b'American West April 20th24th, 2020THE DESERT CABALLEROS TRAIL RIDE and THETHE D.C. RIDE.MORE FUN THAN DESERT CABALLEROS WESTERN MUSEUM A WHOOPIE CUSHION IN CHURCHBy Jim Nichols, California Camp and music is playing over generator-Jim, will you write a short piece about the Desertdriven speakers.The Caballeros Trail Ride? is how the request was made.California Camp Of course, I responded. And try not to make it the oldhosts a Shrimp & rehash about friendships, scenery, food and the Day-In- Avocado party for the Camp. What the H?That is like asking me to boil a frogentire Ride on this with no water, I said. first night, Monday.Ive been on this trail ride for decades and Im going toDay 2: Its a long spit it out the way it tumbles out of my head. And if any ofone, but a fun one.you Caballeros moan Oh the same old gooey stuff, wellWe climb into the The Desert Caballeros Museum, one of theexcuuuuuze me!mountains. We cross the Hassayampa River, ride finest Western art museums in America,across the face of buttes, eat lunches and have beer & pop If youve been on the DC adventure before, dont readstops in brush-covered park-like areas.has long enjoyed the support of the Desertthis article, just send in your money and get your butt in Caballeros trail riders who in turn havethe saddle at the appointed hour. This little article is forTuesdays ride is a good 7hours before we turn over that appreciated the museums historicalGREENSTRIPERS - our new first-year riders - who arelead rope. The evening of the second day is super, knowing collections of Southwestern and cowboyabout to have the time of their lives. Yep, more fun thanwe get to sleep in Wednesday (Day 3, known as Day-life since 1960, when the Maricopa Countyslipping a whoopee cushion on the preachers chair seatIn-Camp, a non-riding day) and then participate in the Historical Society was incorporated. when hes at the lectern leading the congregation in prayer. gymkhana, trap shoot, duck races or chicken dance.The museums founders have deep roots inDo you know how many bad times I have had in a quarter- The food on the ride is magnificent from beginning to end. both the museum and the Desert Caballeroscentury-plus spurring with the DC? None! Thats why IWe are served steak, fish, chicken, lobster with all of the Trail Ride. keep coming back like a buzzard to Hinckley, Ohio. sides, and more! Desert Caballeros trail riders have visitedOkay, listen up you new guys.you will quickly learn thatThe breakfasts are also spectacular.everything and the museum since it was a storefront exhibitthe D.C. is a brotherhood. A male bonding family of guysanything a hungry cowboy would want. Look out for the erected only for special events like the annualwho care for each other.Friendships are established,Moose Milk delivered by the boys from one of the camps five-day ride in April and the memories and stories are shared (some are even true).as the sun is barely splashing its rays across the meadow. town-wide Gold Rush Days celebration Nostalgia visits me when I look in the Ride Book and seeMoose Milk is like a Mai Tai with cream in it. Yummy, in February.the Empty Saddles (Cowboys whobut if too much is consumed you wont be able to find the have made their last ride). zipper on your sleeping bag when youve got to get up in In 1969, the museum found a permanentthe middle of the night.home in Wickenburgs old general storeTHE RIDE ITSELF: before building, Braytons Commercial, onthe Ride, it should be pointedMoving on to Day 4 (Thursday).this is a reprise of Day 2 out that there are three days of(Tuesday) only in a different direction. It is a long one but Frontier Street. On December 21, 1972,activities, parties and short ridesmemorable. Lead ropes handed off, the 4th night is spent that old wood building including thesponsored by the various camps. luxuriating at Boyd Ranch, which has permanent showers, contents of the Desert Caballeros Westernrestrooms, a bar, a casino, and an eating pavilion. On Museum tragically burnt to the ground. The D.C. is the Mother Ship. this night theres a wind-up ceremony and more buckles, However, it is composed ofribbons, and accolades that are generously handed out Three years after the firethanks tosatellite clubs or groups called camps: Los Californios,to deserving cowboys. We the largest volunteer effort the town ofCheapskates, Honkers, Los Caballeros, Poor Boys, andalso have a live auction for a Wickenburg ever undertook, the museum wasRemuda. All the camps have distinct personalities, as youWinchester or other fine rifle. rebuilt and reopened.will discover when attending the various parties that theIt is our last night together and camps host during the Ride. a perfect time to say farewell In 1987, the museum was expanded, addingto friends old and new.a library, classrooms, office space, store andThere is a great Sunday evening Presidents Party (food, doubling the size of the prestigious Westerndrinks and a wonderful silent auction) the night beforeThe following day, there is a Gallery that houses the ongoing exhibitions. the actual trek begins. The guys bring their wives andshort ride back into town. sweethearts, all decked out in their western finery. We muster and parade back In addition to exhibiting the finest westernto where we started, with paintings and sculptures, the museum alsoThe boys are in the saddle the following morning.Wetruckers waving out the houses a permanent collection that includesmuster before a sound stage, listen to a nice young lady singwindows, telling us with period rooms, dioramas, Native AmericanGod Bless America, get introduced to the D.C.s Board oftheir middle fingers that we are Number One in their artifact and mineral rooms as well asDirectors and the local police, hear a prayer, and off we go. book. At least, thats what I think they mean. On Friday displays highlighting the areas mining andevening theres a picture party where one can buy a photo Theres excitement in the air as we parade out of townof a beautiful collection of photos of the Ride taken by our ranching history. with flags flapping, horses prancing, women blowingofficial Ride photographer, Dave Darby.kisses from the curbs and bar doors, and truckers looking The Desert Caballeros Trail Ride urgesat their watches with frowns as they sit dead still on aSo thats it in a nutshell. Get your money and applications everyone who is visiting or passing throughHighway Patrol stopped interstate. After about 4 hours,in early so you have a place on the picket line with Cowboy Wickenburg to visit the best-kept secret inwe ride into camp.The cowboys wander to their variousJim Nichols. See you in Wickenburg on Friday, April 17 Arizona.THE DESERT CABALLEROScamps where beds are already set up, drinks are served-the weekend before the Ride!WESTERN MUSEUM.ArizonaRealCountry.com April 2020 35'