b'By Bob Roloff,The Arizona DuuudeT he Wild Bunch Film Festival has been running forThey are doing a fantastic job as the award show hosts the past six years being held the last five years inand they are lucky to have them. Wilcox, Arizona during Rex Allen Days. Founders/directors Rock and Brenda Whitehead graciouslyThey celebrated the 50th Anniversary screening of provide a platform for anyone wanting to get intoGregory Peck\'s film Shoot Out and his co-star of the the movie industry. This festival is specifically forfilm, Dawn Lyn attended it. Dawn did a wonderful the Western genre and for those wanting to produce,Q&A with Bobbi Jeen Olson after the screening. Dawn direct, act, or participate in any aspect of the filming ofwent on to play parts in the TV series My Three Sons, in a production. This is an opportunity for independentsthe Walking Tall trilogy, in Gunsmoke and others. What to try their luck in an entry-level production. a pleasure it was listening to Bobbi field questions from the audience and hear Dawn\'s memories of working What Rock and Brenda started has grown steadily yearwith the great Gregory Peck. after year and according to Rock this year there were over 164 submissions from all of the categories. OfBobbi Jeen Olson has been promoting the western these, they were able to select sixty percent of them.lifestyle through film, fashion, faith & inspiration.Wild Bunch Film Festival\'s founders/Bobbi said, What an amazing weekend at the Wild Rock noted that Western fans came from all over andBunch Film Festival surrounded by incredible actorsdirectors Rock and Brenda Whiteheadeven Manuela Schneider flew in from Germany to beand artists including Rodrigo Tactaquin from Lone there. This season was one of the highest attendancesRanger, Longmire, Women Walks Ahead, and more. they\'ve ever had and they couldn\'t be more thrilled!Bobbi\'s interview with Rodrigo is on her page atheal their souls, they inspire them, and they give them The award show was at capacity in the main theater, sofacebook.com/bobbijeenolson. Listen as Bobbi andcourage. Thats why we are storytellers. Theres always a the theater manager had to use the other theater for theRodrigo encourage you to never give up, always followneed for storytellers. overflow of people. It was amazing.your dream. Rock remembered the late Charlie LeSueur when Rodrigo describes why events like TWBFF are soAnother outstanding interview Bobbi had was with he emceed his final Wild Bunch Film Festival withimportant as a starting block. Much like what theKristina Wayborn. Bobbi begins with I\'m sitting here Bobbi Jeen Olson stating that The award show is likeindependent film festivals represent. He said, Anbeside one of the most amazing, beautiful, and talented our own mini Oscar\'s" on KGUN9 TV in Tucson. Heindependent film is a consortium of people who haveactresses out there. Kristina Wayborn has been in the had to be smiling down on this one! They are still verythe willpower, the desire, the dream, to tell a story andfilm industry for over 50 years and has 100 plus films saddened to have lost him, but he left them in greatthey\'re going to go through the fire, baptism by fire tounder her belt plus being a James Bond girl. Everything hands with Bobbi Jeen, Jim and Rowdy Olson. get that film made. It is an amazing thing when youyou have been in, you have been spectacular. When we meet somebody who can deliver on a dream. We needgot to work together it was a dream comes true. You are those kinds of people in the industry. We need peoplehere not just for the films you are in but to support other who dream big and are willing to go thru whateverfilmmakers, correct?Kristina answered, Absolutely, it is to get that story in. And then they grow as thisthere are a lot of young people here that are so talented. process goes on. It is fortunate for me to come to aAnd it\'s so much fun to come down and see friends I place like this and see the final product in the future.have known for 35 or 40 years. I have more fun and Remembering when I saw that at the Independent Filmenjoy myself more at film festivals like The Wild Bunch Festival in Arizona on a warm summer night. Then youFilm Festival than I do at the Academy Awards. Kristina get the full impact. There are people here who needleads by example, Come on make a movie." inspiration. They come and see these films, and they are not these big mega million blockbuster films but they are still a story. They see these people that doggedly got these things done. These are actors who gave their time because it was an opportunity for them to stretch their art, to become better actors.It\'s all here its like coming to the beginnings of a river where all streams flow together and then courses down the mountain. This is what the film festival represents. Bobbi Jeen then asks Rodrigo what encouragement he can give others that are just starting out acting, directing, producing, or whatever. I\'ve lived it," says Rodrigo, And here I am a full-time actor. You need to know you\'re going to be up against obstacles, they are just a test. How you decide to deal with these tests will dictate whether you move forward, sideways, or backward. My advice to you is to stick with it. If you feel this is your calling, you have to be tested, and you have to pass those tests.David BertoldoThe world needs more artists. Its an interesting thingPat Larkin, Kristina Wayborn, Bobbi David Bertoldo to some degree. The world doesn\'t fully embrace artistsJeen Olson, and Spanky SpanglerBobbi Jeen Olson and Rodrigo Tactaquin until they need them, and when they really need them, artists are the healers. The healers of the audience, they 16 November 2021'