April 2018 18 Presented by DAVE STAMEY CONCERT WESTERN MUSIC HALL OF FAME FRIDAY, MAY 18th • 7 PM PRESCOTT ELKS THEATRE Prescott, AZ TICKETS: PrescottElksTheater.com 928-777-1370 GoPattyWagon.com Bringing good music to a campfire or theater near you! Glendale Equestrian Club RIDE REPORT The first weekend of March found GEC at Boyd Ranch just north of Wickenburg for a weekend campout and three days of rides. The club had fifteen riders on horseback for some enjoyable trail rides, which included a ride to Box Canyon on the Hassayampa as well as a long ride on Saturday upstream to include the Haunted Canyon and the Powder Room where the miners stored their blasting powder. Weekend activities included a great potluck dinner on Saturday evening along with a dual campfire to swap stories around. Thanks to Bill for the cooking as well as all the side dishes furnished by the members. All in all, there were some thirty miles of trail riding and some ATV riding as well. Moving along, the second weekend in March featured a ride at Apache Wash just west of Cave Creek. Ten riders left the staging area north of Joy Ranch Road for a nice trip up Apache Wash and around the summit. Part of the time we were on the Maricopa Trail which runs through that area. Although we did not see any of our noble ancestors taking a bath we did get to water our horses at Apache Springs. Additional activities scheduled for March include a trip to Bumblebee Ranch to help with the blind kids and also the next ride will be at Burro Flats. Check the website for more details at glendaleequestrianclub.com By Robert Piekow,… Publicist www.gecriders.com