b'Vet continued from page 5Some examples of when Espy trades in his Western syringesSo, what does a naturopath use? Natural herbs, exercise, for acupuncture needles include patients with: kidneyand water are three of the most important ways of healing. disease, back soreness, retained uterine fluid that fails toRelieving stress through massages and aromatherapy help respond to medical therapy, radial nerve damage, issuesas well, and there are other alternatives. The purpose is to located in the forelimb, facial nerve paralysis, and gastrichelp bring the body back to a natural balance since quite ulcer pain-causing persistent mild to moderate signs ofa lot of diseases stem from an imbalance in the bodys colic, when non-steroidal drug administration could delaynatural chemicals.ulcer healing. I cant promise my clients that acupuncture will be successful in all or even most of these cases or not,As for training, there is a school that offers online classes. but to me, acupuncture makes sense, Espy says. There is such a thing as veterinary naturopaths, but there are very few. Most of those that attend to animals are Does Holistic Care Work? Animal Naturopaths that assist but do not diagnose as a Some modalities might have beneficial effects. Acupuncture,vet would. And, keep in mind that a medical veterinarian for instance, releases endorphins when certain spots areis still the only one to do the regular scientific part of the stimulated on the horses body, much like a runners high, ajob, such as perform surgeries. They use modern, high-tech horse that cribs, or a dog with a lick granuloma, Espy says. equipment and learn how to prescribe drugs.selecting an increasingly broad array of tools to provide However, he admits that the scientific evidence supportingthe best possible care to the horse. As long as a validAnimal naturopaths learn how about the anatomy and CAIVM use is sparse compared to that of WesternVCPR exists and the individual providing CAIVM carephysiology of the animal as well, but instead of traditional modalities. Espy recalls one study involving mares thatis veterinary-recommended and properly trained, ourmedicine, they offer natural remedies that help strengthen underwent cesarean sections but experienced circulatorysources say we can embrace any modality that could helpand boost the immune system and balance the hormones disturbances resulting in kidney disease. Veterinariansthe patient without harm. to naturally ward off disease. It is very often successful on initially treated those mares with intravenous fluids butits own, or many use it as a complement to the medication didnt observe any improvement in kidney function.Equine Naturopathic Care received from a vet. One does need to verify with both the When those mares underwent acupuncture, all the horsesWe all want the best care available for our animals.naturopath and the vet to ensure the products dont end up responded, Espy says. Ultimately, not all remained healthy,However, some of us worry about the chemicals containedharming the animal by creating a chemical reaction, but but acupuncture may benefit kidney function. in traditional human medicine, which are used for animalsotherwise, it is recommended.as well. What is the solution? Well, there are equine Unfortunately, holistic (or any) research in the veterinarynaturopathic practitioners out there, and even thoughThis form of care is also preventive. This is where it is much field poses many obstacles: the expense of conducting thesome of us may think we are not able to afford this, naturalmore beneficial than traditional medicine. Vets will only experiments and analyzing the data, the cost of feedingmedicine is by far the better solution for long-term care thatheal symptoms and perform surgeries when required. A and housing the animals, and the challenge of havingheals without harmingwithout chemicals and by buildingvet can talk to you about the best approach to prevent any enough horses in the study in the first place to make thethe immune system. possible illnesses that your animal may have. It is always results meaningful. safe if you tell the naturopath about your animals diet and What exactly is animal naturopathy? Just like humanany medication it may be taking. Using natures laws and Take-Home Message naturopathy, the purpose is to let nature do its job whileremedies to avoid diseases is the best way to go. There is an Natural, holistic, Eastern, alternative, integrative,trying to assist the natural functions of the body as best asexpression in French that goes: Vaut mieux prvenir que complementary, modernpick whatever term youpossible. Mother Nature has given us a scope of healinggurir, which means that preventing something is better like. At the end of the day, veterinarians and owners aredevices, ready to be used, that traditional medicine tends tothan having to heal it. interfere with when it comes time to heal.BENEFITS: Advanced development and improvementBENEFITS:of equine athletes of all disciplines by Provides hole-body vibrationoffering low-impact, high-resistance therapy Develops and stregthens muscles used inCounters the effects of chronicnormal exercise/conditioning inflammation conditions Adjustable water depths for controlled COLD SALT WATER THERAPY AIDS Improved performanceReduces painweight-bearing exercises IN FASTER RECOVERY FROM:Aids in equine back muscle development Encourages overall muscle developmentTendon injuries ArthritisSpeeds healingAids in prevention of injury Increases back and core strengthHoof injuries (abscesses, bruising, laminitis,Helps correct gait imbalances thrush, etc.) Splints Bruising Swollen jointsCall/Text 602-402-3348 Minimize performance injuriesWind puffs Open wounds 35014 N. 16th St.Phoenix 85086 Increases top line strengthSkin infections and more!Haul-Ins Available Increases range of motion This drug free therapy can be usedWeekly/MonthlyReduces impact on limbs for injury prevention and also to Packages Availableincrease mobility and reduceTraveling Equine, Bovine,Quicker recovery time swelling in the limbs beforeand after competitive Human & Dog PulseJoint decompression events and training.PEMF Services AvailableArizonaRealCountry.com April 2022 7'