b"By Jim and Bobbi Jeen Olson,WesternTradingPost.comA round the first of each year,high in the beginning that they a lot of people get in theseem unattainable for where goal setting mood. Theyyou are at in life. Doing this make New Year's resolutions or setmay just be setting yourself up goals that they wish to reach in thefor disappointment. Remember upcoming year. For some reason orthat you cannot reach the goal of another, tradition gets people intobeing a multi-millionaire without this mode at the first of each Newfirst reaching the goal of making Year. I personally believe that goalone hundred thousand dollars setting should be a far more regularand so on. Long-term goals are occurrence. I go over my own goalsmeant to be big, to be all that you on pretty much a daily basis. Ashave ever dreamed of, but dont part of my morning routine, I goforget that along the way other over my short, mid, and long-termgoals need to be reached first. I goals. By going over my goals daily,dont think that there is anything I keep a fresh mental image of themwrong with shooting for the in my mind. I believe that a personstars, actually I encourage it but needs to have such goals in life for,remember to aim at something a without them, you will just wanderlittle closer first (and enjoy each aimlessly through life or just be instep or accomplishment along a ho-hum existence. It is also verythe way).important that you have short, mid, and long-term goals. Each is a stepSome people get caught up in that leads to the next. For just as you cannot learn to run a race before you can walk,just thinking about their long-term goals or thinking about their biggest dreams. you cannot reach your long-term goals or biggest dreams without setting a set ofMost of these people would be referred to as dreamers; I dont think that there smaller goals to reach along the way. is anything wrong with being a dreamer. I have been one myself for most of my life. Thinking big was never a problem for me, but I didnt have a good solid Short-term goals to me are goals that I plan to reach today, tomorrow, or maybeplan on how I was going to get there. It was only after I realized that I need to within the next 30 days or so. Short-term goals are the basics. Things like I willbuild the steps along the way that I started to realize that my long-term goals have a positive attitude today and I will rope the roping dummy correctly 10were attainable. As I learned to enjoy the moment, and enjoy reaching shorter times this morning are examples. Short-term goals are the little details in life,terms goals, my long-term goals became easier to reach also. At that point, I had the fundamentals, or the building blocks that you need to lay before gettingto readjust my long-term goals to loftier heights to keep pushing myself onward bigger. Short terms goals such as I will enroll in education classes today or Iand upward.will take a lesson from a pro today are things that we must do before going on to our larger goals. No matter how successful you have become, the short termsOn the other end of the spectrum are the folks who are so focused on short-term goals are still important to you. Depending on where you are at in life your goalsgoals or little details, that they lose sight of the whole big picture. Weve all heard may differ greatly, but the formula for attaining your goals is still the same.the saying he cant see the forest for the trees. It is this type of person who, (in Start with that first step and then build from there. The amazing thing is thatmy opinion) needs to quit focusing so much on the small stuff and learn to dream each day there is a new step to take. No matter where you may be in your goal- bigger, or set long-term goals and believe in them also. I am a firm believer in reaching process, the basics still apply every day. World champion ropers still gowhat the mind expects, the mind will get. While it is all well and good to do the out and rope the dummy correctly so many times each day, and people who areshort-term goals well, you need to have a balance of mid and long-term goals also successful in life are constantly reapplying the basics over and over. Striving toor your mind will never open up and think big. Just as a dreamer needs to learn to be the best that you can be at each aspect of your life that will happen that day isput that first step forward, the guy who cant see the forest for the trees needs to a great short-term goal to apply. learn to step back and get a hold of the big picture also. We all have personalities that automatically put us at different points on the spectrum between being a Mid-term goals are goals that I have for the next few weeks or maybe even fordreamer and being a detail guy, but as long as we are honest with ourselves about the next year depending upon the size of each particular goal. Mid-term goalsour strengths and weaknesses, and dont mind a little change, we can all become are things that dont happen overnight, but they are important in reaching thesuccessful at reaching all of our lifes goals.overall long-term goal. Things like I will get my (fill in the blank) certification this year or I will win 5 belt buckles this year are examples of mid-term goals.As I mentioned in the beginning, I believe that goals are important for us all to They are things that cannot be accomplished in one or two days, but they are nothave. For the person who has no goal, no aim, or no focus in life, is just coasting your biggest dreams of what you plan to accomplish either. Mid-term goals are asalong. That is the person who wakes up one day and says to themselves, Where equally important as short-term goals in eventually accomplishing your long- did my life go? What did I do with my life? Have I even accomplished one term goals. Mid-term goals are bigger pieces of the puzzle, but they are piecesthing to be proud of or to be remembered for? But even for this person, it is not nonetheless. Without the appropriate pieces, the overall puzzle, big picture, long- too late, no matter how many yesterdays that you have under your belt, today is term goal, or what have you cannot be completed. Taking yourself to the next levelalways a new day and tomorrow is always ahead of you. It is never too late to start at whatever you are doing is a great mid-term goal to have. improving yourself and your life. So as you read this article, and you have been thinking about some new goals for the first part of the year, or you have made Long-term goals are usually the ending point of a certain goal. They are wheresome New Years' resolutions, make one that will last. Make a resolution or a goal you want to eventually end up. They may be a year out, or maybe 10 years outthat you will accomplish (fill in the blank), and then figure out how you are going or more. Long-term goals should not be small in my opinion. Things like I willto get there from here. Find your short, mid, and long-term steps or goals that it is win a world champion or I will pay off this ranch or I will have a net worthgoing to take to accomplish your desired result. Then dont forget to go over that of 20 million are examples of long-term goals. Long-term goals can be tricky.plan in your mind on a daily or at least a weekly basis. Build a strong mental image They should be big, but should also be attainable. Remember that you can alwaysof your goal, and keep it fresh in your mind. And then dont be afraid to work hard adjust upward with your goals as you have completed or reached certain levels.and adjust as necessary along the way. Remember to wholeheartedly believe in You should always dream big and have lofty goals in mind, but dont set them soyourself and your goals, and I am confident that you will reach them! 22 January 2022"