b'THE GREAT SALOME GOLD RUSH OF 1909 Commerce for the small desert whistle stop. Hall planned to THERE WASNT MUCH AROUND SALOME IN THOSE DAYS, work it the best he could. His By Bill Roberts Reprinted from The Traveler BUT THERE WAS A BELT OF LIMESTONE AND SCHIST THATnext dispatch told of $10,000 CIRCLED THE TOWN, A BELT THAT SOON WAS TO BECOME worth of gold being taken out ONE OF THE MOST POPULATED LIMESTONE AND of the gulch after one dynamite SCHIST BELTS IN THE TERRITORY.shot. He wrote of boulders weighing hundreds of pounds being taken from the hole after the blast with some consisting of one-quarter to one-third gold. The next day, Hall wrote of a local assayer, a Mr. Poper, running the first assays on the strike. Poper calculated the ore ranged from $338,510 to $117,734 to $254,000 to $179,440 to the ton, respectively, on the four samples he assayed. Natural jewelry on the ground, wrote Hall. The greatest The Miner was obviously on top of this story,discovery Arizona ever knew, he penned. This strike almost as if it had a reporter in Salome when thewas so rich, Hall said that the boys who discovered boys brought in the first gold. It did. Dick Wickit would break off a piece of ore and give it to Hall had wired the news to the Miner in Prescott.anyone in the crowd who had come to see the greatJune 2022Volume 9Issue 8FREE Volume 9Issue 9FREEJuly 2022He told them he was leaving town but promised tobonanza. Seems these fellows can now afford to be wire more on Saturday night. There was more. Thegenerous, Hall penned.Journal Miner ran daily reports for the next couple of weeks on the Big Bonanza. Perhaps once after a rain Halls desert frog fell ina mud puddle and drowned. But a belly dancer?It worked for Salome, it worked for the Miner, andA great gold bonanza? The biggest gold strikeit worked for Dick Wick Hall, Salomes biggestever in Arizona Territory? Darn if thats not hardbooster. The old scribe was a one-man Chamber ofto believe.THE CIRCLE L RANCH STORYNEW! ID Cowgirl W ith A Pen:JS .I EA F N UO John Samsill II I NP T I HE The Arizona Duuude P R N E O O N F P E E A CEO O NG96.3 Countr I y Cookin T MA E Y M OR N C O T HN A O T W A MO L OR T E A ,TU T CEM R ARE H A AN H YNR VED W H YUPCOMNGCONCERTS R 96.3 Real Countr S S LYSOUR &CALShutterstock / Victorian Traditions96.3 Real Countr I y MARTNAMCB Photo by Ashley Grace PhotographyGRAND A CERT y UPP Your #1 Equine ENDUPCOMINGCON403 N. Florence St., Casa Grande, AZ 85122(520) 426-7702WesternTradingPost.comBUY, SELL, TRADE, or AUCTION How can we help you?Upcoming Auction: September 10ArizonaRealCountry.com August 2022 45'