b"From the BackBJ CampbellOF THE BOXBy John SamsillYou can contact me directly at johnsamsillteamroping@gmail.com if you have any questionsor would like to schedule a clinic or a lesson.I f the ropings in SeptemberClay OBrien Cooper. I think that this team is and October are anyqualified to teach anyone about roping and what it indication of how goodtakes to win. If you are looking to up your roping you they will be this winter inshould look into this school. Wickenburg Trailer Sales Wickenburg, you better get tois also doing everything they can to help team ropers the practice pen and get thoseby having Tyler Magnus available for lessons this horses tuned up, because they are going to be great.winter. If you rope you have heard of Tyler Magnus I went to the first roping of the year that the Fullersand I can tell you he is one of the best instructors put on at Downtown Arena and the eleven paid closegoing. Another instructor we are fortunate to have to four thousand dollars to win and the number ninearound Wickenburg is BJ Campbell who has been had over two hundred teams and the winners alsoto the NFR several times. BJ is a great instructor that won saddles. So far in October, the number elevenhas also trained and owned many horses that have ropings have had well over one hundred teams andbeen ridden at the NFR. Jason Warner is one other the number nines have had over two hundred teams.instructor who is someone that I would recommend This is a strong start to the winter roping season and Ifor anyone who is wanting to improve their roping only see it getting better.and horsemanship. Jason won the Mike Cervi with Jaguar Terrell in 2015, IMPRA Champion four times, With these kinds of numbers, the competition will beand is an American Semi-Finals qualifier. Obviously, tough. To win at any level takes good fundamentalsJason ropes at a high level but he is also a great and the team that makes the fewest mistakes usuallycommunicator and horseman. If I could pick the wins. What can you do to cut down or eliminate yourthing that most impresses me about Jason is that he mistakes? The best way to eliminate mistakes is tohas accomplished all of this while not only raising a take a lesson. The very best in this sport will go andgreat family with his wife but always having a full-get a lesson from the guys who can help them get totime job. The amount of work and dedication that where they want to be. I have known ropers who arethis requires is impressive, to say the least. If you are number fives and sixes talk about other ropers takinglooking for an instructor that not only can improve a lesson and they have felt that they were past takingyour roping but also relate to trying to get better while a lesson. I canworking Jason may be the perfect fit. Tyler Magnus assure you that Dustin EsquizaThis winter, Wickenburg TrailerI hope that this inspires you to take a lesson or lessons has had Speedthis winter and improve your roping. Chances are, Williams helpSales will be hosting a ropingsomeone else is.him work on his roping andschool with none other than seven- Until next time, Ill see you at the back of the box. that Charly Crawford hastime World Champions Jake always hadJason WarnerTyler MagnusBarnes and Clay OBrien Cooper. to help him. This is a primeto get a lesson from a world champion then that is example ofa great opportunity and obviously, your instructor two of theis qualified. The next thing that I want from an best ropers ininstructor is someone who can communicate to me the world getting lessons from not only two otherwhat they want me to do. Some people may be great world-class ropers but by two of the best teachers inropers but are not good teachers or communicators. the world.My suggestion would be to ask around about an instructor and see what some of your peers may think Ill give you my opinion on what to look for whenof someone. If someone has been giving lessons for looking for an instructor but I'm sure you have somea few years and are still doing it chances are they are of your own criteria also. The very first thing I lookgood at what they do or they wouldnt still be doing it.for is someone who has accomplished what I wish to accomplish. If you want someone to show you how toIn Wickenburg, we are very lucky to have some very win at a jackpot, I think you want someone who hasgood instructors. Of course, this is in part becausewon at the level of the jackpot you wish to compete in.of the fact that Wickenburg is the Team RopingI would like to thank my sponsors, Fast Back It is also the same if you would like to rodeo, look forCapital of the World and it draws so many teamRopes, Usher Silver and Saddlery, Omega someone who has won and competed at the level youropers to one spot. This winter, Wickenburg TrailerFields Horse Supplements, SaddleRight Saddle wish to rope at. If you want to compete in the numberSales will be hosting a roping school with none otherPads, and Hassayampa Veterinary Services. eight ropings and you happen to have the opportunitythan seven-time World Champions Jake Barnes and12 November 2021"