b'Your Constitutional RightsBy Randy MillerDirector of the Constitutional Sheriffsand Peace Officers Association for Arizona,623-866-3544D uring our constitutional convention, we were 13 separate independent states coming together to form an agreement that would allow us to live in harmony with one another. We created the federal government with specific authority so we dont compete with each other and will work from a common general system of laws. The goal was to simplify our relations when we trade among ourselves, standardize specific necessities such as citizenship, coining money, weights and measures, patents, bankruptcy, etc.Our U.S. Constitution is the creation of a centralized government to ensure our state sovereignty, harmony, and safety from foreign interests.Our state constitutions were created to maintain this sovereignty while preserving the individual rights of the people with a government emphasizing the powers belonging to the people. As stated in the Declaration of Independence; That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new governmentSo, how then do we have this centralized government assisting foreign nations and actors in our destruction? Why do we allow our southern borders to be a revolving door with the flood of drugs, violation of our laws, mandated financial and medical support to illegals, trafficking of our children and the children of others, illegal entry by many whom we know nothing about and many wanting us harm?Then we are told the right as sovereign states to control our borders isnt ours. The federal government has no authority to tell the states who, when and how many we will take into our sovereign boundaries nor tell us we cant control our borders. It isnt granted to the federal government, nor prohibited to the states. All that was granted to the federal government was determining a system of naturalization, for how to become a citizen.Neither the president nor Congress has the authority to pull border patrol agents from our southern border war zones, send them to Poland and tell them to assist with transplanting Ukrainians to the United States, any more than we are to be mandated to accept Syrian or any other refugees.As an example of our out-of-control government, neither the president nor Congress has the authority to fund or defund local law enforcement and tell the states how we are to police our communities. Yet, administrations present and past do this, and Congress and our courts are just as guilty.Now, speeches tell the states how interested Congress and the occupier are in supporting our local law enforcement and making sure we get the proper funding. This isnt their authority to do and it\'s interesting how after four or five years of their defund the police efforts, now they want to fund departments, which means control them. Government genocide on the middle class with COVID has worked to create an increasing dependency on a central government with the idea they control all when constitutionally they control very little.The Utah State Senate recently ejected a man for wearing a We the People shirt during chamber hearings. Last I checked, it is "We the People" that have all political power inherent in us, not this state senator. This shirt is protected under our 1st Amendment and is a clear message reminding those in office that they work for us. The act of forcefully removing this man by three Utah State Police for wearing this shirt is tyranny and these officers acted outside the law. These officers acted outside their authority, their oath of office and violated this mans rights, all under color of authority. They should be fired and charged with assault, battery, and kidnapping. They held him for hours against his will with no charges filed because there were no laws violated. This was a message to all that you will be forcibly removed if you proclaim your status in government and a political figure doesnt like it.We are seeing acts like this carried out all over the country and the world. Law enforcement officers, not all but many, are forgetting or not being taught what their purpose is. All levels of government are under the mistaken belief that they are not bound by laws, but directors of tyranny using and writing laws against the people instead of for protecting our liberties. Under both the state and federal constitutions, governments are put in place to protect the rights of the people. We elect representatives to uphold and defend our constitutions, not to be self-proclaimed zealots and despots.Our governments and the people, need to get back to an understanding of our constitutions and not speak it in a perfunctory manner for effect. Both U.S. and state constitutions establish three branches of government and grant each of them specific functions.Not one branch can assume the powers of the other and each is to guard that the others dont assume powers they were not given. This isnt happening. The different branches appear to be working in unison to grant themselves more powers than were given, make laws contrary to their purpose, and exercise unchecked powers against the people to further their stranglehold on us. They largely spend outside their legal purposes and for their political and financial interest, then come after you and me with strong-arm tactics if we dont agree with their spending practices. This is a criminal syndicate and racketeering.If you want to learn more about the Constitution and what you can legally do to take back our country, please contact me. I hold Constitution meetings every week in Wickenburg, Buckeye, and Peoria, youre welcome to join us. 16 April 2022'