b'Running the RaceWhat Is Mentally Tough Anyway?By Betsy Lemairehowfastdouwannab@gmail.com, facebook.com/Willnunnp3, youtube.com/user/howfastdouwannab on yT PO ne of my kids texted meehtoday and said, I am not sure I should do this certain2nd Hand Storesport. Its just one more thing to do that I dont have the energy to do. I texted him back and toldWe Collect & Deliver him, Everything is hard until it becomes easy. I also had a girl I gave lessons to back inYour Merchandisethe 90s that was having heck getting her horses around theFREE LOCAL DELIVERY AVAILABLEthird barrel. I made her get off her horse, in the summer in Arizona, and walk the pattern on foot. I told her she wasnt662 W. Wickenburg Way going around them anymore until she could walk herselfWickenburgOpen MondaySaturdaythrough the pattern correctly. Needless to say, that was thethepony2ndhandstore.comlast time they had me help her. So I ask you the question, what is mentally tough? 928-231-2730928-232-2019I have had quite a bit of time in the last few months toWe Carry Quality 2nd Hand think about this question. I think I have a few answers. I& New Merchandisehave made some new choices in my life recently that haveYour Home Furniture Supplies Storemade me even more mentally tough than I had been in theSpecializing in Appliancespast. And thinking back to my reply to my kid about theJane and Peter Kibblequitting a sport statement, I told them a few months agoThe other day I had not slept and we were supposed to go topony2ndhandstore@outlook.com when I started riding and training horses full time againthe barrel race. I wasnt worried as I had someone that was that I wanted to quit the first two to three weeks. I wantedgoing to drive. Well, that person ended up needing to show to go back to my old life and what was comfortable. Heresa horse so I drove myself and I was absolutely wiped. Then the thing though- my body was absolutely screaming atgot to sleep about 2 am and got up at 5 am. Let me tell you I me at that time. I have dealt with autoimmune issues forwas tired. Remember I am not a pup anymore but 48 years quite a few years. I was so sore I could hardly move. I wasold and working on my next chapter. Anyway, I was able so tired by the end of the day that I could barely go on. Wasto take a nap (it was Sunday) and take care of myself that I super whiny in my mind? Oh man, you dont even knowday. I realize that is so important but my point is that there how pitiful I was in my head but my heart kept going. Keptare going to be days like that. Shoot, there are going to be getting up at 5:30 am and kept swinging! Why you ask?years like that for some of us. You have got to keep going. Because of the love of the game. I told my body this is whatYou have got to remember whatever it is that the Lord had we are doing now. In another week or two, my body wasset on your heart that you are here to accomplish for His like ok I get it. This is what we do now. We hit the groundwill. You may not understand why you have that drive to do and we rock and roll. Hit the coffee, open the good book-the things you do but He does. Listen to it! Dont sit back pray and start our day and we dont get done until we areand watch your life go by watching the Stomach Turns on finished. Body, you are not going to tell me what I am goingtelevision. You have things to do and they are not going to to do and not do. happen on the couch or in the chair. Get up! Move! Chase after it. Day in and day out. You were born and are here for a reason. Find out what that reason is and dont allow yourself to get in your own way.If you follow the process you will be so incredibly thankful that you did. I am not saying its going to be easy. Most things worth attaining are not but like I said everything is hard until it becomes easy.My eldest sons amazing swim coach, who also became a good friend of mine said, Do hard things! That statement was the teams motto one year and they actually nick-named my son, Try Hard that year. We all have that try hard that lives within us. Sometimes its so hard to find it but if we dig deep it lives right there in our hearts. Look for it! Ask the Lord to help you persevere with whatever it is169 E Wickenburg Wayright now in life that you are going through or whatever it is you need to accomplish. I will say it again, everything isWickenburg, AZ 85390hard until it becomes easy! Do hard things!!!928-684-6123We all have that try hard that lives within us.Open 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. DAILYSometimes its so hard to find it but if we dig deep it lives right there in our hearts. Look for it!ArizonaRealCountry.com April 2022 31'