b'SEDONA HIKESSCENIC TRAILS YOU DONT HAVE TO SHARE WITH CROWDSMORE THAN 400 MILES OF TRAILS weave throughthe areas surrounding Sedona so its not impossible toavoid the steady stream of people on the extremelypopular ones like West Fork and Boynton Canyon.t he weather in Sedona can get very hot, and4 MARGS DRAWeven though its dry youll still want to avoidMargs Draw is one of Sedonas easiest and the hottest part of the day, especially duringshortest trails at just over two miles in total the summer months. Hike either early in theand will not take more than an hour and a half.morning or in the evening before sunset to avoidThe trail is well-marked and sees few crowds apart the heat. Pack plenty of water and make sure tofrom a few locals. This is surprising considering the drink regularly while hiking, even if you dont feelscenic beauty and close proximity to town. There particularly thirsty. is not much shade along the trail, although many pretty views of green prickly pear cactus, as well as 1 SCHUERMAN 2 trailforks.com juniper, Arizona cypress, and pinyon pines, line the route. From the trailhead, take Margs Draw Spur MOUNTAIN TRAIL A Trail east. Youll hike to the junction with Margs This peaceful, quiet trail offers more solitudeDraw Trail and continue straight on. The route than most in the area. The trail starts at Sedona2 ROUNDABOUT TRAIL ambles through the desert, lined by agave and High School and angles uphill at a moderate tilt forjuniper, with Munds Mountain looming ahead and a half-mile before reaching the rim. Schuerman isSedona keeps expanding its alreadySnoopy Rock to your left. When the route ends, more a mesa than a mountain. Its about two milesimpressive trail system. The recentlyturn around and retrace your steps.to the vista. At the top, youve got some choices.completed Western Gateway Trails added 30 new A right turn leads to the summit and beyond thatmiles with a knot of interconnected pathways some impressive views of the Verde Valley or youcarved from juniper-clad slopes above Dry Creek. can bear left at the signed junction with the VistaThis new trail loops around to see panoramic red Trail (0.3 miles), ending at a ledge of basaltic lavarock views and a small canyon with interesting rocks with panoramic views of Cathedral Rock andfeatures. Its a 2.5-mile out-and-back that takes neighboring formations. Sunset is a great time toapproximately 2 hours to hike. Views to the north hike this trail to watch the vivid colors light up theinclude Cockscomb, Doe Mountain, and Bear rocks. Just dont forget headlamps or flashlights.Mountain. It ends at the Girdner Trail and a right turn will take you back to the trailhead.3 STIRRUPSADDLE UP LOOPStart on Stirrup, which drops into the woods and crosses and re-crosses a storm-gnawed3arroyo. Youll pass the first junction with Saddle Up and weave across a graveled flat through antrailforks.comorchard of junipers. At 1.4 miles Stirrup ends at the Girdner Trail alongside the northern terminus of Saddle Up. Take a right on Saddle Up as it wraps around the hillside, climbing to the top of the plateau. Here youll have views that range from west Sedona to the Village of Oak Creek including Courthouse Butte and Bell Rock. The trail comes close to a few homes, which comes as a surprise 1 after so much quiet time in the backcountry. The4trail reconnects with Stirrup, veers left, and heads vienrguenther.com back to the trailhead. It is just under 3.5 miles total. sedonamonthly.com/ Deb Weinkauff24 August 2022'