b'By Bob Roloff,The Arizona DuuudeYou can follow Bob on Facebook.T he Navajo County Hashknife Sheriff\'s Posse beganshipping cattle to Arizona, their as a search-and-rescue unit in the mid-1950s. TheHashknife brand was registered in posse has 60 plus members and is one of the oldestApache County on June 2nd, 1885. I organized mounted posses left in the United States. Everywanted to find out more about cattle year members participate in up to 40 hours of training thatbrands and where they came from includes, CPR, first aid, medical, plus regular search andso I went back to my friend and rescue training and Homeland Security certification.[changed] western history enthusiast, Richard Shaw. You\'ll remember him The Hashknife Pony Express is the longest sanctioned U.S.from the January issue of Arizona Postal Service Pony Express route in the world and theReal County explaining about open riders, members of the sheriffs posse, are sworn in as mailrange." It happens that Shaw\'s carriers. It is a 200 mile trip along the same route used sincefavorite subject is cattle brands. So 1958 with approximately 30 riders making up 15 teams, andhere is what I found out from him:20 to 30 members of the support crew who handle the mail, sales, and cooking in the chuck wagon. The Hashknife outfit (real name Aztec Land and CattleThe mark itself is a Company) consisted of approximately two million acres ofstylized depiction of According to First Lieutenant Steve Reynolds, a man whoowned and grazing rights between Flagstaff and the Newa Hashknife, which helped carry the letters across the miles continuously forMexico border, with a rich and colorful history sufficient tois a kitchen tool used well over 40 years, It is an honor to be a volunteer, to be afill several books. to chop or cut bigger part of the posse and the Pony Express. We are who we arethings into smaller and doing what we do, whether it is cooking in the chuckThe Hashknife brand (mark) was acquired in 1885, alongthings. The top wagon, digging a hole, rescuing a person, or recoveringwith approximately 30,000 (branded) head of cattle from aportion of the mark a body, it\'s about being of service. We have gone to greatranch in Texas (unless trademarked, the same brand is oftenis a handle to hold lengths to build a reputation of men that represent theused in multiple states), which initiated ranching operations. and apply pressure community the best we can (Quoted from an article byto a long-curved Toni Gibbons in The Tribune).There is a distinction between a livestock brand, like theblade. At that time, Hashknife mark, and the ranch or enterprise that identifieslivestock brands For only the second time since the first Pony Express rideits livestock with that brand. For example, Babbitt Rancheswere only recorded in in 1958, this year the Hashknife Pony Express Ride willhas owned the Hashknife brand since 1902 when itthe county where a ranch was be postponed & rescheduled. Mark Reynolds, brother ofacquired livestock assets from the Aztec Land and Cattlelocated (initially Navajo County Steve, Carl, & Pat Reynolds, is the captain in charge of thecompany. Throughout its short history (18851902) thein 1885), which created confusion 2021 Hashknife Pony Express Ride that will take place Aprillatter was uniformly referred to as the Hashknife outfit;with grazing herds or drives across several 13th through 17th. They will be putting out mail barrels athowever, this reference did not carry over to Babbittcounties. In 1902 all brand registrations in Arizona were the post offices of Holbrook, Winslow, Taylor, Joseph City,Ranches, which had and still has its well-known brand (COconsolidated into a state (or territory) register. Today there Heber/Overgaard, Snowflake, Payson, Pine, Fountain Hills,bar). Nevertheless, it is still common to identify a ranchare approximately 14,000 livestock brands registered with and Scottsdale on March 1st. If you would like to mail aby its brand rather than its owner. As one example, thethe Arizona Department of Agriculture. letter and cannot make it to any of the post offices listedLazy B brand also describes the historic ranch which was you can send in your letters in a manila envelope addressedowned by the family of Chief Justice Sandra Day OConner,The 1892 recorded depiction of the Hashknife brand has to Hashknife Pony Express, PO Box 118, Holbrook, AZand where she grew up. been stylized to the mark now used Babbitt Ranches on 86025, and write VIA: Pony Express in the lower left-handtheir horses. corner. They will take the letters from the envelope, put their cache on them, and carry them during the ride. All letters will need to have proper postage and proper address for delivery. Friday, April 16th, they will arrive at noon at the Museum of The West in Scottsdale. This will mark the end of the ride as they deliver the mail, celebrate to commemorate the delivery, and kick off the Parada Del Sol\'s 68th year. On Saturday, April 17th they will ride in the Parada Del Sol parade and participate in the Trails End Festival. Navajo County Sheriffs Posse Inc./Hashknife Pony Express is a 501(C)3 organization that depends on donations. This ride costs between $30,000 to $40,000 each year to put on, so go to hashknifeponyexpress.com to contribute and help keep the spirit of the Wild West alive. I would like to add that Mark is a COVID-19 survivor. I listened as Mark told me of his recent two-week struggle in the hospital and how through prayer, pill, and love of family and friends he recovered. Thank God. This story got me interested in cattle brands." I learned that the original Hashknife brand" came from the Aztec Land & Cattle Company, a New York-based investment company. When the Aztec Land & Cattle Company began ArizonaRealCountry.com February 2021 11'