b"table of contentsFebruary 2022 from the Publisher5Ask the Vet: Aging Gracefully IM MAD AS HELL AND IM NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE.9Lee Anderson: Did You Know, I heard that in a movie the other day and thought it might express the feelings of many today.However, In the Old West. what are you going to do about it? A cousin of mine, whose family are ranchers in Wyoming sent their 12John Samsill: From the Back annual summarization letter of how 2021 went and greetings for the New Year in the mail to us last of the Boxmonth. Here is how her letter started.As we near the end of a very interesting year (2021) we write about 16The Arizona Duuude: Ron Nixs our year, which is much different than the news, politics, and scare tactics 18 Reel / Real-Life Story of an Arizona that are out there. Our lives on the ranch continue to be a blessing. Where Western Stuntman 16 else could you work with all the members of your family from nine to 90! We all do what we can and as we get older, we train the next generation to take over!18Alan Rockman: The Texas RangersNow that is probably your same situation as well and that is why the media propaganda Part Four: The Golden Years 1836-1896 that they are trying so hard to make you believe is failing because it is so 20Heaven Has Gained an Angel: UNBELIEVABLE. I saw a story the other day about kids in a school band being placed Jorja H. Beal in isolation pods so that they are socially distancing and protecting others in the band. 35 24AZ Road Trip: Superior Are they protecting or hurting the kids in school? The most joyful day of a parent's life is the day your kids are born. From that day on parents will do 26Crossword / Sudoku / Cowboy Comic everything in their power to protect, educate and advance the lives of their kids. NO one can or will do it better than the parent. If your kid gets sick, as 28Arizona Real Country Equine Supply Source 24 a parent, you would do anything to take that sickness from your child and take it on yourself. Not another person has that feeling, so who is best when 30AHSRA Results it comes to saying what their kids should do, yep the parent!31Randy Miller: Your Constitutional Rights Now the biggest takeaway from my cousin's letter was the fact that they were training the next generation to take over. I am all in for that but I am starting 32Old West Legends: Town Named After A Card Game to worry about what that future will look like. Will it be what we have seen in Hollywood movies about space and artificial intelligence? Steril space, 35 96.3 Real Country Concert Page very little interaction, and only then if it absolutely warrants it. Will the workplace of the future ever be a place to meet, interact, develop new ideas, 36COVER STORY: Gold Rush Days 2022 establish a relationship or friendship again? Or will picture time on an 38 96.3 Country Cookin: Tim McGraw electronic device be the way to connect?Yes, the world has changed and most of the 41A View of the Zoo: Wildlife World Zoo Founder changes have come in just the last two years. Let's hope the new generation taking over will Mickey Ollson Passes Away see the values that their grandma and grandpa 42NEW! Bob Boze Bell: True West Moments 30 had and decide to bait a hook together, crank out some ice cream, crochet a tablecloth or play 45 News from Copper State Peruvian Paso Club some checkers on the front porch. The way it's going now it looks like a pair of virtual reality headsets will go on and you will become lost in a reality all 46Jim & Bobbi Jeen Olsons Collectors Corner: your own. Simulation, stimulation is the future???Western Trading Post Sets World Record! One last comment that has me terrified today is YOUTH SUICIDE. It is the second leading cause of death for youth and young adults. Here is a toll-free 49 Running the Race: Making A Comeback hotline number to get HELP 800-273-TALK.50 Shawn Goemmer Elected President MYTHS AND FACTS ABOUT SUICIDEMYTH: No one can stop a suicide.of WRCA FACT: If a young person gets the help they need,52DIY: Fresh and Functional they are less likely to be suicidal again.MYTH: Confronting a person about suicide will only55Justin Legler: Baby Huey, 10 Year make them angry and increase the risk or suicide.Challenge, and Keep Drinking That Kool Aid 32 FACT: Asking about suicide lowers anxiety, opens up communication, and reduces the risk of impulsive acts.MYTH: Suicidal people keep their plans to themselves41 56:Cowboy Cookin In Cast Iron Pots, FACT: Most suicidal people communicate their intentPart 2 at some point near their attempt.MYTH: Those who talk about suicide dont do it. 59Glendale Equestrian Ride Report FACT: People who talk about suicide may try or even complete it.61Classified Ads MYTH: Once a person decides to complete suicidethere is nothing anyone can do to stop them.64 Taking Care of Business: FACT: Suicide is one of the most preventable kinds of death.Special Advertiser Section67 Advertiser Index52 68February 2022 Calendar 42 Mike Barna, Publisher ArizonaRealCountryMagazine@gmail.com4 February 2022"