b'Vet continued from page 5is as effective as corticosteroid injections. This type ofresearch is being conducted as to the reasoning behind therapy can also be used to help manage kissing spinesthis. Better, more reliable prevention and treatment is long term. If your horse is active or is a competitionbeing sought. Researchers and veterinarians alike are horse, shockwave therapy can be given regularly andcertain that prevention plays a major role in horses before any competitions to decrease any pain andhaving a healthy spinal column.discomfort your horse may experience. If you think your horse has kissing spines be sure to hire professionals whoMost horses with kissing spines can be rehabilitated have experience identifying and managing this problem.and returned to function. There are a lot of show In some cases, a bone scan may be needed to localizehorses out there competing, who have the problem the most painful areas of the back, in addition to themanaged by their trainers and veterinarians. Once the ultrasound, thermography, and radiography. problem is identified and treated it is important for the owners to be aware of the horses symptoms and if they Laser therapy can effectively treat any inflammationare recurring.of the nerves, soft tissue, and bone at the site of the condition. A medication called Tildren may bePREVENTIONadministered to your horse. This medication hasAs kissing spines is a naturally occurring, progressive been shown to decrease bone inflammation and thecondition, prevention isnt possible. There are, however, destructive process of the bone. It activates the cells ofsome things that can be done to help reduce the risk. the bone, thus rebuilding any damage that has beenExperts believe theres likely to be a genetic component caused. This may be an effective long term solution forto kissing spines, so breeding from known sufferers your companion.should be considered very carefully. In addition, its wise to avoid any ridden exercise until a horse is approaching Surgery can be used to create a larger gap between thehis or her skeletal maturity at three to four years of age. impinging bones. In some situations, wedges of bone areThis will give his bones the best chance to develop as removed, and in others splitting the ligament betweenthey should. the bones is sufficient. Often the procedure is carried out under standing sedation with a local anesthetic, ratherCorrect saddle fit is important. Gone are the days when than under full general anesthesia. The exact method ofa riders saddle can be expected to fit the six different treatment will depend on how severe the impingementhorses she has in training! As a horse builds muscle and azrusticweddings.com is, and on the preferences of the surgeon and owner. changes shape to adjust to his new career, the saddle Your own personal Weddingmay need to be adjusted.RECOVERYCoordinator handles EVERYTHINGThe prognosis of kissing spines in horses is uncertain,Before you buy a horse, ask your vet to take survey from start to finish, and will be thereas each horse is different and has varying degrees of thisradiographs of his back as part of the pre-purchase exam. condition. The prognosis is good when the condition isSadly, if a defect is found, this wont mean the horse will the day of the wedding as well! treated and if the horse responds to treatment. Kissingavoid developing kissing spines in the future, but it will at spines in horses is becoming more prevalent andleast minimize your risk as a potential buyer. Only with this coupon!$600 OFF!!! LARGEST SELECTION OF Any wedding of 100 guest or more untilBALED FEED IN ARIZONAApril 30, 2020. We Grow and Sell Alfalfa, Bermuda, Rye Grass, Paca Verde, Cow Hay, Oat Hay, and StrawWE ALSO CARRY O.H. KRUSE GRAINWe Load Your Pickup or TrailerWe invite Where theyou to Pavement Ends andLIKE the West begins! us onSHOPS OPENDAILY! Family Owned and Operated Se Hablafor Five Espaol GenerationsDerek James Photography 623-386-2988 BALESFARMS.COMFor more information: 480-488-9129frontiertownaz.com ArizonaRealCountry.com April 2020 7'