b"THE WORLDS OLDEST CONTINUOUS RODEO 139th PERFORMANCE P ayson, Arizona is whereNamed the country's Best Small Rodeo (according toAnnouncers along the parade rodeo began. Started intheProfessional Rodeo Cowboys Association, whichroute will keep you posted on 1884 the Annual World'ssanctions the event) and recently named as the Officialthe coming entries and provide Oldest Continuous RodeoBest Small-Town PRCA Rodeo in the West by True Westmusic for your entertainment.is a world-famous eventMagazine, it continues to attract the best of the best fromSo, bring your mountain that will celebrate its 139thall over the world to compete for substantial prize money. chair, water, and the kids, and consecutive year in2022 onenjoy a great morning with August 19 and 20. Rodeo performances start at7:00 p.m. Fridayandsome fabulous entertainment, Saturdaynightand at 1:00 p.m. Saturdayafternoon. Gatesantique cars, clowns, horses, The first rodeos in Paysonopen two hours prior to the performances. Friday is theand help Rim Country celebrate provided local ranchers andTough Enough to Wear Pink night that helps raise fundsThe Worlds Oldest Continuous cowhands a chance to get togetherfor local breast cancer support groups. Saturday evening isRodeo.For parade applications, and compare their roping andthe Patriot Performance that honors our returning, fallenplease go to the Chamber orranching skills during the annualand wounded veterans, with a special tribute during theto www.rimcountrychamber.down time before the big fallrodeo. Saturday afternoon is Family Day with prizes forcom. Applications are due by roundup. There were only a couplekids. Tickets are available online atwww.paysonprorodeo. August 1st.of events in those early rodeos,com . Tickets will also be available at the gate, but some but it was not long before cowboysperformances sell out early. Adding to the fun on Friday and from all over the state and beyondSaturday nights you can kick were showing up to compete in new events like broncThe rodeo festivities include the rodeo parade. It will beup your heels at the Payson Pro busting, bull riding, and steer roping. held on August 20, starting at 9:00 a.m. on historic MainRodeo official after party and Street in Payson, Arizona. The Parade is sponsored by Thedance at the Payson Rodeo Grounds.The band will begin Early Payson rodeos weren't held in fancy arenas. In fact,Rim Country Kiwanis of Zane Gray Country. It includesplaying at 9:00 p.m. each night and there is no cover charge the original venue was a meadow near the intersection ofclowns, rodeo queens and their courts, the Payson Highfor rodeo ticket holders and families are welcome. Cover Main Street and Highway 87/The Beeline. Wagons andSchool Band, local floats, riders, first responder teams andcharge is only $5.00 if you did not attend the rodeo, all are later autos created barriers to line Main Street to form themany other great entries from all over Arizona.Join inwelcome and under 21 must be accompanied by an adult.'arena.' This years activities will feature everything fromthe fun when real cowboys and cowgirls strut their stuff, beautiful rodeo royalty to the Shriners participation in thealong with floats, cars, tractors, team bands and units ofCome join the fun and experience the place where rodeo annual rodeo parade.the El Zaribah Shriners.The parade will go east frombegan over 139 years ago in Payson, Arizonas Cool Green Valley Park along Main Street to Sawmill Crossing. Mountain Town! Information: 928-295-8109RODEOPAYSON, ARIZONA &HISTORY & RODEO TRADITIONSF rom a population of 42, Green Valley grew intoto visit, eat, gamble, race their horses, dance, and showTo learn more about Payson and our rodeo traditions Payson and in 1884 it became the home of rodeo.off their cowboy and cowgirl skills. From 1885 to 1926read Rodeo 101 by Jinx and Jayne Pyle. Much of the Today, the Worlds Oldest Continuous Rodeo.most of Paysons rodeos were held in the dirt on Maininformation here is from that book. If you cannot find a Payson was a remote settlement until the completion ofStreet. The celebration lasted several days. copy, check out the Historical Societys museum store in the Beeline Highway in 1958 and a well-kept secret intoGreen Valley Park on West Main Street.the 1950s. Prior to the Beeline in 1935 it took 12 hours toTodays Worlds Oldest Continuous Rodeo brings many get here from Phoenix via Bush Highway. visitors from the Valley and all over the world as farThe Payson Pro Rodeo Committee owns and produces away as Norway, Germany, France, and Australia.Thethe annual Worlds Oldest Continuous Rodeo as The first organizers for the Payson Rodeo wererodeo costs a pretty penny to produce; today to thewell as the spring rodeo, the Gary Hardt Memorial Charlie Meadows and John Chilson, both coming fromtune of more than $100,000. Early Payson rodeos wereRodeo.Their mission is to keep the Western heritage California to Payson. The first rodeo was held in afunded creatively. In the 1920s there were smallerand lifestyle alive here in Rim Country. Through the midtown pasture off Main Street in 1884just southwestcrowds and money was not plentiful. Payson wasproduction of the rodeos, they provide funds for their of the intersection of Highway 87 and Main Street. At thestill a remote mountain town far away from the long501c3 non-profit to supply scholarships for local needy first rodeos, no admission was charged and there werearm of state and federal law enforcement, so rodeoRim Country graduating seniors for both vocational no cash awards, but bragging rights were awarded, andorganizers decided to use gambling to fund the rodeoand academic studies, and to also help local breast plenty of cash changed hands.perfectly legal according to the law north of the Saltcancer and veteran support groups. Added funding Riveras noted by Jinx Pyle in his book Rodeo 101!is supplied to other needs and also local high school The name of the Payson rodeo evolved over the years.Gambling tents, slot machines, roulette wheels, dice,sports activities. An added benefit locally is the It was first called the August Races (horse racing wasand blackjack did a bang-up business between 6 p.m.economic impact of our rodeos. This is the result of a big event in those early years to see whose horse wasand midnight each evening of the rodeo. Most rodeosvisitors to Rim Country at rodeo time. It is estimated the fastest) then later the August Celebration or thetoday, including Paysons, are funded by national,that those visitors produce more than $3,000,000 in August Doins, and finally the Payson Rodeo. It was trulyregional, and more importantly local sponsors.Thesales from rooms, food, and fuel that they purchase. A a celebration for the whole town. It was an opportunitygate proceeds cover a little more or less than 60% ofgood reason for all of us to get behind and support our anticipated by everyone, as much as Christmasa timewhat is needed to put on the show. rodeo tradition here in Payson.ArizonaRealCountry.com August 2022 33"