b"From the Back OF THE BOXBy John SamsillFor any of your team roping questions or to schedule a lesson or clinic please contact medirectly at johnsamsillteamroping@gmail.comDONT MISS OUT! LOTS OF DEALS, PRIZES, FOOD & FUN! M any of you reading thisas he would try to adjust for the different feel of his may think that whatdriver every time he drove the ball. I asked him if Im about to say goeshe understood and if that made sense to him, he without saying, but I need tosaid that it did, and he would follow my advice. say it. If you want to betterOver the next five or six runs he made after that, your roping you need tohis loop, coils, and the distance between his hands change what you're doing or how youre doing it. Ifwere different every time. This is just one example of you keep doing the same things the way youre doinghundreds I could give you. them, you will keep having the same results. Why do I feel I need to say this? Having given lessons andTo improve our roping we must embrace change, conducting roping schools for the last thirty yearswant to make changes, and look forward to or so I can tell you that I see a small percentage ofchanging. It doesnt always have to be big changes. students actively working on change. Ropers will paySmall changes can sometimes make the biggest good money to attend a school or have a lesson anddifference. Be prepared to do whatever is necessary not take the advice they are given. Having talkedto get where you want to be. Its not easy to knowThings, as Ive discussed above, are really simple to to other clinicians, Im convinced this is a commonif we need to make a change or to work harderchange because we have lots of time to make the problem among novice and intermediate ropers. Illon what youre doing to improve. This is where achanges necessary. The most difficult changes to give you an example. I was giving a private lessonlesson or a clinic can be invaluable, but only if youmake are things like our swing, controlling our left to a young man who had only been roping for aare willing to make the suggested changes if that ishand and body position. We have to change these year or so. I told him that there are some thingswhats called for. I feel when we do not make thethings as we are roping so these habits can creep that we do not have much control over such as ourchanges that have been suggested to us it is becauseback in without us even being aware we are doing steers, the conditions we are roping under, and to awe simply fall right back into the mental habits thatthem. It takes mental awareness to make these lesser degree our horses, so each run will present awe have formed. I never have to think about my loopchanges and our roping may suffer for a short time different set of circumstances. There are things thatsize anymore but at one point I did, I took the timebecause we will be focused on the changes and not WE GROW & SELLwe have one hundred percent control over, our loopto make sure it was right every time until it becamecatching. I assure you that if you make the effort to size, the size of our coils and the amount of rope weso ingrained in my mind that it replaced my oldmake the changes that are needed and work through have between our hands. These three things give usloop size habit without me having to think about it.the change you will come out the other side much a feel and balance to our loop. He needed to workNow I can build my loop, coils, and set the distancebetter for doing it. I suggest getting lessons from on making those three things the same every timebetween my hands with my eyes closed. Its the feelsomeone to make sure you are making the correct Alfalfa, Cow Hay, Bermuda, Rye Grass, Paca Verde, Teff and Straw he roped a steer. I likened it to a golfer having aand balance that Im looking for, so I no longer havechanges and staying the course. If that isnt an option different feeling driver every time he tried to driveto look at my rope to make sure its correct. As ahave someone video you while youre roping so you the ball. He would never develop a consistent swingmatter of fact, I immediately know if its not correct.can track your progress. If you cant get someone to video you then youre probably going to have to rely on your friends and fellow ropers to make 623-386-2988 20600 W. Beloat Rd. sure you arent falling back into your old habits. I have to warn you that this is probably not your best option as your fellow ropers must understand Se habla espanol Buckeye, AZ 85326 the changes you are trying to make, be able to spot small mistakes and be able to explain them to you. This is how you track your progress, so whoever is helping you needs to understand the process. We baleshay.com dont change our habits we replace them with a new one, so we need to make sure the new habit we are replacing the old one with is the correct one. I hope youre always working to get better. I feel that the hardest thing to do is to stay at the same level; we are either getting better or getting worse. We can only tread water for so long before we either swim to shore or sink.Until next time, Ill see you at the back of the box. I want to thank my sponsors, Usher Brand Silverand Saddlery, Omega Fields Horse Feeds, SaddleRight Saddle Pads, Hassayampa Veterinary Clinic, andFast Back Ropes.ArizonaRealCountry.com February 2021 31"