b'Curly Bill andLessons Not Learned whathappenedontheporch,Curly Afterhearing BilldemandsthatWallacebringBreckbacktothe several locals areHomicide by Misadventuresaloon for a public apology. Humiliated, Wallace does as he is told. Curly Bill is unsatisfied with the apology, January 9, 1881 however, and threatens to shoot Wallaces horse.drinking it up at the Alhambra SaloonThe cow-boys then take up residence at another October 28,1880: Fresh off the trail fromsays, I am an officer of the law, give me your (also known assaloon, Babcocks. After more abuse from Curly Bill, SanSimon,wheresomebelieveheandhispistol.AsCurlyBillreachestopullouthis Corrigans)CURLY BILLS TABLE MANNERS Wallace decides it is a good time to leave. pards treed the town and attempted to hijack apistol, Wyatt gets behind Curly Bill and wraps in Tombstone. The worst trick I ever knew him to do wasSoon after Wallaces departure, Curly Bill leaves locomotive, Curly Bill Brocius bringsthesaloon.WhileCurlyBillmountshissee if he is to go into a restaurant once, while the peoplehis arms around him tohorse, his mayhem to Tombstone.Wallacestepsforwardandshootsatpointblank were at dinner. He was drunk and pulled outcarrying anymore weapons.After a tall bucking at Brownsrange.ThebullethitsCurlyBillintheneckand his two revolvers and laid them beside his plate,Grabbing the barrel of Curly Bills and ordered everyone at the table to wait untilpasses through his cheek, taking out a tooth as it corral, the boisterous cow-boys retirepistol,MarshalWhitebarks,Now, After multiplehe was through, as it was ungentlemanly andyou God damned son of a bitch, give to Allen Street and land in Corrigansexits his jaw.drinks, the rowdyHearingthegunshot,Curlyspardsquicklycome crew spills out ontosaloon. The cow-boys are joined by aoutside and disarm Wallace. Others carry the cow-boy impolitetorisebeforeallhadfinishedtheirupthatpistol!Ashetriestojerk meal. Of course, everybody in the restaurant satthe pistol out of the cow-boys hand, local,AndrewMcCauley,cow-boy Allen Street andand waited until Bill got done eating, but he wasleader to a nearby doctors office.Dick Lloyd (the tall bucker), rancherit goes off. several pull theirso full he laid down his head upon his arms andBilly, someone shot me, Curly Bill says to Breck, Frank Patterson, Ed Collins, AndrewI am shot! says White, as he falls. who has heard the shooting and came to investigate. pistols and shootfell asleep, and the folks were so afraid of him that they supposed he Ames and a Charleston miner namedThe muzzle blast sets his pants afire, Who was it? the outlaw asks.at the moon. was just shamming sleep as to get a chance to shoot the first one who James Johnson. After several drinks, the partyand someone snuffs the flames.Breck says he doesnt know, but he assures Curly rose from the table. They all waited until he awoke, when he paid the spills out onto Allen Street, with one or moreWyattbrandishesaborrowedpistoland Curly Bill Brocius shoots up Tombstone on more than one occasion, stated Tombstone diarist Bill he will find out. Walking up the street to Babcocks bill for the crowd and left.of the men pulling their pistols and firing sev- clubs Curly Bill on the head, knocking him to George Parsons. Curly Bill and his boisterous cow-boy pards also take over a church meeting in Charleston and corral,thedeputyfindsWallace,disarmedand Fresh out of jail in Tucson, Curly Bill Tom Thorton, hotel keeper in Galeyvilleeral shots at the moon and stars. theground.WhathaveIdone?CurlyBill make the minister dance. Although suspected in several stage holdups that plague the surrounded by cow-boys who want to lynch him.Brocius leads a group of cow-boys back Wyatt Earp andCurlyBilltriestostoptheshooting,say- demands.Ihavenotdoneanythingtobe mining district, Curly Bill is never charged. Breckarreststheyoungcow-boywithoutinci-to the San Pedro River, where they take his brother Morganingaccordingtoaneyewitnessthiswontandtakeshimdowntothelocaljusticeof itupstreamandstopatachurchfourdentarrested for.Curly Bill (far left ) was arrested the next day for his church miles from Charleston. shenanigans and charged $25 for disturbing the peace. Curly DEATH RIDES A PALE HORSE theWyattdoctorpronouncesCurlyBillsjail, hear the illegaldo, boys, but the men continue their promis- peace.Thegrabsthecow-boybythecollarand paid, Deputy Sheriff William Breakenridge reported, but said shooting and runandgoinginside,Curlycuous fuselage. As locals gather on the streetmarcheshimovertothesmallwooden Dismountingchanceofsurvivalas50/50,towhichtheoutlaw no more church for him, it was too expensive.to the scene. proclaims, Whenever I get an even chance, I always Bill, followed by his gang, demands theto see what all the shooting is about, three inmere feet away from the fracas. Wyatt and his parsontostophistalkorCurlyBillMAY 19, 1881 thecow-boycrowd,includingCurlyBill,runbrothers Virgil and Morgan round up the rest come out ahead.will shoot an eye out. You can find out what happened to Curly Bill in the behind a building on the south side of the road. ofthepartyandarrestEdCollins,Andrew Curly Bill Brocius is holding courtattachment on a store that has gonenext installment of True West Moments, or, you can Curly Bill proceeds to taunt and humiliate theCurly Bill and pards shoot up Fifth Town Marshal Fred White suddenly appearsAmes, Dick Lloyd, Frank Patterson and James inGaleyville,withhiscow-boyand Allen in Tombstone more than once. pastthebuy this book, below.pastor, making him dance like a fool in front ofoutofbusiness,walks from around the corner. Several men run up,Johnson.cohorts.JimWallace,aveteranofsaloonwhenWallacecomesout his horrified congregation. includingWyattEarp,justasthemarshal theLincolnCountyWar,ridesupandconfrontshim,askingifhe, Nine days later, the terror from San Simon In an arroyo (behind ona his pards horsewithawhite-City, wheretoo, is after that horse.andchestnutinvade Contention the current location stripedface,dismountsandjoinsNo, Breakenridge replies, I am the cow-boy devils begin to tree the south end of the Birdcage) of the town. Wyatt Earp (center, with pistol) Brocius and friends on the porch ofriding a better horse than that. Wyatt, Morganeveryonetheycanfind,theWallace reaches for his revolver, a saloon.abusing Afterand his brother Virgil (at left, and Marshal Whitecatchuponbut Breck (as his friends call him) gang gravitates to the north end where they go Whilethecow-boys attempt to disarmlocalconstablequickly pulls out his pistol from hiswith shotgun) establish a in a store, rob the till of $50 and commit other thelatestnews, Goodmancomesdownthestreet,waistband and jams it into Wallacesdeadline around the jail and outrages like shooting at a peaceable citizen.Curly Bill with noticesbrave citizens arm themselves andstomach,andwithhisotherhandwarn everyone not to cross it. Severalhorse and asks Wallace thetragic results.whereout onit.Insulted,Wallacethe out- TREEING A TOWN The Earps and others guard the comehegotthe street to confrontgrabs the cow-boys gun hand, over- To learn more about thelaws, but Curly Bill and his men pay them nopowering him. To learn more about thepullshispistolandshootsattheHunters consider it a victory when theirjail all night against lynching. At 23 gunfights behind the O.K. Corral attention. Eventually, gunfire erupts on bothdogs chase game and run it up aarresthim,the23 gunfights behind the O.K. groundnearGoodmansheels,Ratherthantree andthe time of the White shooting, pick up Bob Boze Bells Classic sides with neither side taking any casualties.surround it. Websters definition of treeingCorral pick up Bob Boze Bellssaying as he does, If you want thatBAD BOY BROCIUS deputy returns Wallaces pistol andTombstone has a makeshift Gunfights Vol. IIAfter a full day of bedevilment, the cow-boysis: To bring to bay. To putinto a positiona foolClassic Gunfights Vol. IIhorsemorethanIdo,takehim.exhorts him to stop making To learn more about the 23wooden jail. Fred Dodge later finally decide to decamp and head up into theofextremedisadvantage:corner.This The lawman quickly leaves in the midst of laughter,of himself. Leaving Wallace behind, Breck enters the gunfights behind the O.K. Corraldescribes it: This Lockup was hills toward Tombstone where they intend tobecomes a favorite pastime of the cow-boys and the cow-boys think it is all great sport. Deputysaloon and buys a round of drinks for the boys. With pick up Bob Boze Bells TrueWestMagazine.comtree that worthy town as well. as they tree towns and settlements all overabout 10 by 12 and made of Sheriff Billy Breakenridge, who is in town to servethings back under control, Breck leaves to finish the Classic Gunfights Vol. II TrueWestMagazine.comthe Tombstone Mining District. Hinventory at the store. h2x4one on top of the other Iand Each one spiked down to the otherit was quite Strong and 34 August 2022 TrueWestMagazine.com Secure for the ordinary purpose.'