17 September 2017 UA SCIENCE SKYCENTER Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter is an exceptional science learning facility located at Steward Observatory’s “sky island” observing site just north of Tucson, Arizona. The SkyCenter builds upon the uniqueness of the 9,157 feet summit of Mt. Lemmon and on the extensive knowledge base at the University of Arizona to deliver educational adventures including: SkyNights is a night-time observing program that provides the opportunity to peer beyond the blue horizons of our southwestern skies and explore astronomical wonders that have fascinated us from time immemorial. Star charts, binoculars and the superb 32-inch Schulman telescope are just some of the resources of this program. This telescope is the LARGEST public dedicated telescope in the Southwest. The SkyNights experience is offered virtually every night throughout the year. Join us as part of a group for the evening hours and enjoy our Universe like you’ve never done before! AstronomerNights opens up nearly exclusive, extended access to our 32-inch Schulman telescope like a professional astronomer. This unique experience allows one or two visitors to observe with an astronomer/guide, be lodged on site in our dorm, acquire high quality images of objects of their choice, and have images processed and subsequently made available to them. Groups can be accommodated with adjustments in program and fees. There are no prerequisites on experience or education: just a curiosity about our universe and an interest in exploring it first-hand! GETTING TO MT. LEMMON SKYCENTER Find Catalina Highway on the northeast side of Tucson. Follow the road up 27 miles towards the town of Summerhaven. Just after the signs in the picture below (but before the town) turn right on to Ski Run Rd. At the top of this road (about 2 miles) drive through the open Forest Service gate at the end of the parking lot. This is the observatory road. (Note: During the winter months this (lower forest service) gate will be closed and you can proceed no further. We will meet you here at the appointed time.) Go up the road (another 2 miles) to the second, closed, Forest Service gate. Park in the lot to the left. We will greet you here and admit you to the main observatory grounds at your scheduled arrival time. Remember, reservations are required to participate in any Mount Lemmon SkyCenter programs. Allow 90 minutes driving time to get from Tucson proper to the top of Mt. Lemmon. The Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter is at an altitude of 9,157ft. Remember to bring warm clothing regardless of the time of year. For those using GPS assistance, the address 9800 East Ski Run Rd will get you very close to our location given the above directions. Winter - Ski Valley Mt. Lemmon Ski Valley is located in Mt. Lemmon, Arizona, with 21 ski trails served by three lifts. Mt. Lemmon is located about an hour from Tucson and is typically open from December until mid-April. Mt. Lemmon History During World War II, a group of skiers made up of Lowell Thomas, a noted journalist and adventurer, a local forest ranger, and many Davis Monthan serviceman which included Thomas’ son, later a Governor of Alaska, and Art Devlin, a future Olympic ski jumper and television commentator, formed the Sahuaro Ski Club. The well known cartoonist, Paul Webb, created a patch and membership certificates for the club showing a skier wrapped around a sahuaro cactus. Thomas sent honorary memberships to dozens of friends, famous personalities around the world, making membership a tongue in cheek must. A ski gala was held that first year at the Arizona Inn with many of Thomas’ friends in attendance. A Forest Service lease was obtained, an old model “A” with its tires removed propelled a rope tow and Mt. Lemmon Ski Valley had its beginning.  There are several ski trails to choose from so you can really enjoy a variety in one day • There is no sledding on the ski hills • Ski times are 9am until 4pm • It’s $37 for an adult to ski all day • The valley does have ski rentals and a ski school • Iron Door Restaurant is open during ski season “Mt Lemmon is full of incredible trails and is one of the most underrated mountain biking areas in the country. Most of these trails, Meadow Aspen Trail requires at least intermediate skills. You need to be able to handle your bike. There are a lot of hikers here, so please be careful.” – Jason, The Bike Bandit Spotlight On: Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter