavenger hunt for paper?? Then I remembered something from growing up. My GrandmaCoronavirus quarantine, we find a way! Discovery 4-H would dry out her paper towels because she DID live thru the Great Depressionheld a meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, March 18. On Coincidence??? Democrat AND Republican officials forcing companies to closeZoom, you can have face to face virtual conversations; in a free country, but you can go golf or get your nails done Whats that hint?you can talk to multiple people and have a 4-H meeting People who just lost their jobs and cant afford rent, well theyre not doing either Hmmmm? How about these doctors like Dr. Eric Nepute from St. Louis saying,just like we did. There are reactions, chat, digital hand-Wake up people! Why isnt the media / government covering zinc / quinine israising and more! This is a great way to have our meetings helping against this virus Better yet, when did Bill Gates become a medicalwhen we are in socially restrictive situations like this.professional? Why is Dr. Fauci a board member of Gates Foundation thats pushing 2801 W. Wickenburg WayWickenburg, AZ 85390-1087 for these vaccinations. Both predicted this would happen. Mass gatherings, MassEveryone reported on their projects and so far they vaccinations??? HMMM. Population control??? Makes ya scratch your headinclude mechanical inventions, art, cooking, and a few One thing I think is good thats coming out of all this God is finding his way vacation@flyingeranch.com(928) 684-2690 back into our lives, homes, and this country! HAVE FAITH!!! This all will come to aoutdoor projects. Our group is going great and will find a head, and end! Thanks for reading! Justin Leglerway to get things done no matter what happens.www.flyingeranch.com ArizonaRealCountry.com May 2020 25'