b'Arizona Ask the VetREAL COUNTRY RABBIT HEMORRHAGICthe magazine DISEASE VIRUS 2THE ARIZONA GAME AND FISH DEPARTMENT Mike Barna (AZGFD) in conjunction with the Arizona Publisher Department of Agriculture (AZDA) confirmed cases ArizonaRealCountryMagazine@gmail.com of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus 2 in desert and mountain cottontails, black-tailed and antelope jackrabbits and domestic rabbits beginning in March Erika Smith Royal 2020. RHDV2 poses a grave threat to the pet rabbit industry as well as endangered species and other wild Editor animals that eat rabbits.erika963realcountry@gmail.comRHDV2 is a viral disease that only affects rabbits (not people, pets, or livestock). This virus is not related to Misty Voitovski coronavirus; it is a calicivirus. Infection with this virus is associated with a high mortality rate and it is very Creative Director contagious. The virus can survive in the environment for an extended period.Contributing Writers Origin of the Disease Rabbit calicivirus is a very hardy virus, remaining viable Lee AndersonSam Buchert The RHD virus was first diagnosed in 1984 in China.in the environment outside a host. It survives 105 days at It spread widely throughout the world and is well68F on fabric and it remains stable for 3.5 months at room Gavan CournoyerJustin Legler established in some countries. It was introduced andtemperature. It survives 225 days at 39F, survives freeze/Betsy NunnJim & Bobbi Jeen Olsonused as a natural population control measure in boththaw cycles, and survives the heat of 122F for one hour.New Zealand and Australia, where rabbit numbers were Robert PiekowEdward H. Peplow Jr.raging unsustainably. Where the virus has a reservoir in wild rabbits or feral Alan RockmanBob Roloff domestic rabbits, seasonal outbreaks are expected from RHD probably developed from non-pathogenicyear to year. Outbreaks start in fall and winter, peak in John SamsillHank Sheffer caliciviruses present in wild European rabbits. There arespring, and are mostly absent in summer. Michele Wilson three forms of the RHD virus. The form identified in the Southwest is RHDV2 and is less deadly than typesControl and PreventionRHDV and RHDVa. Controlling outbreaks is challenging once the virus is 801 W. Wickenburg Way present in an area. The virus can live in flies for as much as RHDV2 emerged in France in 2010, quickly spread innine days, in carcasses for up the three months, and for a Wickenburg, AZ 85390 Europe and the Mediterranean, and has replaced thefew weeks in dried excretions/secretions. Rabbits surviving (602) 254-6644 original strain in many countries. In 2015, RHDV2 wasinfection are believed to shed the virus for at least 30 days, first detected in Australiait spread coast-to-coast in thebut in experimental cases, they shed the virus for as many rabbit population in 18 months covering three millionas 105 days. Long term/permanent shedding is unlikely. ArizonaRealCountry.com square miles (compared to the 3.8 million square milesExposed and surviving rabbits have immunity to that viral of the United States) and became the dominant strainstrain for an unknown amount of time. replacing RHDV1.Strict biosecurity practices are the backbone of prevention. Signs of InfectionThe first sign of infection with RHD is often sudden andIt is strongly recommended that rabbits be kept indoors, unexpected death in previously healthy rabbits. Thoseor in enclosed environments, and not allowed outdoor that do not die immediately may demonstrate poorplaytime. Rabbits who live outdoors and those who Follow Arizona Realappetite, depression, inactivity, and listlessness; they willexercise outdoors are at greater risk of contractinghave a fever and bloody nasal discharge may be noted.this disease.Country for news, events,Later signs relate to organ failure and include jaundice, respiratory distress, diarrhea, weight loss, bloating, andWash your hands thoroughly before handling your giveaways and more! death. Caretakers of rabbits affected by but recoveringrabbits, particularly when you come home from places from the virus observed rabbits did not come to the frontwhere other rabbits may have been, or where people of their cages with interest when fed; even those thatwho have been in contact with rabbits may have been survived appeared limp and inactive at the back of theirincluding feed stores, pet stores, fairgrounds, humane Arizona Real Country is owned andcage for a day or two before recovering completely. societies, etc.published by Barna BroadcastingHow the Virus Spreads Adopt a no shoes in the house policy, or keep your LLC. No person, organization or partyThe RHD virus is very contagious and easily spreadsbunnies from running in high traffic areas of your home. can copy or reproduce the contentthrough ingestion of contaminated food or water, directTo disinfect shoes that may have been contaminated, on our website and/or magazine orcontact with infected live or dead rabbits, inhalation,place the shoes in a bath containing one of the below any part of this publication withoutcontact with contaminated equipment, tools, hutches,disinfectants. The shoes must be in contact with the a written consent from the editorsor bedding.disinfectant for the required contact time, during which panel and the author of the content, astime the disinfectant must remain wet. Viral movement of the virus is conducted by flies, birds, applicable. The publisher, authors andbiting insects, predators, scavengers, and humans.Use an effective disinfectant for this virus. Clean the item contributors reserve their rights withIt is also spread by contact with urine, manure, andfirst, then disinfect. Read all disinfectant instructions regards to copyright of their work. respiratory discharges of infected rabbits, ocularand safety information provided by the manufacturer (conjunctival) infection via flies, dust, or secretions ofbefore using. See the USDA guidelines for cleaning and infected rabbits, and contact with feces of predators ordisinfecting an RHDV2-contaminated premise or ask scavengers that have eaten infected rabbits. continued on page 7ArizonaRealCountry.com February 2021 5'