b'Your Constitutional RightsBy Randy MillerDirector of the Constitutional Sheriffsand Peace Officers Association for ArizonaO ur Constitutions define government and its roles in our lives. The Arizona State Constitution is our source of power for the state. It is much like the US Constitution, dividing our government into three distinct and separate branches, or departments, legislative, executive, and judicial. Further, each department shall not exercise the powers properly belonging to each of the others. Meaning, neither the governor nor the courts make laws, only the legislature. There is no emergency power authorization granted to either the federal government or the state government under either Constitution. The only state constitutional authority for an emergency is Article 4, Section 25, of Arizonas Constitution. It is for continuity of government operations in an emergency. It is for as stated, to continue government operations in periods of emergency resulting from a disaster caused by enemy attack. The legislature has this power to ensure state and local government operations continue. Nothing is authorizing legislative authority to grant powers to the governor in a pandemic. There is nothing in Article 5, executive department granting powers to the governor over the people or our rights. There are no exceptions granting FEED YOUR authority to any branch of government to place restrictions on our rights under any circumstances. Because these are God-given rights and are unalienable. Meaning we cannot be separated from them. The legislature cannot legislate them away and neither the courts nor the governor can by fiat, suspend them to suit their needs.So, what do you do when you have a candidate running for, say the Arizona Attorney General, and her website says Lacy Cooper is a former state and federal prosecutor PASSION who has spent her career fighting for the Constitution, the rule of law, and the safety of Arizonans? You have a conversation with her and find out what her thoughts are on the issues concerning the Constitutions.I did that and am disappointed, to say the least. On the issue of the border, she insists10% OFFit is the federal government that has authority to protect the border, not the states. I asked her where in the constitution is this grant of authority for immigration. She said the courts have ruled. I said, I didnt ask that, I asked for constitutional authority. She said, I enforce the law. I asked, What law? She said Case law and laws on Grown for the Life We Lovethe books. I reminded her courts do not make law for this and it is a violation of theANY REGULAR PRICED ITEMConstitution, separation of powers, they only give opinions and invalidate law if it conflicts. She was unable to state a constitutional authority for immigration to the federal government. There isnt any. I referred her to the 1798 Kentucky ResolutionExcludes Tools & Equipment.written by Jefferson, and the 1799 Virginia Resolution written by Madison on the Alien Act. They are specific in explaining the states never delegated immigration toMention Arizona Real Country Magazine.the federal government. Jefferson stated they; congress, have no authority over our BUY 1, SAVE $2.00 alien friends.If anything, the only agreement made with the federal government is under Article 4, Section 4 of the US Constitution that the United States shall protect each state from invasion. Then there is the 2nd Amendment where in part the duty and right of the people/militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, and our state Constitution Article 2, Section 26 says The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself or the state clearly implying we are a free and on any bagged or compressed bale product independent state, vested with the authority to protect ourselves, especially when the general government fails to uphold the agreement to equally defend each state from invasion. There is Clause 15, under Article 1, Section 8, that defines congressional role to call up the militia to repel invasions, but again, that is the people. And under Visit standleeforage.com/coupons to print this oer. Article 1, Section 10, Clause 4, saying the states shall notor engage in war unless actually invaded or in such imminent danger as admit of delay. Again, states have a Coupon required at purchase. right to defend their border.In regards to COVID-19 and the mandatory vaccination, she again said she will enforce the laws on the books, stating case law and statutes. There was no willingness to engage in constitutional discussions on these matters, which is of great concern to me. She maintained the legislature gave authority to the governor to act and make executive orders during times of emergency and pandemic. She was unable to reference anything in our Constitutions justifying these actions and appeared quite annoyed I kept going back to them. We ended our meeting with the agreement that we agree to disagree. It is apparent, in my opinion, Lacy Cooper as an attorney, is the queen of case law and not able or at least unwilling to have a conversation on the Constitutions she is claiming to have defended. standleeforage.com November 2021 41ArizonaRealCountry.com'