b'O beautiful for spacious skies, America itself. Whoever you are, wherever you go,Fortunately for Bates, she lived to see her poem For amber waves of grain, theres always something beautiful to see. Theresbecome a national treasure. Fortunately for the For purple mountain majesties always something to love. rest of us, she never sought to profit off peoples Above the fruited plain! patriotism. While she did hold the copyright, she America! America! God shed his grace on thee Two years after writing America the Beautiful,never charged royalties from any publication or And crown thy good with brotherhood Bates published it in The Congregationalist, callingperformance of the piece. As Bates saw it: [The] From sea to shining sea! it: America: A Poem for July 4. It didnt take longhold it has upon our people is clearly due to the for the words to catch on. By the timefact that Americans are at heart idealists, with a Bates released a new version in 1911, itfundamental faith in human brotherhood.had been set to music (Samuel Wards familiar tune, Materna) and become,Wherever you hear it, I encourage you to sing HAPPY HOUR:SUNDAY RACINGif not the national anthem, an anthemalong. And I encourage you to reflect on what for Independence Day. I think manyyou find most beautiful about America. Its easy, TUESDAY THRUSEASON: Americans like the song because itsometimes, to get caught up in all the things that expresses what they feel.Because itdivide Americans. But the more we focus on the FRIDAY describes many of the things we as 50 Caution Beers Americans have to be thankful for. Our 2PM TO 6PM freedom and liberty, for example.PIZZA & WINGO beautiful for pilgrim feet,$2.50 DOMESTICWhose stern, impassioned stressSPECIAL A thoroughfare for freedom beatBOTTLES Across the wilderness!1 Large, 1 Topping Pizza America! America! God mend thy $3.00 PREMIUMevery flaw,& 16 Wings $ 32 00 Confirm thy soul in self-control,BOTTLES Thy liberty in law!When you think about it, the United States ofOr the sacrifice so many men and women have SATURDAY &America is a unique country in many ways. Forshown while defending our country:one thing, our nation is vast, extending from theO beautiful for heroes provedSUNDAY Atlantic in the east to the Pacific in the west. Or, asIn liberating strife,Bates put it: from sea to shining sea Who more than self their country loved11AM TO 3PM As a result, few countries on Earth contain asAnd mercy more than life!America! America! May God thy gold refine,$1.00 OFF ALLmuch diverse beauty as ours does. From the purpleTill all success be nobleness,mountains of the Rockies to the amber waves ofAnd every gain divine!DRINKS grain on the Great Plains. From the magnificent desert canyons of the $2.00 OFF FULLsouthwest to the tall, broad forests of the northeast. From the warm, SIZE APPETIZERSwet Everglades in the deepest souththings that unite us; the more we focus on the to the lush rainforests of the Pacificthings we all love and cherish; the more we focus AND WINGS Northwest. You could travel foron the same spacious sky that covers all our heads, hundreds and hundreds of miles,the more we can fulfill the songs ultimate promise:exploring hundreds and hundredsAnd crown thy good with brotherhoodof different regions with all theirFrom sea to shining sea!different climates and culturesERIC AND HISand still find yourself under theIm so happy to live in this nation of ours. For all same spacious sky. its problems, for all its challenges, its still America, STAFF THANK YOUPerhaps thats why I love Americahome of the free and the brave. Its still America, sweet land of liberty.Please DO NOT let anyone FOR ALL YOURthe Beautiful so muchbecausetake it away from us!it captures something I love about LOCAL SUPPORTIts still America, the beautiful. THE PAST MONTHSArizonaRealCountry.com April 2021 35'