b'Your Constitutional RightsBy Randy MillerDirector of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association for Arizona, 623-866-3544. To learn more about our constitutions and your rights, contact me at Supremelawoftheland.comO ur new occupier of theopen and forcible acceptance by the rest of society.Second, neither Arizona Governors seat,I worked a sex offender caseload for a short time,the governor nor Katie Hobbs, just issuedwhile a probation officer in California. It wasthe president has an executive order that imposescommon practice to identify the behaviors andexecutive power over requirements on businesses wanting to do businesstricks used to gain a childs interest and trust,the people or a state with the state. Governors, and the president, believedesigned to normalize a sexual relationship withrespectively. These they have the authority to bypass the legislature andthe child. The perpetrator would then convince aexecutive orders write an executive order over the people to do whatchild that their parents or other adults are the oneshave no effect on they want. Within hours of being sworn in, Katiethat dont understand the normal feelings andlaw and violate the Hobbs mandated that any business wanting to dodesires that they, the child, may have and then warnseparation of powers. business with the state is prohibited from their rightthem about telling anyone. These normal feelingsArticle 3 of Arizonas to not hire an individual that expresses their were planted in the child by their perpetrator.Constitution, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.Much of what we see in our schools with books andDistribution of .So, if a man dresses as a woman and insistsspecial appearances by men dressed in drag, somePowers, makes this clear. It says: The powers of the on the business respecting them as such and be adownright frightening to an adult let alone a child,government of the state of Arizona shall be divided representative of their business practice, they musthas traditionally been described as groominginto three separate departments, the legislative, the honor this?children for sexual exploitation. We called thoseexecutive, and the judicial; and, except as provided in victimizing children sexually for their own personalthis Constitution, such departments shall be separate First, we must recognize that what people do in theirgratification, and utilizing these methods we nowand distinct, and no one of such departments shall bedrooms is their business. It is between them andsee in schools, pedophiles. These are not rightsexercise the powers properly belonging to either God, to whom they will have to answer one day.granted to these individuals that are to be protected,of the others. The governor cannot make law and Where I have an issue is when the moral questionthese are people with disorders or just evil, thatexecutive orders over the people or businesses are of an individuals sexual perversion becomes anvictimizes innocent children. Too many people areunconstitutional. The powers of the governor are now trying to normalizefurther outlined in Article 5, Sections 4, 5, & 7.it rather than punishThose powers are very much like the president, and Looking to Buy, Sell, Rent, orand treat the behaviorthey are limited and defined. for the safety of society Need Property Management? and the preservationA business owner has rights as an individual when of decency. Adults andit comes to their religious beliefs and protecting the YOULL GET. society have a duty tointerest of the business for success and the ability to protect our children andserve the community with their respective products preserve their innocenceand services. How they conduct their business is as children, and notand has been traditionally their right, as long as they convince society theydont mistreat their employees. Employees were hired are open game for thosewith an understanding there were certain behaviors that want to use themand dress codes they must maintain. If there is an for sexual enjoyment.agreement between the two parties, a job was offered Additionally, Godand accepted. It is an individual contract that is created a man and abecoming more controlled and interfered with by woman, not the idea yougovernment actors in violation of our constitutions can become whateverand individual rights.you think you may be or may want to be.This recent executive order is an example of what we Mutilating our childrencan expect from an individual that has no respect because of a childhoodfor, or understanding of, our constitutions. In fact, or adolescent periodwhile being sworn in, she laughed while attempting of emotional distress isto state her allegiance to the Constitutions. If we are immoral and criminal. to be honest and dedicated to our constitutions, Ms. AT NOBLE REALTY &Hobbs would be ineligible to serve as our governor PROPERTY MANAGEMENT for many reasons. 928-684-3041626 W Wickenburg WayWickenburg, AZ 85390noblerealtypropertymanagement@gmail.comPatricia Aman Anne PowlasBR013483000 SA70414800038 February 2023'