b'areas, El Bosquecito and La Selvilla, plus several smaller Originally a Southern Pacific railroad town, Vail is aareas totaling 30 individual sites.growing community east of Tucson in the shadow of the Colossal CaveRincon Mountains. Vail is named after the Vail Brothers,About 300 million years ago much of the American Edward, and Walter. They arrived in the late 1870s. Southwest was covered by a vast sea populated by giant sharks, tetrapods, and other primitive amphibians. W alter purchasedheavy ore wagons pulled by teams of six mules. Over oneEventually, the waters receded. Organic material left behind dried out and was compressed to form limestone. the Empirehundred years later, the haul road is still a visible path inThen 80 million years ago the heaving earth thrust Ranch, andthe desert between Vail and Corona. limestone and granite together to create new landforms Edward started the Vailsuch as the Rincon Mountains where Colossal Cave is Ranch; both becameThe Vail community is still growing. New neighborhoodslocated. After eons of water erosion, the cave reached successful cattle ranchers.are popping up throughout Southeast Tucson, Vail,a dry state, and today Colossal Cave is one of the They also developed a largeSahuarita, Corona de Tucson, and various otherlargest dry caves in North Americaa snapshot of the silver mine operation withunincorporated areas. The Greater Vail Area is one offormations as they were created millennia ago. Open the Total Wreck Mine inrich history and has been coined by the Vail Preservationdaily. 16721 E Old Spanish Trail. ColossalCave.comthe Empire Mountains. EdSociety as "The Town Between the Tracks."Vail said, "Mine receivedSTANDARD TOUR: This half-mile long guided walk its name when John T.WHAT TO SEE takes about 40 minutes to complete. Its the perfect Dillon, who discoveredColossal Cave Mountain Park in Posta family-friendly introduction to the cave. Youll learn it, came to my brother,Quemada Canyon about the caves history, its legends (like train robbers Walter, in 1881, to get himThis desert refuge has sheltered people for over aand ghosts), and its unique geology. As you descend to make out his recordingthousand years. It has been home, shrine, hideout,approximately six stories deep (363 stair steps) youll papers. Walter askedchallenging workplace, exciting playground, andsee some amazing cave formations including stalactites, him for a name. Dillontranquil retreat. On the National Historic Register, thestalagmites, flowstone, box work, and helictites that were John H. Harvey (left),said: \'Well, the mineral2,400-acre park showcases crystal-filled Colossal Cavesculpted by millions of years of geological activity. Tours Edward L. Vail (center), andfoundation is almost aand historic La Posta Quemada Ranch. The park owesare given daily on the hour, year-round. No special gear Walter L. Vail (right), 1879. total wreck,\' alluding toan enormous debt to the Civilian Conservation Corpsis needed on this tour, just comfortable walking shoes. the mixed formation.(CCC) for its handsome headquarters buildings and theThis is the most popular tour and space is limited so \'That\'s its name, \'Total Wreck,\' said my brother." Usinginstallation of the lighting, walkways, and handrails inmake your reservation early to ensure your place. profits from ranching and mining, they expanded thethe cave. The CCC also laid out the park roads Empire Ranch until it stretched from the Santa Ritaand built restrooms in the park (since replaced, Mountains to the Mexican Border, between the Santaalthough the buildings still stand) as well as the Cruz and San Pedro Rivers. ramada in the La Selvilla picnic area. Saguaro cacti are everywhere and while youre traversing In 1880, train tracks were laid down east of Tucson.the canyons, washes, and bajadas you could Walter Vail donated the land for the tracks and inencounter some of the other residents of the park. recognition of that donation had the stop in VailWatch for owls, hawks, shrikes, and other birds named after him. The Post Office was established onof prey. The park serves as a home or way station August 12, 1881. Although Vail was christened as ato almost half the bat species found in the state town in 1893, it was never incorporated. As such, theof Arizona, including some rare and threatened town of Vail has no official boundaries or legal status.ones. Sharp eyes may also spot scorpions, snakes, It is only an area. tarantulas, tortoises, Gila monsters, coyotes, bobcats, foxes, coatis, and many others. Hiking, The town of Vail had its heyday in the early 1900s. Inrunning, mountain biking, and horseback riding addition to being a cattle-shipping center, Vail served asare popular activities. Take your pick. Theres no the storage and loading facility for ore from the Helvetiatrail use fee or permit required. Campsites are Copper Mine. Located just southeast of what is nowtucked among the magnificent saguaro cacti Corona de Tucson, the Helvetia Mine produced overand mesquite trees in Posta Quemada Canyon. 42,000 tons of ore. This ore was transported to Vail byThese campgrounds consist of two large24 February 2021'