b'TURNING POINT IN found about 800 Cocopahs along thethen exposed, the camp utensils and river and found them friendly and goodblankets, clothing was strewn around as workers for the steamship companieswell as the hay that had been gathered and others that employed them. by the women.The quartermaster at Fort Yuma finallyThe next day, in riding through the area ARIZONA INDIAN WARS sent wagons to get Howard and hisaround the massacre site, Howard came party, as the steamer was not makingupon an Indian family in their dwelling. any headway in freeing itself from theThey brought him a little girl, wounded sandbar. Arizona City, todays Yuma,in the ear and side, who managed to was a bustling city of 3,500 whenescape death during Ourys attack. The Howard arrived and he noted thatIndian family told him they no longeron yT Pthrough it pass supplies for the troopslived together in large numbers for fear ehand citizens of Arizona Territory. whites would again attack and slaughter them en masse.April 8th, Howard met with the old Yuma Chief, Pasqual, at his camp.Howard Meets Aravaipa 2nd Hand StoreHe noted that the Yumas had beenChief Es-kim-in-zin of the Aravaipa conquered some 20 years earlier (theApaches had few demands from 1850s) before his visit and had keptHoward considering the grave injusticeWe Collect & Deliver faithfully to the peace treaty withWilliam S. Oury they had suffered at the hands of Oury.Your Merchandisethe whites, although the whites hadThe chief and the other leaders of the not kept their bargains with the Yumas. Howard saidtribe wanted the children captured by the Papagos,FREE LOCAL DELIVERY AVAILABLEhe found that the Yumas, like the Cocopahs, had beenMexicans, and Americans returned. They counted the662 W. Wickenburg Way poisoned all through the vices and habits of worthlesscaptured children at 29. They said two managed toWickenburgOpen MondaySaturdaywhite men. Howard ordered additional and much- escape their captors and make their way back to the needed supplies for the Yumas, including shovels, axes,tribe. That left 27 in captivity. thepony2ndhandstore.comhoes, clothing, and food be distributed immediately, as928-231-2730928-232-2019he wanted to see that it was done before he left. Colyer had, in the name of the president, promised theWe Carry Quality 2nd Hand return of the children but it had not been done before& New MerchandiseTo McDowell & Camp Grant Colyer was recalled to Washington, and General Howard The general went by wagon from Arizona City to Campwas sent in his place. They wanted Lt. R. E. WhitmanYour Home Furniture Supplies StoreMcDowell, a four company post that at the time wasrestored as an agent. He had been a good friend to theSpecializing in Appliancesunder the command of Major E.A. Carr. General CrookApaches when he was in charge and saw to it that theyJane and Peter Kibblehad been at McDowell waiting for Howard but wordhad adequate rations. That is why he was removed frompony2ndhandstore@outlook.com had come that Howard hadhis position. The whites had taken another route so Crookprotested that he was being too set out for Prescott. Carr sent agood to the Indians. They wanted messenger and summoned Crookto relocate away from Camp back. Howard was impressedGrant, where their presence by Crook and said the famousannoyed the white citizens and Indian fighter denied that hethey suffered diseases due to the was an extreme war man andcloseness of the whites. They in general agreed with Howardsdesired entering into a peace mission to find a peacefultreaty agreement with all the solution to the conflict betweenIndians of the territory which whites and Indians. they grouped under the heading Papago, with which they had in Howard found the conditionsthe past been at war.at McDowell not altogether pleasant. He said the TontoHoward wisely made no promises Apaches and Mohaves had aregarding these demands. He cramped camp with no room formerely listened and said he would planting or other items necessarydo what he could. On returning for them to be self-sufficient.to Tucson, he met with Safford He said they also had no roomand other Territorial officials. In for gathering mescal, a staple,Tucson he also met with white and were on inadequate rations.citizens, as he had everywhere General Carr told him of theduring his visits, to hear their whipping of the Indians byPasqual, Yuma Chief grievances against the Indians. some of his soldiers for minorThe captured children had been offenses. Howard recommended an increase in rationssold by the Papagos, many to Mexican families. These immediately to the same amount the government issuedfamilies in some cases had become very attached to the the Sioux in the Dakotas. His recommendation waschildren and were reluctant to give them up. Howard followed immediately. Some 300 to 400 Indians had leftpersuaded seven high tribal leaders at the Camp Grant the McDowell Reservation before Howards arrival, buttalks to go with him to Washington and meet the he was unable to find out exactly why they had fled. Hepresident. The Indian leaders represented the Papago, suspected hunger was the main motive.Apache, and Pima. Three weeks of talks ensued in the summer of 1872.The general then set out for Camp Grant, a hard 100 miles from McDowell, to inspect the scene of thePeace with Cochise Oury-led massacre. Howard found some 1000 IndiansUpon his return to Arizona Territory, Howard arranged receiving rations on that infamous reservation. Majora meeting with the famed Cochise. Captain Thomas E. W. Crittenden was in command of the camp. OnJeffords took Howard to the Chiricahua chief. Jeffords, April 24th, Howard went to the scene of the Campa long and trusted friend of Cochise, was probably the Grant massacre, some five miles from the camp itself,only man in the Territory who could have arranged with several Apaches. He saw the bones of the dead, bya meeting. Howard and Cochise met for 11 days in continued on page 22ArizonaRealCountry.com April 2021 21'