b'FROM THE BACK OF THE BOXBy John SamsillFor all your team roping questions or to set up a lesson or a clinic, you can contact me directlyat johnsamillteamroping@gmail.com W hat Im writing about today, I think just about everyone who ropes competitively, has gone through at one time or another. What Im talking about is finishing the roping in the short round. I recently had a friend who told me that she was having a hard time catching in the short round. I never got to finish my conversation with her on the subject so, I thought I would address it here.Im not a sports psychologist or anything but Ill let you know what has worked for me in the past and some of the things that didnt work. Let me tell first that this lady is a good roper. She can head or heel and has won lots of money on both ends. She has competed in front of large crowds atmy thoughts? You may think that this would just put169 E Wickenburg Waysome prestigious events. She has a great attitude and ismore pressure on me to catch. It doesnt. Remember someone I will gravitate to at ropings because she is soyou are replacing old thoughts with new ones. WhatsWickenburg, AZ 85390positive. Not exactly the person you would think wouldthe alternative to I have a chance to place? Its I dont928-684-6123be having short round problems.To be fair, she hasnthave a chance to place. So, if I believe I have a chanceOpens at 11:00am DAILYcompeted a lot in the last few years, but her experienceto place, thats replacing the negative thought with a level is quite high. It would only be a guess as to whypositive thought but Ill let you in on my, not so secret, this was happening, but the why doesnt matter to mesecret. If I did happen to miss, the sun is still coming as you dont really fix old habits, you replace them withup tomorrow morning and Ill be at another roping new ones.just like it never happened. In my mind, if I didnt fall off my horse, which I thought was the worst thing that Ill start by telling you what hasnt worked for me.could happen, I would be fine. By the way, I did fall off Everyone is different so what did or didnt work formy horse once, and I still survived, but thats another me may not be the case with you. We all know the oldstory. There is still one more thing we must have, the dont miss doesnt work, it puts the wrong thoughtplan I spoke about earlier but how do we gain the in your head. Youre thinking about the miss part andconfidence we need to execute the plan? not necessarily the dont part.The other thing that doesnt work is changing what youve been doing onThis is what works for me. I dont tell myself its just your other steers in the short round. Youve roped goodanother steer, I tell myself its just another practice enough all day to get to the short round so dont changerun. Im not trying to fool myself into thinking theres your routine or your aggressiveness. If you changeno pressure. What I mean by another practice run how aggressive you are it can lead to you letting up toois that I will execute in the short round run, just like much. So even if you can afford to take an extra swingIve practiced so many times, a good solid run that or two, stay aggressive on your delivery.I used to tellis fundamentally correct. All of us can gain lots of myself that the short round steer was just another steer.experience making those types of runs in the practice That didnt work for me. I believe in the theory behindpen. In an earlier article, I wrote about practicing withon yT Pit, but I think it was just too vague and I didnt feel Ia purpose and this is one of the reasons.By creating had a plan by telling myself that it was just anotherdifferent scenarios when we practice, we learn to reactehsteer. My mind wanted a plan to replace any negativewhile roping without having to think about what to do thoughts. As I said earlier, we do not break an old habit,throughout the run. Things happen quickly while were we replace it with another. If anything negative is goingroping and our body cant react fast enough to keep up2nd Hand Storethrough your mind in the short round you must replacewith what our mind is telling us. This is where mistakes it with something positive. So, what worked for me?happen and doubt creeps in causing us to second guess our decisions in the middle of the run. Its the same asWe Collect & Deliver My mindset is that if I make the short round then Ia gymnast learning to do the balance beam while it sitsYour Merchandisehave a chance to place. Thats the first thing I want toon the floor. By not having the pressure, we can build believe. You may wonder why I would have that inmuscle memory and most of all we build the confidenceFREE LOCAL DELIVERY AVAILABLEthat we can execute our plan,662 W. Wickenburg Way whether were under pressure or not,WickenburgOpen MondaySaturdayjust like the gymnast when they take the balance beam off the ground.thepony2ndhandstore.comI hope this helps you as much as it928-231-2730928-232-2019helped me.We Carry Quality 2nd Hand Until next time, Ill see you at the& New Merchandiseback of the box.Your Home Furniture Supplies StoreThank you to my sponsors, UsherSpecializing in AppliancesBrand Saddlery and Silver,Jane and Peter KibbleSaddleRight Saddle Pads, Omegapony2ndhandstore@outlook.com Fields Feeds, and Hassayampa Veterinary Services. ArizonaRealCountry.com April 2020 11'