b"Running the RaceBuyer and Seller BewareBy Betsy Nunnhowfastdouwannab@gmail.com, facebook.com/Willnunnp3, youtube.com/user/howfastdouwannabM y family and I have been in the barrel horse businessyou take that happy little check with the five zeros and skip for over 55 years. We have raised and trained themon over to the bank and that horse doesnt look good, you from the ground up. We have bought them, starteddont look good. Do not get me wrong I have sold horses and patterned them and won on them. We have takenthat I thought would work out and it didnt. I know we dont horses that were wrecked on the pattern, fixed them andalways have a crystal ball. I completely understand that, but won on them. Ultimately, our goal was to fit them with theif you are the owner and you are not as honest as you can be right partner, sell them and make a profit for our efforts. Iits going to bite you in the butt and your reputation will be watched my folks from a very young age make their living inat stake. Also, folks will run you down in the end. Believe this business. Will and I have done this as well. Interestinglyme, its hard enough to sell that horse in good conscience enough my dad was a farrier and so is my husband. Myand pray that it works. Horse selling is hard, I get it!mom trained barrel horses and so do I. Its a great thing to be able to work for yourself but it can also be tricky. I knowHow about consignment? If I or someone else sells a horseanimal that we have a lot invested in. We watch you zing Will and I could write a book and so could my folks. I alsofor you, meaning we have the buyer and put the dealthem around the barrels, give you a 3-hour lesson for free know we are not the only ones that could write that book.together, dont we need to be compensated? The code of thewhile you hot lap this horse. Just use common courtesy and The Life and Times of a Horse Trainer is what I might call it. west for most folks is 10% at the very least. Some folks getlet us know if you are interested or not. 20%. That means you may need to price the horse a little I remember being about seven years old as I chased, threwhigher, as the owner, because you will need to pay them aWhen you do buy a horse that the owner has won on please rocks at and ran after a trailer as it pulled out of our drivewaycommission, which is just business.have them make a list of what they have already figured out with a horse that I had loved and won on by the name ofworks and then follow that list. Its like getting the keys to a Spider. The lady that bought him won a ton on him. SheSome folks find horses and they are usually compensatednew car to drive. That person that won on that horse already became a close friend of our family.We got him back whenwith a finders fee but what about these individuals who findknows what makes that horse tick. Please be mindful of that she passed away and we sold him to another future greathorses for buyers? What are their qualifications? Have theyand thankful for all the money and time they spent figuring friend of our family who did awesome on him as well. Lookingwon much? Do they know what they are looking at and for?these things out. It hurts the seller so much to watch the new back, that was the start of many great love affairs that I wouldWho vets them? These people that put horses and ridersbuyer fail on a horse that they won on. That seller completely have with horses.I believe they loved me as well. Ultimatelytogether need to come with a great recommendation andloved and had a bond with that horse. They now have to sit they would be sold to help pay the bills. I would wipe away thethe ones that do need to be compensated. You pay as a buyerback and watch the new buyer destroy that horse. Please tears as a youngster and get on another. It would make me athere as well. I have brought in a buyer many times only tofollow the directions you were given and get help from the much better hand if I could win on the next one. I know as abe stiffed from the owner on a high selling horse. These folksperson that won on the horse or the person that trained the kid it was sad to see a horse that meant so much to me be soldare greedy and seem to fail to understand that the finderhorse. You may have spent a lot of money on that horse and but I know it partly made me of who I am today. I also learnedbrought them the buyer. They could have sold their horsemay be resentful towards the seller and the horse because that not everyone is going to win on the one I won on.to them but they were trying to be honest and sell the otheryou are not winning. Do not take it out on the horse. Talk horse instead of their own because they thought it might beto the person that trained the horse as well as the person I want to talk about buyers and sellers in the horse business.a better fit. If you find yourself in this type of situation pleasethat you bought the horse from. Realize that different feed, I know I cant make a man honest when they sell one and Ibe considerate and pay those that put the deal together. Youdifferent shoers and different riding abilities all play a part cant make a buyer get along with a horse but I can tell you adidnt have the buyer and they did. enough said. in your results and your success. Understand that the horse few moral truths that may help you in the process. Throughyou bought is probably used to a certain routine and a way the years I bought some spendy ones and I bought someNow lets talk about the buyers. What would I like to see inthat they were ridden. Its all a learning curve. Be patient. inexpensive horses. I sold some inexpensive ones as well asa perfect world from them? I would like to see a buyer beKnow that there is a time to recognize it is not going to get some pricey ones. So basically what Im saying is I have beenhonest as well. I would love for them to be real as to whatany better and to consider selling that horse. Be humble and at the end of both processes. Its interesting to think about. they can actually ride. If they have only ridden a 5D horse, beunderstand that its not always the horse's fault and it may honest about that. Are you ready for a 1D or 2D horse?Backjust not be a good fit. Its no one's fault. Its not like buying a I would like to see a seller that tells the good, the bad andin the day everyone rolled in and wanted to buy your openmotorcycle or a car, jumping in, turning the key and driving the ugly about every horse but we dont live in a perfecthorse whether they could ride it or not. We did not have 3Doff. Its like a marriage. You have to have a partnership and world. Some of them are spooky on the ground, some arebarrel races until the 90s which made it cool because a horseto be willing to give and take. Sometimes it works and like galloping a racehorse to exercise during the week andthat wasnt a 1D horse could be sold for a good amount ofsometimes it does not. Just be careful to stay within your some are cold backed and may be cinchy. Lets be realistic,money still even though they couldnt win first place. Some ofbudget. Dont step out there and pay more for a horse than none of them are perfect but some are pretty dang close inthose horses would fit a person that could not feasibly ride ayou can afford and then let that pressure lump upon you. that seller's eyes and rightfully so sometimes.They may1D horse. It helped the horse market. I remember some folksIf you are buying a horse and its your hobby, like a boat, have won a bunch on that horse. Ole Black may have evenshowing up to my moms place with a child that couldnt rideit needs to be enjoyable for you. As my mom and dad say, helped make their living. I am trying to say is that I woulda lick and my mom didnt show them her horse that was inwhen you drive off the lot with a new car it automatically hope they would be honest about their horse.the barn. Then the mother lied and said that the horse was fordepreciates.Dont think that when you buy one and you her to ride. My mom trusted they were telling the truth anddont get along with them that you can always resell them for Understand I am a horse trainer- not a horse trader. I havesold them the horse. The kid ends up on the horse, cripplingexactly what you have in them. It doesnt always work like had 20 head or so given to me over the last 18 years. I amit and then they want their money back. Unfortunately withthat. If you win on a horse and make them look good, then also an eternal optimist and see something great in almosta deal like that, we are the ones that end up looking badly forpossibly they could be worth even more but that does not all of them. I hope that the person selling their horse wantsselling the horse to them. Please just be honest. always happen.the best for it. I want them to work from their heart, not their pocketbooks. Realize that if that horse doesnt fit theI would also love to see someone call back after they comeThe main thing that Im trying to say is that we need to person from the get-go its not going to do that buyer, thatto try out a horse!! Sheesh! They take your whole day andtreat each other the way that we want to be treated. Dont horse or themselves, as the seller, any good. If that horsethey dont have the decency to call back and say yay orlet pride and greed get in the way of being honest whether works badly its going to make you look like a dipstick. nay! Its ok one way or the other but we may have notyou are buying or selling. Remember the old golden rule. That cash may look good in your wallet at the time but inentered that horse in a competition thinking they were soldJesus said, And just as you want men to do to you, you also the end, it does little if your conscience is screaming no!Ifand then we never hear back. We let you spend time on ourdo to them likewise. Luke 6:31. 14 April 2020"