b'Your Constitutional Rights 73 RDANNUALBy Randy Miller GOLD RUSH DAYS Director of the Constitutional Sheriffsand Peace Officers Association for ArizonaI C E L E B R A T I O N & R O D E Oneed to address the out-of-control governmental actions that have occurred over the past two years. We know this has been going on much longer,FEB 11-13, 2022but most recently, it has been an epidemic of power-grabbing actions never granted nor intended to any level of government. In previous articles, I explained where the authority of government comes from, the specific roles each branch serves and that this authority is reserved for a particular branch of government. We know that the power is "inherent in the people that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed and the purpose of government is to protect and maintain individual rights." This reservation of power is codified in our state Constitutions and stated in our Declaration of Independence.We all have a right to protect our home, property, family, and self from violence or any otherIts back! Wickenburg celebrates its origins as a historic ranching infringement to our safety and happiness. We can do this by force if necessary. But, if we all did this independently and based on our understanding of what is suitable for the situation, we would have chaos. Laws are nothing more than a collective effort of the people toand gold mining center in this legendary heritage event. Join us!establish a full-time system to protect us, maintain order, provide justice and services to keep us civil and safe. So, "We the People" establish governments to protect our rights from others violating them while setting limits on that system.Today, we have a battle between value systems and the government wanting total dictatorship over our lives. That battle has morphed into employing private corporations to do the government\'s bidding regarding things they cannot do. We didn\'t establish government to protect us from government, but to protect us from others violating our rights. The government, of course, cannot step outside the bounds of their creation and any act in this manner makes it invalid and unenforceable. Corporations cannot do anything the government or neighbor cannot do to an individual. They cannot become an arm of enforcement for government wishes or ideologies. Remember, the purpose of government is to protect our "individual" rights.10% OFF So, why are we allowing corporations to violate our rights and do so under unconstitutional practices of a federal government system with no authority to do so themselves? Mandating the wearing of masks, claiming it is federal law, which it is not and which there is no authority. Mandating experimental "vaccines," is not a power granted to the federal or state governments, and coercing employees to take the shot or lose their job is not something corporations can do. These acts violate our protected rights under our Constitutions and ANY REGULAR PRICED ITEM erode any hopes of maintaining our constitutional form of government the longer it occurs.These acts are all in violation of the very laws the people put in place to protect us and violate Excludes Tools & Equipment. international law, the Nuremberg Code. The United States participated in and was the lead prosecutor in the Nuremberg trials and now is delegitimizing our position\'s long-standing Mention Arizona Real Country Magazine. values, that of individual liberty over our medical decisions and body. It is our property, and we cannot "be deprived of life, liberty or property" without due process of law.How is this a violation of our laws? These acts by corporations are done through coercion, fear, and intimidation, which is A.R.S.13-2308 -Terrorism. They are threatening you with the loss of your job and ability to care for your family violating A.R.S.13-1202 -Threatening or Intimidating. Hospitals and corporations are accepting money for their participation in harming others and violating their rights, in violation of A.R.S.13-2310 - Fraudulent Schemes and Artifices; A.R.S.13-2308.01 - Participating in or Assisting a Criminal Syndicate; A.R.S.13-2314.04 - Racketeering. Hospitals and corporations have criminal liability based on A.R.S.13-306 - Criminal Liability of an Individual for Conduct of an Enterprise and A.R.S.13- 302 - Criminal Liability based upon conduct. Additionally, there is substantial proof and facts to show that COVID-19 and theSENIOR PRO RODEO"vaccines" are biological weapons, therefore violating A.R.S.13-2308.03 - Unlawful UseCARNIVALof Infectious Biological Substance. ARTISAN FAIRAs a member of Health for Hands and Freedom, I am aware of the Front Line COVID-19WESTERN STUNTSCritical Care Alliance (FLCCA), and Americas Front-Line Doctors, that are medical professionals willing to testify to the facts stated above. That COVID-19 and the "vaccines"CLASSIC CAR SHOWare biological weapons, and we are in the midst of a modern-day Nuremberg crisis. We needGOLD PANNINGsome constitutionally minded sheriffs, county attorneys, and state attorney generals to openMORE!an investigation into the facts and allegations and let the system decide based on the facts. We prefer a grand jury to hear and see the evidence gathered.Until then, we continue to assist members from Southwest Airlines, Boeing, hospital928-684-0977workers, and others impacted by this vaccine\'s victimization and harm. Additionally, the hospitals are illegitimately following "CDC protocol" for COVID-19 that is doing more harmOUTWICKENBURGWAY.COMthan good as a means to accept large sums of money in the process.Photo:Craig W. Cutler Fine Art FACEBOOK.COM/WICKENBURGAZ 10 January 2022AZ Real Country 1.indd 1 12/15/21 12:38 PM'