b'Break A Rib, Mach 10,AND STOP WITH THE PAPER!!!By Justin Legler , Justin@imperialaz.comM an. Would you look at that desert!! When can you remember the AZ desert getting this much rain, and bein this green Look at all them flowers!!! Crab grass everywhere. ALL vegetation looks like its on steroids right now lol!!! Ive got weeds I swear that are growing 12 a day You??? Cant keep up with them. Mother Nature has blessed The Valley of The Sun another year!!! My youngest son #Coop even got lost in Mustard weed the other day Now that was funny!! I laughed. Yeah Im that kind of Dad I laughed until I started sneezing! AGAIN. Then he laughed cause when Dad sneezes, I try and break a rib lol. Whos got allergies?? Everyone throws an arm up lol You know, Im still trying to figure if I do Never had allergies growing up. People tell me all the time, you can get allergies once you get older. I look at them in disbelief So, what are you saying??? You saying Im getting old lol I started taking their advice this year, Im taking a pill!!!. Still blaming it on Kitty though She hasnt left my bed yet, and Im still trying to get her to take a hint She just looks at me with that look, thats her bed by god lol!Did any of you get out there, and go hiking? No Yeah, me neither I didnt want to be that person in the air stretcher doing Mach 10 in a circle, under the chopper You remember that from last year lol?? Granny was a spinnin.! OK, if anybody knows me, Im a horrible liar I smile!!! And, I just smiled after typing that Keep an eye on the news Might see a recreation of that event but this time, youll see a hand in the air, and foot flying trying to spur Wheres my strong arm emoji Give me 3 lol. Then Id see how far up in the air I am, and start screamin SAVE ME JESUS!!! LOL. Over 2 stories and the concussions Ive had, I can get a little wobbly in the knees No, Im not going to lie because like I said before, I cant!! Of course this time instead of smiling, Ill be squeezing my eyes shut, bear hugging something, and screamin SAVE ME JESUS lol Hello everyone! Happy Spring, and common Easter!! Justin here @ Imperial!Normally I sneak something in here about Imperial, but my story telling got a little long this month Im already at 400 words and I can see Mike saying, Legler. 600 to 800 MAX!!!. OK OK Were busy! Hiring!! Got a new PM guy hired Things are good!!! Follow us on social media Imperial Trailer Sales and Livestock Supply Inc for the trailer side, and Imperial Enterprise Inc for the barn side Always posting jobs, what were doing new, and always doing something funny! Or its funny to us at least lol Even tried to sell paper As in butt wipe You know, toilet paper cause of the shortage.How about that huh?? The Coronavirus Disease 2019, also known as COVID-19. Im not a conspiracy theory kind of guy, but I got one for this one! There I can see Mike again No Politics Legler!!! But seriously You can be either side of the isle!! Every election year, China gets some epidemic illness theres no vaccinations for, at least to begin with. Little fishy to me!! I do got to say!!! But, since were not talking politics, Ill tell you what Ive read on it, and give my opinion! Take it or leave it, and hopefully Im around next month so we can discuss again STOP IT!!! No seriously Stop taking all the toilet paper. WHY??? Its respiratory lol I have never seen a shortage like that in my life Almost like AZ was in a hurricane Whats funny to me is, this isnt new Its been around, and its even been stated that humans / animals have been carriers for years. So why now??? The flu has killed far more people then this virus. What do you do when you get the flu???? Do you rush down and go get the flu shot??? Or, do you let your body fight it, and kick its tail???? HHHHHMMMMM!!!! Whats different with this one??? Think about it people For whatever reason, theyre blowing this one up Just my two cents and hopefully the Corona doesnt bankrupt everyone!! AND.! Quit taking all my darn toilet paper lol!!!! Wash your hands! Wash your face!! Wash your rear end, and stay away from the paper Last, take your darn vitamins!! Ill pray for ya Itll be alright, I promise. Thanks for reading! Justin ArizonaRealCountry.com April 2020 53'