b'Jews in the Old West Salomon started out quite well, an effective governorhis speech to the waiting crowd. Suddenly he paused,all parties regard it fortunate that he should have been who would stand with the citizens of the territorystooped down, and gathered up a handful of thecalled to preside over our destinies. His official acts are over the political interests of parties, once vetoing aodorous street covering. \'Mein Gott!\' he exclaimed.his best records; they have all met with the heartiest reapportionment bill that he felt benefited the interests\'Vot a splendid soil for cabbages!" (JMAW - Jewishcommendation of our people" (Ibid).of election officials but would disenfranchise voters.Museum of the American West).It was during Salomon\'s tenure as governor when theEven General Philip Sheridan was appalled by the Northwest Pacific Railroad reached Tacoma, and GreatGovernor Salomon was also quite active in thecriticisms of Salomon, personally leading a delegation Britain and the United States resolved the San JuanWashington Territory Jewish community, once duringthat would present Governor Salomon with a silver Boundary Dispute, which just prior to the Civil Warhis tenure as territorial governor officiating over Hightable service of honor for his "fine record of service, had caused the infamous 1859 "Pig War" which almostHoliday services and delivering the Yom Kippur (Dayhigh qualities as a citizen, and as a friend" (Ibid).caused a war between Britain and the United States thatof Atonement) sermon at a private home in Olympia. would eventually distract both nations. Ironically, itAround the same time, Salomon would also becomeNever daunted, Salomon would move to San Francisco was one of Salomon\'s Gettysburg opponents, Captainquite active in securing land for a Jewish cemetery forbecoming quite active in state government, serving as George Pickett, then a US Army officer but later thethe Hebrew Benevolent Society of Puget Sound. a San Francisco assistant district attorney and being Confederate major general who would lead the famouselected to two terms in the California State Assembly. (or infamous, depending on how you look at it)Unfortunately for Salomon, his tenure as the 9thHe also continued his lifelong associations with Union Pickett\'s Charge, who with 66 men would occupy Santerritorial governor of Washington Territory wouldArmy veterans affairs until his passing in 1913 at the Juan Island under the threat of British Naval gunfirebe cut short by the scandals that plagued Grant\'sage of 76.until one of the British commanders vowed that headministration. Personally honest and incorruptible, would not go to war over the killing of a pig. Salomon was nonetheless forced to resign his positionTHE RUSSIAN JEW WHO FELL NEAR CUSTERwithin two years of his appointment. Whether or notHis name was Ignatz Stungewitz, his short and Now, a decade later, it would be Governor Salomonthe clamor of criticism was tinged with anti-Semitismtruncated life a mystery as little was known of him who would preside over the ceremony that wouldis hard to say, but what is known is that much of theexcept that he was an immigrant from Russia who resolve the festering squabble and restore the San JuanWashington Territory populace took his resignationenlisted in the U.S. Army when he was 27, and that he Islands back to American sovereignty. In doing so,hard and with much regret. was 30 when he was killed on that Montana slope, tall Salomon, who still retained a strong German accent(5\'8), with blue eyes, light hair, and a fair complexion. garnered mixed reviews. As one quite critical observerAs a major Washington State newspaper, The PacificWhether or not he was Jewish is open to conjecture, watching the territorial governor noted, "SpeakingTribune noted, "The acceptance of Governor Salomon\'showever, there are several clues that point to the with a thick German accent and described as \'short,resignation by the president is universally regretted byextremely strong possibility that indeed he was a Jew. plump, and sporting a magnificent spiked Germanour people. He was honest, fearless, and capable. HeFirst, the spelling of his last name differed strongly moustache and goatee\' Edward S. Salomon, Olympia\'smingled freely with the people, identified himself withfrom the accepted spelling of Polish or Lithuanian ninth territorial governor, often incited hilarity.their interests, and generously expanded his time andnames, which would have ended in "wicz." Also his first Disembarking from the steamboat at Yesler\'s wharf, hemeans to bring hither population and to promote ourname, Ignatz or Ygnatz too hinted at Jewish origins. climbed Mill Street (Yesler Way) made of stab woodmaterial interests. He has established a reputation inSecondly, when he arrived in this country he went covered with partly rotted sawdust from Yesler\'s Millthe office that will make his administration a sourceto work as a clerk, the entry-level employment for well-mixed with horse-droppings, and plunged intoof pride to his fellow citizens, and he carries into hissomeone who would probably seek a mercantile career.retirement the consolation that the good and true ofcontinued on page 21E X P E C T T H E U N E X P E C T E DAn Evening all tickets Voctavewith Pam TillisCOUNTRY on sale now! The Corner of Broadway & Main StreetJAN 19 FOLLOW THE QR CODE TO A CAPPELLA ENSEMBLE2023-2024 SEASON Black Violin THE FULL SEASON OF EVENTS MAR 7CLASSICAL & HIP HOPJukebox Saturday NightCROSSOVER A MUSIC REVIEW OF JAN 27 THE GREAT BIG BANDSMAR 10Trailblazing WomenPete McBride Pavlo in Concert of CountryInto the Canyon:The Santorini Tour A Tribute to Patsy, Between River and Rim Loretta & Dolly SPEAKER MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRYJAN 30 MUSIC MAR 19FEB 28FEATURING VOCALISTS The Classic Albums LiveAmerican Ballet Theatre KRISTINA TRAIN AND MIKO MARKS Texas Tenors Performs Supertramp Studio CompanyPOP MAR 24americanjewisharchives.orgCROSSOVERBreakfast in AmericaNOTE FOR NOTE, Broadways NextFEB 9 & 10CUT FOR CUT Hit MusicalFrankie Moreno MAR 2IMPROV MUSICAL ROCK N ROLL THEATERFEB 24 MAR 30D E W P A C . O R G9 2 8 - 6 8 4 - 6 6 2 4ArizonaRealCountry.com January 2024 19'