b"The Bottom LineBy Mark Melkowski602-793-6493 or mark@eagleadvisorygroup.comM ost of us work allThese are questions you should our lives to receive abe asking yourself and your paycheck and hopefully,financial advisor. In retirement it we are fortunate enough tois not about accumulation, it is put some funds to generateabout distribution and how you income in retirement. There are a few main sources ofmanage a vast array of factors including retirement income:the sequence of returns, longevity risk,investments. What is your risk level and and market risk. If you do not address thesewhy are you taking a risk in retirement? 1issues your retirement lifestyle could What is your plan or your broker's plan to Social Security:What are my benefits and when should I begin tobe affected.help offset or defend against losses? If you hold any take those benefits? If I take Social Security earlyinvestment long enough you may give some portion how much will my benefit be reduced?One other area of great concern is your IRA, theback, it might be prudent to lock in your gains. Also, if dictionary defines an IRA as an individual retirementyou do gain in the market, are you willing to sell because 2 Employer Pension: account, but the IRS defines your IRA as an individualthat is the only way you will realize those gains. How do I determine the best way to take myretirement arrangement between you and the IRS. You pension for myself and my spouse? Are myshould address whether you would prefer to pay theIn our lifetime we insure everything dear to us, our car, benefits reduced if I want to be sure my spouse receivestaxes on the seed or have your family pay the taxes onour house, our boats, our jewelry and anything else we the benefit if I pass away?the tree? With the passing of the new Secure Act of 2019,feel is valuable, but we overlook the most important it would be a good idea to address the changes aroundasset we must insure - our income. Why would you not 3 Individual Savings and Investments: the new laws in place for your IRA.consider insuring the single most important asset you What amount should I take out to supplementhave so that you can maintain your standard of living in my income? How much income will I need inIn retirement you should not have the same approachretirement? A good question to ask is when is the best retirement? What if my retirement funds take a hit in thethat you had while you were working, in retirement ittime to take your gains off the table? market? How do I offset that loss? If either my spouse oris all about income and distribution. Income is king I pass away how much income will be lost and how doin retirement. In retirement you want to own theIf you are worried about any of these concerns in we replace that lost income?results, you want a tool that will allow you to own yourretirement and would like a second opinion please give income. Also, ask yourself if you are in love with yourme a call. Mark Melkowksi 602-793-6493. Thank you. Western Trading Post TV on The Cowboy Channel Sunday, 7:30 PM ESTUpcoming Auctions!April 11, May 1612 April 2020"