b'THURSDAY4:00 pmFamily-fun Carnival with Browns Amusements: Opening Night160 N. Valentine St.FEB 9 7:30pmThe Del E. Webb Center presents: Neal McCoy1090 S. Vulture Mine RoadFRIDAY9:00 am -2:00 pmClassic Car Show on Frontier Street9:00 am -5:00 pmWickenburg Art Club Artisan Fair at Stone Park; Vendors at theFEB 10 Wickenburg Community Center160 N. Valentine Street9:00 am -10:00 pmFamily Fun Carnival with Browns Amusements160 N. Valentine St.10:00 amOpening Ceremonies on Frontier Street with special guest &western stuntman Will Roberts11:00 amSenior Pro Rodeo Slack at the Everett Bowman Rodeo Arena;free admission Friday935 Constellation Road11:00 am -4:00 pmFree Community StageApache Street11:00 am -5:00 pmGold Panning near the Family Fun Carnival7:30 pmThe Del E. Webb Center presents: Neal McCoy1090 S. Vulture Mine RoadSATURDAY9:00 am -5:00 pmWickenburg Art Club Artisan Fair at Stone Park; Vendors atthe Wickenburg Community Center160 N. Valentine St.FEB 11 9:00 am -10:00 pmFamily Fun Carnival with Browns Amusements160 N. Valentine St.9:00 amWestern Entertainment on Frontier Street with Will Robertson Frontier Street before the parade 10:00 amGold Rush Days Parade; theme: Back in Gold!11:00 amWickenburg Saddle Club BBQ at the Wickenburg CommunityCenter160 N. Valentine St.11:00 am -4:00 pmFree Community StageApache Street11:00 am -5:00 pmGold Panning near the Family Fun Carnival2:00 pmSenior Pro Rodeo at the Everett Bowman Rodeo Arena935 Constellation RoadRODEO ADMISSION:Adults (ages 19+): $20Seniors (ages 60+): $15 Students (ages 6-18): $10Ages 5 & under: Free6:00 pm -10:00 pmRodeo Dance featuring the Pat James Band at theWickenburg Community Center160 N. Valentine St.SUNDAY9:00 am -5:00 pm Wickenburg Art Club Artisan Fair at Stone Park; Vendors at theWickenburg Community Center160 N. Valentine StreetFEB 12 9:00 am -5:00 pmFamily Fun Carnival with Browns Amusements160 N. Valentine St.10:00 amMucking and Drilling Contest near the Family Fun Carnival11:00 am -4:00 pmGold Panning near the Family Fun Carnival11:00 am -4:00 pmFree Community StageApache Street1:00 pmChampionship Gold Panning Contest2:00 pmSenior Pro Rodeo at the Everett Bowman Rodeo Arena935 Constellation RoadTICKETS: RODEO & RODEO DANCE TICKETS: WICKENBURG.BAMMTICKETS.COM OR WICKENBURG VISITOR CENTER, 216 N. FRONTIER STREETImage by Craig W. CutlerWEBB CENTER PERFORMANCE TICKETS: DEWPAC.ORG OR 928-684-6624MORE INFO: OUTWICKENBURGWAY.COM928-684-5479 OR INFO@WICKENBURGCHAMBER.COMArizonaRealCountry.com February 2023 43Wickenburg Chamber-AZ Real Country Feb 2pp-2023-interior pages with bleeds.indd 2 1/15/23 10:52 PM'